‘Touch Not My Anointed Ones’: 5 Areas to Discern When Dealing With Others
“Touch not my anointed ones, do my prophets no harm!”
Psalm 105:15 (ESV)
Hi friends! In the years since I’ve been writing prophetically with the Lord, this is the first time God has confirmed a message with such urgency. I know this word isn’t for everyone, but for those it speaks to, please consider bookmarking this page and revisiting it in the coming weeks.
In this season, God is calling His people to stand firm and be alert. We are urged to put on the full armor of God so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:11). The Lord is sounding an alarm, reminding us that “our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities, and powers of this dark world.” In times of struggle and opposition, we must be “strong in the Lord and in His mighty power” (Ephesians 6:10). This power is not our own; it comes from the Lord, who is faithful to strengthen us when we draw near to Him.
The Lord also brought to my heart a specific scripture for those facing deceit and opposition in this season—Psalm 64:5.
David, in this psalm, cries out to God about the evil intentions of his enemies, who attack him with words and schemes designed to destroy his life. David writes, “They encourage each other to do evil and plan how to set their traps in secret. ‘Who will ever notice?’ they ask” (Psalm 64:5).
These words highlight the arrogance of those who plot harm, assuming they can operate in secrecy without consequence. But David reminds us that God sees every scheme and deception and that His justice will prevail.
Some of you are navigating relationships with individuals deeply entrenched in moral corruption. As God begins to administer His justice, it’s crucial that you step aside and allow His divine hand to work. He has extended endless opportunities for these individuals to repent and return to Him, but their hearts remain hardened. The Lord’s heart is particularly grieved by those who target His Kingdom’s work and aim to dismantle the sanctity of the family unit.
The Lord says, "Touch not My anointed ones who are advancing My Kingdom." Jesus sees every insult, every deceitful scheme, and every attempt to slander His faithful servants. He has shown these people extraordinary grace, but now the season has shifted. The time of accountability and “reckoning” has arrived, and God will settle all accounts in His perfect righteousness. Trust His process and let Him act.
“Reckoning” refers to a time of judgment, accountability, or settling accounts. God is a Judge and He is bringing hidden things to light. Individuals and groups will have to face the results of their choices, whether good or bad. The Lord’s justice is certain, and He will act in His perfect timing to reveal truth and uphold righteousness.
Galatians 6:7-8: "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life."
Here’s what to prepare for in the coming weeks…
Be watchful and do not trust everyone.
Some adversaries may masquerade as caring friends, family, or even as holy individuals and they will pretend to have good intentions. However, their hearts are far from God. David points to their twisted motivations, their calculated words, and their readiness to deceive. “They shoot from ambush at the innocent; they shoot suddenly, without fear” (Psalm 64:4). They believe that no one sees their sins, grievous acts, addictions, lewdness, crimes, or hears their whispers and slanders. But nothing is hidden from the Lord Jesus, who is faithful to bring every hidden thing to light in His time! Again, vengeance belongs to King Jesus!
I want you to understand that it will not be easy when divine retribution starts to come against these people. This will be especially hard for those of you who have the gift of mercy. However, please understand that God’s justice is part of His perfect love. His ways are higher than our ways, and His judgments are always righteous. While your heart may ache for those who face the consequences of their choices, remember that retribution is also an invitation to repentance and a call to return to Father God.
Please continue to pray for transformation and healing in the lives of these individuals, even as you witness the Lord’s justice at work. Hold onto faith, knowing that God’s discipline can also lead to restoration. Our loving Heavenly Father is always moving in love, even when it brings correction.
Matthew 5:10-12
"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." (Matthew 5:10-12, NIV)
1). Guard Against Deception
The Lord is warning us that deception is widespread right now, often hidden behind those who may appear well-intentioned. Some of these individuals might say the right things or even invoke the name of Jesus in public. But remember, not every voice that speaks His name or does “Christian” things truly aligns with God’s heart. This is a time to sharpen your spiritual discernment. Spending time with God is essential and you must seek His wisdom and guidance to navigate these times.
Jesus Himself warned that many would claim His name, yet He does not know those who "practice lawlessness" (Matthew 7:22-23). The term "lawlessness" here refers to actions or attitudes that disregard God’s commands and live outside the moral and spiritual laws that Jesus taught. Be vigilant; don’t rely solely on words. Test the spirits, examine the fruit, and look beyond appearances.
2). Pay Attention to Lifestyles
Even when someone professes Christianity or follows “religious practices,” observe their actions, lifestyle, and the fruit of the Spirit. Jesus taught, “You will know them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16), urging us to recognize true followers by the evidence in their lives. Jesus wasn’t calling for harsh judgment but for discernment. He wanted His followers to evaluate a person’s life over time rather than be misled by appearances, eloquence, or empty promises.
3). ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Fruit Will Be Evident
Those who truly follow Christ embrace a life of purity, rejecting behaviors that defy God’s teachings, such as sexual immorality, lewdness, manipulation, drunkenness, lying, slander, gossip, greed, and other worldly habits. The redeemed understand that they are “called to be holy” (1 Peter 1:15-16), striving to reflect God’s character in their actions. They honor their bodies as “a temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor. 6:19-20), recognizing that they are set apart for God’s glory. True followers live with the awareness that they belong to God and seek to honor Jesus in every area of life.
Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you discernment and reveal truth in every situation, protecting your heart from deception. Trust what Jesus shows you about others, knowing that “the Spirit of truth…will guide you into all the truth” (John 16:13). As Jesus said, “Every tree is recognized by its own fruit” (Luke 6:44)—good fruit cannot grow from a corrupt heart, nor bad fruit from a redeemed one.
4). Be Wise with Your Words and Associations
In this season, be cautious of the company you keep and the words you share. There are those who may twist what you say or seek to use it against you, just as the Pharisees did with Jesus. Proverbs warns, “The tongue has the power of life and death” (Proverbs 18:21). Speak life, wisdom, and truth, and avoid sharing what is sacred with those who may misuse it. Trust the Lord to reveal who is trustworthy, and do not feel pressured to let everyone into your inner circle.
5). Stand Firm in Faith and Resist Fear
Though the enemy’s schemes may seem intimidating, do not be afraid. The Lord promises to go before you and fight your battles. Isaiah 41:10 reassures us: “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” In the face of opposition, fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Resist fear and stand firm in the power of His might. Let this time of opposition strengthen you, knowing that every battle is a chance for God to display His power and faithfulness in your life.
Beloved, as you stand equipped and ready, be confident that God Himself is your Defender, and He will bring justice for His people. Though enemies may plot and scheme, God’s plans for you are secure, and His justice will not be delayed. Remember, God is El Roi — "The God Who Sees." He sees every detail of your life—the struggles, the hopes, and even the things you feel no one else understands. He also sees those who have caused you harm and those who harbor ill intentions against you, even in the secrecy of their hearts.
Nothing gets past our Heavenly Father.
Last night, I dreamed about someone in my life I’ve been seeking clarity about in prayer, and the Lord revealed to me, “They are wearing a mask.” When we seek God with a pure heart, He will bring the hidden motivations and deceitfulness to light. He exposes what is hidden so we can walk in truth and make wise decisions. The Lord Jesus also brings discernment so we know how to handle these people.
With that said, even when others walk in deception or cause harm, God calls us to forgive fully and keep our hearts free from bitterness. Forgiving doesn’t mean we ignore or accept harmful actions. It also doesn’t mean we allow others to be in our lives when God makes it clear to say away from them. Rather, when we choose to forgive, we let go of bitterness and trust Jesus to take care of the situation. By doing this, we allow God to work in His way and timing, knowing He will bring justice and truth to light. ALLOW GOD TO FIGHT YOUR BATTLES! HE ALWAYS SHOWS UP!
For those who carry the word of the Lord, continue to speak truth even when it’s hard. Scripture tells us twice, "Do not touch My anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm" (1 Chron. 16:22, Psalm 105:15). These words are a powerful reminder of God’s protective covering over those Jesus has called and set apart to proclaim His truth. God values His relationship with His prophets and those who serve as His messengers. He values the way you share His heart and encouragement to help His people. This calling is not easy. It comes at a great cost. Often, the Lord’s leaders face relentless spiritual and personal attacks, yet God, in His faithfulness, stands as your personal Defender.
Beloved, when God says “Do not touch My anointed ones…” it comes as both a caution and comfort for you. It cautions those who would try to harm, slander, mock, or hinder you as you walk in obedience to God’s call. The Father will not tolerate actions taken against those He has set apart for a divine purpose. If you are faithfully sharing the Gospel and doing wonderful work for the Kingdom of God, the Lord Jesus does not play when people come against you because they are ultimately coming against Him. He knows and hears every conversation and will absolutely handle the situation.
As a leader called by God, you often face the strongest warfare because your life is a testimony of God’s truth, love, and righteousness in a world that resists these values. The enemy targets you specifically because your influence can inspire others, uplift them, and guide them closer to God, challenging the plans of darkness. As you step out in faith, the spiritual warfare around you intensifies, testing your resolve and seeking to weaken your impact. You are on the frontlines, taking bold stands and making sacrifices that reveal God’s Kingdom, and this puts a target on your back. Often, the strongest attacks come from those who are still attached to an old version of you. They may do everything possible to pull you back into an outdated identity rather than seeing the new creation you have become in Christ Jesus.
Yet, these battles aren’t meant to destroy you; rather, they serve to refine and strengthen your character, deepening your dependence on God. Remember Paul’s words: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against…the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Ephesians 6:12). As you endure and overcome these battles, you become stronger, more resilient, and able to bring God’s light into the darkest places.
I want you to understand that God’s presence goes before you and stands behind you. You are never alone and you’re surrounded by warring angels who fight on your behalf. Scripture makes it clear that an unseen army of protection stands all around us! Any schemes formed against you ultimately fall under God’s authority and judgment. Allow Jesus to fight your battles.
The Lord doesn’t want us to be afraid at all. He just wants us to be aware of the devil’s schemes because the enemy often works through people.
As you move forward, grab hold of Genesis 50:20:
"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
My beloved, do not be troubled by the schemes that seem hidden, by the words spoken in darkness, or by the traps set in secret places. For those who conspire and whisper in the shadows believe that I, the Lord, do not see. But I am the God who sees all things; nothing is hidden from My sight. I know the intentions of every heart and the motives behind every word. Fear not, for I have you in the palm of My hand, and I am your Protector.
The enemy plots and works through people around you. They believe their dirty deeds are concealed. They think, ‘Who will notice?’ But I am the One who reveals the secrets of darkness and brings every hidden thing to light. I will expose what has been done in secret, and the plans laid in shadows will come to nothing. Just as the schemes of Haman against My people Israel were overturned and destroyed, so too will the wicked plans against My people today be dismantled and thwarted. I am a just God, and I have promised to protect you and I will.
You are an Esther and David in this generation, and I have called you with a divine purpose in mind. The enemy will do everything possible to block your calling, but My ways will always prevail. Be very mindful of your environments, and don’t reopen doors that I have already closed. I am keeping a watchful eye on you to ensure that you carry out the Gospel with truth and boldness. Yes, people will misunderstand you, but that is by design. The ones who are meant for you will be open to the words I speak through you. My thoughts and ways are so much higher than any human can comprehend. Always look to Me alone, for My opinion is all that truly matters. Stand firm, for I am with you in every step, and know that I am preparing a path that no one can hinder.
Do not respond with fear or anxiety. Stand firm in My truth, for I am with you, and I will not allow the plans of the wicked to prevail against you. Remember My Word: "No weapon formed against you shall prosper" (Isaiah 54:17). When the enemy plots and plans, I am already steps ahead. I am your Defender and your Deliverer, and I will bring you out victoriously! Trust in Me, and know that I am fighting for you, even in ways you cannot yet see. I am bringing divine retribution in this hour; justice will come, and those who oppose you will witness My hand at work.
I am shifting circumstances in your favor, and what was meant to harm you will be turned for your good. Nothing goes to waste in the Kingdom of God! I am a proud Father who loves you deeply. You’re My special child, called to reflect My glory to this generation. Do not fear for I am with you always. I love you My precious one. My heart has healed you.