Prophetic Word: This is a GO GET IT Season! The Lord says, “Start the Work! Access Has Been Granted!”
“Now begin the work, and may the LORD be with you!”
1 Chronicles 22:16
The Lord is calling His people to arise and build. This is a pivotal hour for those who have received the vision, the dream, or the calling that God has placed deep within their hearts. Many of you have been given keys and divine access to step forward and start the work that has been prepared for you.
The waiting season is over. God is saying, "Access granted, beloved. Now start the work."
The Spirit of God is breathing fresh vision and new assignments upon this generation. Just as King David dreamed of building the temple but couldn't complete it, many of you are stepping into the role of Solomon—the ones chosen to build. You are the creatives, craftsmen, dreamers, spiritual trailblazers, Kingdom pioneers and visionaries. The responsibility is now yours, and it's time to take up your task with passion, excellence, and the heart of Jesus Christ.
In the New Covenant, through Jesus, every believer is now a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), meaning the Holy Spirit dwells within us. Instead of a physical building, we are called to build spiritual houses by living lives of faith, carrying the presence of God, and being active members of the body of Christ. Those chosen to build are entrusted with the task of advancing God's Kingdom by sharing the gospel, making disciples, equipping believers, and helping others grow in their relationship with Christ. Together we are building a spiritual legacy for God's glory.
The preparation stage is over for many of you. Now, you're called to arise and carry out the blueprint Jesus has placed in your heart. This might mean stepping into a new level of leadership, launching the ministry or business God has been stirring in you, or embracing the vision He’s entrusted to you. There’s no more waiting on the sidelines. The time to act is now because the harvest is ripe.
The Lord is also speaking a powerful message of restoration and multiplication in this season, drawing from Isaiah 37:30-32, which says:
“This will be the sign for you. This year you will eat what grows by itself, and the second year what springs from that. But in the third year, sow and reap, plant vineyards, and eat their fruit. Once more a remnant of the house of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above. For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.”
The phrase "The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this" refers to God's intense passion and commitment to fulfill His promises. It conveys a fervent, unstoppable energy and determination to bring about His plans, particularly in protecting and delivering His people. God’s zeal ensures that what He has declared will come to pass, not by human strength, but by His divine will and power.
The Lord is saying that this is a time of renewal and transformation for His people. Like the remnant of Judah, who were promised to “take root below and bear fruit above,” you are entering a season where what has been sown in faith will now begin to bear fruit. The trials, growth, and waiting periods you've experienced have prepared you for this moment. God is raising up those who will not just survive but thrive—people with multiple streams of revenue, career paths, ministries, and mission fields. Everything you’ve gone through has equipped you to step into this new territory with confidence, knowing that nothing was wasted.
In this third-year season, the Lord is encouraging you to take action. King Jesus has given you the keys to unlock the plans He has placed in your heart. Now is the time to sow, reap, and plant the vineyards of your life and ministry. The Holy Spirit will breathe a fresh wind into everything you touch, multiplying your efforts beyond what you can imagine. What may have seemed like dormant dreams or disconnected skills will suddenly begin to align, and as you step forward, you will see the glory cloud of God go before you, guiding your every move.
This is a time of divine convergence. The gifts, talents, and experiences you carry are all part of God’s master plan. You don’t need to know every step of the journey; you just need to be willing to take the first one. As you move in faith, the Holy Spirit will ignite everything, and the zeal of the Lord will accomplish what He has promised. This season is not just about surviving—it's about taking root, flourishing, and bearing fruit in ways you’ve never imagined.
Remember the words of Solomon, “The house I am building has to be the best, for our God is the best, far better than competing gods (2 Chronicles 2:5, MSG).
In 2 Chronicles 2, Solomon steps into the role of builder, commissioned by God to construct a temple that would house His presence. This temple wasn’t just any structure; it was crafted with the best materials, the finest craftsmanship, and with the intention of honoring the greatness of God. Solomon didn't settle for anything less than the best. He sought out skilled laborers and the finest resources because he understood that the temple wasn’t for man—it was for the Lord.
The same is true for you. What you are building in this season is not for your glory but for the glory of the King. Go all in with King Jesus. This is not the time for half-hearted efforts. God is calling you to build with passion, with integrity, and with excellence. When you give your all, you will see God’s hand at work in ways you never imagined.
The Lord has been preparing you for this moment. For those who battle with perfectionism, don’t hesitate or hold back because things don’t feel perfect yet. Jesus is not waiting for perfection, He is waiting for you to begin. God wants to see the work start because it is through the process of building that He refines, perfects, and brings the vision to completion. Just as Solomon didn’t hesitate, neither should you. The vision is ready for the appointed time (Habakkuk 2:3), and that time is now.
Solomon didn’t build the temple alone. He partnered with Hiram of Tyre and called upon the finest workers to help complete the project. God is going to send co-laborers into your life to help propel the mission forward. You will not be left to figure everything out by yourself. The Holy Spirit is orchestrating divine connections and bringing people alongside you who have the skills, resources, and wisdom to help you build. Be open to receiving help, and don’t be afraid to collaborate, for the Lord’s work is accomplished through the unity of His people.
Just as Solomon sought skilled workers and materials from afar, you may find that the resources you need will come from unexpected places. Trust that God will bring the right people at the right time to partner with you in building what He has placed in your heart.
One of the most profound truths from Solomon’s building of the temple is that purpose isn’t picked—it’s discovered. Solomon didn’t choose his purpose; he inherited it. It was something God had ordained from the beginning. In the same way, God has created you with a specific purpose that is unfolding as you step into this building season.
Sometimes, stepping into your God-given purpose requires laying down old dreams, ambitions, or even your idea of how life should look. We must be willing to lay these things on the altar and allow God to reshape and redefine them according to His will. Jesus calls us to take up our cross daily, to die to ourselves, and in doing so, we discover the true life He has for us (Luke 9:23). This is a call to surrender and to trust that God’s plans are far greater than ours. His vision for you is bigger, more expansive, and more impactful than anything you could create on your own.
You are in a "go get it" season! You are called to step forward with confidence, knowing that your purpose is not found in a title, position, or job. Purpose is found in who you were created to be. Your presence, empowered by the Holy Spirit, is enough to shift atmospheres, heal hearts, and bring the Kingdom of God to earth. Always keep King Jesus at the center of everything. He must be the focus of the mission ahead.
Access is granted, beloved. God has placed the keys in your hands. The harvest is ready, and it's time to gather it. Begin the work now.
My experience of what happens when you leave everything behind and follow King Jesus into the unknown
A year ago, God asked me to make a difficult decision: to place my career on the altar. This wasn’t just any job—it was the dream I had nurtured since childhood. Letting go of something I had worked so hard to build felt like one of the hardest choices I’d ever faced. I won’t pretend it was easy; it was scary to release it all. But deep down, I knew it was time to trust God completely with my future.
I always dreamed of becoming a news reporter and journalist, and I achieved that dream. For over two decades, I shared stories from around the world—whether in newsrooms, courtrooms, on stages, or even in college and professional sports. In His goodness, God opened the door for me to work as a community reporter for the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA—a place of prestige, excitement, and the fulfillment of a promise He had made to me. I thought I’d be there forever, but as the years passed, I sensed something greater was ahead. I realized that 'greater' wouldn’t look like the world’s definition of success. It wasn’t about wealth, titles, or prestige. Greater meant serving people and pursuing the heart of my Lord and Savior at all costs.
Letting go of my career brought a grief I didn’t expect. I grieved my friends and co-workers there who had become like family. I grieved the comfort of a steady paycheck, health insurance, and the safety of knowing what to expect. I grieved the excitement of game days because sports brings people together and it was a fun life. I loved it all. But most of all, I grieved because I knew the person I had been for over 40 years was parting with her old identity. As a single woman, there wasn’t a fallback plan. I didn’t have another person to talk with, lean on for safety, or evaluate all these thoughts. It was just me, standing before God with all the uncertainty and fear that came with stepping into the unknown. I had to trust that in losing myself, I would find the woman He was calling me to become.
Jesus was my Person and He was enough.
The hardest part was that when I said "yes" to laying it all down, I had no idea what was ahead. I had to step out in faith without knowing all the answers. It felt like stepping off a cliff, trusting God to catch me even though I couldn’t see what was below. Saying "yes" to Jesus in that moment meant dying to my own plans and placing my life’s work entirely in the hands of the Father.
For the past year, I’ve endured one of the hardest seasons of my life—feeling stripped of the very identity I once clung to, uncertain of the way forward, and holding on to nothing but my faith in God.
However, in my season of surrender, I found a freedom I never knew existed—a freedom that comes from fully trusting Jesus. I traveled to places I never imagined, met incredible people, and "birthed" a business that God placed in my heart. Along the way, I learned countless new things and discovered a life beyond what I thought was possible. I experienced firsthand what it means to ascend from glory to glory, just as Paul described. It wasn’t about external success; it was about the deep transformation that happened within me in the quiet, intimate moments with Jesus.
In Western culture, we place so much value on careers and jobs, but God has been teaching me a Kingdom mindset. Life isn’t about chasing titles or building careers; it’s about walking with Jesus and helping His people. In those intimate moments with Christ, He began planting new dreams and visions in my heart—ones that are just beginning to take shape. He’s shown me that when we let go of the old, even the good things, we create space for something far greater.
I’m learning what it truly means to be content, whether in seasons of lack or abundance, just as Paul said: "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances" (Philippians 4:11). A life with God isn’t measured by positions, money, or titles—it’s about walking closely with Jesus through every season. The journey has always been about trusting His lead and guidance. God’s plans far exceed anything I could have ever imagined. As Paul reminded us, "Godliness with contentment is great gain" (1 Timothy 6:6). I’m discovering the richness of that truth daily. Is it hard at times? Absolutely. But there is deep fulfillment in chasing after the heart of our King even when it comes at a cost.
Peter knew this story well. He was a fisherman by trade, likely very skilled at what he did. For him, fishing was more than a job—it was a way of life. It provided for his family and brought stability. In that culture, fishing was a vital profession, sustaining entire communities. Peter had probably learned the craft from a young age and found joy in spending time on the water. His trade gave him security, a steady income, and a sense of identity in the community.
For Peter, following Jesus meant leaving behind what had always provided for him. He stepped away from a secure future into a path filled with uncertainty. Yet, what he gained far surpassed what he left behind. Peter experienced the adventure of walking with the Son of God. He witnessed miracles, saw lives changed, and ultimately became a foundational leader of the early Church.
Peter’s surrender of his career led him to his true calling. What he once believed to be his life’s work—fishing—was actually preparing him for something much greater. He became a fisher of men and a key leader in God’s Kingdom.
The Lord Jesus has placed it on my heart to share my story, because many others are facing the same situation. God is inviting you to trust Him in a new way this season. Saying "yes" to Jesus might not mean giving up your job, but He could be asking you to let go of something else. It could be a relationship, a habit, or a sense of control that makes you feel safe. Maybe it's the fear of change or the need to plan everything yourself. Whatever it is, following Jesus means trusting Him to lead you to something better. He’s not asking you to give up what you need, but to trust that He will provide for you in a new way—one that will bring you closer to your true purpose.
Here’s my advice: Don’t be afraid to lay everything down at the feet of Jesus. When you surrender what’s familiar, comfortable, or even cherished, you create space for God to work in ways you never imagined. It might feel risky, but in that surrender, you’ll find a deeper trust and closeness with Him. You’ll discover that what you thought was the pinnacle of your life was only a stepping stone to something far greater. It will be something designed just for you and beyond your wildest dreams!
When you truly let go and surrender to God, you’ll begin to understand Ephesians 3:20 in a whole new light:
"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us."
As I sit here writing these words, I’m finishing up a three-month journey in Central America, a place where God has beautifully met me in the stillness and raw beauty of creation. The bright green jungle trees, with their towering presence, have reminded me of how life can be renewed even after seasons of loss. It’s as if the very air breathes new life into the atmosphere, and I have felt that same breath of God restoring me on the inside. The vibrant, untouched beauty of this land has mirrored what God has been doing in my spirit—He’s refreshing, reviving, and renewing my heart in ways I didn’t know I needed.
In this last year, I have learned that the call of Esther, the call to step into the unknown for the sake of God’s purpose, requires both great courage and deep surrender.
Esther was positioned in a palace for a reason, but she had to let go of her own comfort and safety to fulfill her role in God’s plan for her people. In much the same way, I had to release what I thought was my security—my career, my community, and my sense of identity—in order to step into the unknown with Father God. What I’ve learned is that the unknown isn’t something to fear when you trust in the One who holds your future. This journey has taught me that surrendering to Jesus brings you into a deeper relationship with Him, and in that place, you find not just your calling, but your truest self.
But the cost of following Jesus is very real, just as the disciples learned. They left everything to follow Christ. When you answer His call, there are moments of grieving the loss of what you thought life would look like. You lose your sense of control, and that can feel frightening.
People will misunderstand you, and even those closest to you might not fully grasp the new calling God has placed on your life. They may not understand why you’re leaving behind something secure, familiar, or even successful to follow a path that seems uncertain. There will be times when they question your decisions, your motives, and even your faith, because they can't see the vision God has shown you. But remember, your calling is not for others to understand—it's between you and the Lord. Just like with the disciples, your obedience may confuse or challenge those around you, but in time, they will see the fruit of your faithfulness.
When God does something new in your life, I encourage you to reflect on what happened with Elizabeth when she became pregnant with purpose. The Bible says she went into seclusion for five months and didn’t tell anyone. She needed that intimate time with the Lord to understand what this new beginning and promise meant. In times of major transition, God sometimes calls us to be quiet and keep things secure with just Him, allowing space to grasp the fullness of His plan (Luke 1:24).
Remember, you don’t owe an explanation to anyone when you’re following the will of your Heavenly Father. The path He has called you to is unique and sacred, and not everyone will understand the steps of faith you’re taking. It’s natural to want the approval or understanding of those around you, but their opinions should never overshadow the voice of God. When you walk in obedience to His calling, God’s approval is all you need.
Let your life be a testimony of faithfulness, and in time, the fruit of your obedience will speak louder than any explanation ever could.
When I left behind my life as a reporter in sports, I stepped into a far greater role—I became a reporter in the Kingdom of God, sharing with others the heartbeat and love of our Savior. While I once told stories about athletes and executives, now I tell the stories of God’s faithfulness and His great passion for His people. I’ve learned that following Jesus is not about losing something, but about gaining everything that truly matters.
I wouldn’t trade this journey for anything, and I encourage you to say "yes" to the adventure He’s calling you into.
Trust me, you won’t regret it!
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36)
“If you love me, show it by doing what I’ve told you” (John 14:15, MSG).
"If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land" (Isaiah 1:19).