The Gift of a Holy Troublemaker in God’s Kingdom

When Ahab saw Elijah, he said to him, “Is that you, you troubler of Israel?”

1 Kings 18:17

For most of my life, I was a rule-follower. I kept my head down, avoided conflict, and stayed quiet. I was the peacemaker, the one who smoothed things over, the one who tried not to stir the waters. I thought that was the right thing to do. After all, wasn’t peace the goal?

But when the Holy Spirit got a hold of me—really got a hold of me—something shifted. The more I studied Scripture, the more I saw a pattern: God doesn’t call His people to blend in.

He calls us to stand out.
To speak the truth.
To disrupt cycles.
To break strongholds.
To be change agents.

And sometimes, to be a holy troublemaker.

That realization was both freeing and terrifying. Because stepping into the role God has called you to—speaking against injustice, challenging the status quo, and refusing to accept the comfortable lies that keep people in bondage—will bring resistance.

Jesus warned us about this. He told His disciples, "Behold, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. Be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves" (Matthew 10:16).

The Lord gave me a word because Jesus is calling you to be bold in this season—truly bold. You can’t hesitate and must speak the truth even when it shakes the room. It’s time for you to arise and awake from complacency and fight for what is right. You will be called to speak, even when it feels uncomfortable. But do not fear. Just as the Holy Spirit filled the early believers in Acts 4 and gave them parresiathe supernatural courage to speak truth without fear—He will do the same for you. The Spirit will empower you, giving you the words and the strength to stand firm, even when the world tells you to stay quiet.

People will call you difficult. Family members will misunderstand you. Friends may walk away. But the question we must ask ourselves is this: Are we here to please man, or are we here to obey God? Following Christ isn’t easy—it costs something. Every day, you have to pick up your cross and choose Him again. And let’s be real: that’s not always comfortable. But Jesus didn’t die for you to play it safe or settle into complacency.

You must always speak the truth and use your voice for change. When someone is trapped in a cycle of destruction, lying, and causing harm to others, there are times we must confront the truth with love, even if it’s difficult.

Beloved, here’s the thing—when you stand for what’s right, it will often look like the wrong thing to those who walk in darkness. Paul was called a troublemaker on one of his missionary journeys (Acts 24:5). Jesus was accused of stirring up the people (Luke 23:5). David was wrongfully pursued by Saul. Moses was labeled a disturber in Pharaoh’s court. Yet, they were all in God’s will and doing what was right. 

Jesus reminds us that truth, by its very nature, exposes what is hidden. And darkness is never comfortable with the light.


“I have not made trouble for Israel,” Elijah replied. “But you and your father’s family have. You have abandoned the LORD’s commands…”

1 Kings 18:18

Elijah knew what it meant to stand alone.

He was called by God to confront the corruption in the land, yet he was labeled the troublemaker. The enemy loves to twist the truth like that. The ones who actually cause the destruction go unnoticed, while the ones who expose it get blamed.

But Elijah wasn’t deterred.

He had a mission to tear down idolatry and call God’s people back to righteousness. And in his way stood two of the most dangerous people in Israel’s history:

Ahab and Jezebel.

Ahab was a passive, spineless king who let sin run rampant under his rule. Today, we might call him a covert narcissist—manipulative behind the scenes, avoiding responsibility, bending to whatever kept him comfortable. Jezebel, on the other hand, was blatant in her evil—bold, aggressive, power-hungry, and relentless in her pursuit to silence God’s prophets.

Together, they formed a lethal combination.

If God has anointed you as a leader, don’t be surprised when you find yourself in close proximity to an Ahab and Jezebel. They may not wear crowns, but they still operate in the same destructive spirit. One works in the shadows, twisting reality and evading accountability. The other is loud, dominant, and will do anything to maintain control.

Both are toxic. Both are dangerous.

But here’s what Elijah understood: it didn’t matter who opposed him—because God was with him.

King Ahab knew Elijah was different. He saw the anointing. But instead of listening, he flipped the script and put the blame on Elijah.

"Is that you, you troublemaker?" Ahab sneered (1 Kings 18:17).

Elijah fired back with truth.

"I have not made trouble for Israel, but you and your father’s family have. You have abandoned the Lord’s commands and followed the Baals." (1 Kings 18:18)

In other words: This isn’t my fault. It’s yours.

Ahab led the people into destruction. He married Jezebel, embraced idol worship, and allowed evil to flourish. While we may not bow to carved statues today, idolatry still exists—it just takes different forms. Many, even those who call themselves “Christians,” place their trust in people, relationships, material possessions, vanity, wealth, or status more than Jesus. But Jesus made it clear: “You will recognize them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:16). Their words may sound right, but their lives tell a different story. A heart divided cannot bear good fruit, and at its core, idolatry leads to dysfunction and spiritual decay.

Back in 1 Kings, Elijah wasn’t the problem; he was simply the messenger who exposed the real issue. And when truth exposes darkness, it often causes chaos.

The people were suffering because of Ahab’s choices. But instead of repenting, the king blamed Elijah.

That’s how sin works. It warps reality. It binds and distorts. It turns the voice of correction into the voice of opposition. The very people God sends to bring truth get painted as the enemy, while the real destroyers go unchecked. Elijah was a prophet, meaning he was a gift from God to help others. However, those who walked in darkness refused to listen to his advice. 

Elijah didn’t waste time arguing. Instead, he called for a showdown.

450 prophets of Baal gathered at Mount Carmel. The people of Israel stood watching, silent, undecided. They wanted God’s blessing, but they weren’t willing to give Him their full allegiance. They were stuck—one foot in, one foot out.

But Elijah wasn’t about to let them sit on the fence.

He stepped forward and asked a question that cut straight to the heart:

"How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal is God, follow him.” (1 Kings 18:21)

That is the Mount Carmel moment.

A moment of decision. A divine crossroad. Many of you have stepped into this exact period of your life.

God is calling His people to make a choice. No more wavering. No more divided hearts. You cannot keep pouring your energy into people who refuse to change. Pray for them, yes—but understand this: if they continue in disobedience, it’s not because they don’t know the truth. It’s because they’ve chosen to reject it.

You cannot carry people who refuse to be led. Do not waste another ounce of energy on those who choose to lie and distort the truth. 

The line is being drawn.

Will you stand with the Lord, or will you keep hesitating between two opinions?

The time for compromise is over. It’s time to be bold, speak truth, and trust that God will reveal His power.

Because real love isn’t passive.

Love tells the truth—even when it wounds. (Proverbs 27:6)



I hear the Spirit of the Lord speaking to His faithful ones:

“My beloved child, I have set you apart for such a time as this. I have trained you, raised you, and refined you through fire. You have passed every test that has come your way, and though the journey has been difficult, I am with you. When you stand for truth, those who walk in darkness will rise against you. They will slander your name, misrepresent your character, and attempt to tarnish the legacy of My faithful warriors. But understand this: what the world calls a ‘troublemaker,’ I call a difference-maker.

You are stirring the waters of complacency, and I am using you to confront injustice. Do not shrink back because of opposition; instead, stand firm, knowing that My hand has shaped you for this assignment. I have placed My fire within you to expose the works of darkness, to challenge unrighteousness, and to bring forth truth that sets captives free.

Even as Elijah was misunderstood and labeled a disturber, so too will you be misconstrued by those who resist the refining work of My Spirit. But take courage: I, the Lord, defend and vindicate.

I am anointing you to break chains that have held families, communities, and even nations in bondage for generations.

One of your greatest and most difficult assignments will be to confront the strongholds within your own family lineage—to speak against addictions, cycles of abuse, falsehoods, slander, compromise, and generational curses that have long kept your loved ones in captivity.

Many of you come from families that thrive on gossip, lies and deceit. These patterns are the work of the enemy, the father of lies. When people misrepresent another’s character, they do so under the influence of that same deceptive spirit. I am calling you to break the cycle by standing firm in truth. You are covered by My grace.

Stand and fight for the children and the generations after you. Know that My power is greater than any pattern of dysfunction, and I will equip you to intercede until the yoke of bondage is broken. Though the battle may be intense and the cost high, I am pouring out supernatural grace upon you. Your courage in confronting what many before you ignored will usher in a new freedom and a legacy of righteousness.

You have asked, ‘Why me, Lord? Why must I be the one to confront and correct?’

But know this: the very reason you feel that burden is because My Spirit is stirring within you, compelling you to stand where others have run. Your reward is not in the applause of man but in My approval, and I say that your obedience will spark transformation. Even when the cost feels overwhelming, I will strengthen you with fresh revelation and surround you with those who share My heart. Remain steadfast, for I have chosen you as a vessel of reformation and restoration. Do not fear the roar of the enemy.

You are stepping into a Mount Carmel moment.

Stand boldly. Speak My truth. 

The time of wavering is over. My fire will fall upon those who remain faithful, and they will see My power. Walk in boldness; walk in love; walk in the authority that comes from abiding in My presence. Know that the label of ‘troublemaker’ is a badge of honor in My Kingdom, for you are one who dares to disturb darkness with My glorious light.

Your story, your experiences, and your voice hold power. Do not shrink back. It’s time to speak the truth. I love you, My precious warrior in Christ. 


Prophetic Word 🍇 The Time Is Now: Step Into Your Kingdom Inheritance