PROPHETIC WORD: Finish the Fight. Just Do It. ⭐

“I must be broken from my own understanding of myself. When I reach that point, immediately the reality of the supernatural identification with Jesus Christ takes place. And the witness of the Spirit of God is unmistakable…”
-Oswald Chambers 

You are standing on God's runway, ready to take off and soar into your future! You have been entrusted by Christ to safely carry the "passengers" assigned to your life. The Father is a Strong Watchtower who directs, protects, provides, and commands your plans and every move. Get ready to fly into your future! The Lord is shouting, "PREPARE FOR TAKE-OFF!" 

This is an extraordinary time! The word “rapid” is very heavy on the spirit. It means: happening in a short time or at a fast pace. “Buckle up!” 

The Lord is releasing His game plan and blueprints for so many of His children to start building the Kingdom in new and majestic ways! God sure does love setting up dramatic results. Some of you will actually hold the promise in your hands. Keep your eyes focused on the Promiser because we serve a God of the impossible!

God is the Source of all true success. Every dream fulfilled by Him comes with power, glory, honor, and majesty and shines the spotlight on HIM. The miracle coming soon will outlast your life and be passed down for generations to come because you always kept Jesus first. He knows your heart, and He will do exactly what He promised. God is the very Source of our strength and He is more than a conqueror. 

"They that wait upon the Lord…." 

You, my love, are so close to the finish line. Keep holding on, trusting and waiting upon the Lord. He will renew your strength to run, and not grow weary, to walk, and not grow faint.

The word "walk" in the Bible is often used to express a person's character.

“People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will be exposed” (Proverbs 10:9)

God told Abraham, “Walk before me faithfully and be blameless. Then I will make my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers” (Genesis 17:1). 

When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord comes on the scene after 13 years of silence. God changes Abram's name to Abraham and the Lord outlines what’s to come. Despite old age, Abraham and his wife Sarah will become parents. The Lord first establishes requirements: walk before me faithfully and serve me wholeheartedly. Abraham must be of such good character and 'blameless' that no charge or wrongdoing can be brought against him. For the first time, we see God refer to Himself as El Shaddai — God Almighty —  as a reminder that He's All-Powerful and All-Sovereign over everything, including science and wombs.

Why did the promise take so long? Building character takes time. Time is a gift. God is not in a rush. You need the right kind of integrity and character to properly carry the promise otherwise you’ll get diverted at fulfillment. When you know how long it took to receive this gift, you will handle it with care. 

Then the LORD said, “Is anything too difficult for the LORD? At the appointed time I will return to you—in about a year—and Sarah will have a son.”

We learn through the story of Abraham and Sarah that there’s a set time and appointed time for every significant move of God. Those called by the Lord will endure long seasons of preparation and character-building to sustain what comes next. The Lord cared about the promise of Isaac and the legacy that followed. 


  • Before a significant covenant or promise is fulfilled in the life of God's people, He will often sit us down to remember the requirements and commands of the promise.

  • Grace is the willingness of Christ to show unmerited favor to His children. We can’t earn what God is about to give. 

  • Be expectant that Jesus is bringing blueprints and requirements this season!

  • Life in the wilderness teaches us dependence on God because we are incapable of true holiness in this lifetime without Him. Always, always keep Him first. 

  • Before the children of Israel settled in Canaan, a land with rich natural resources, they were reminded to fear God, not take His gifts for granted (Deut. 8:5-10), and they could not forget God's laws. 

Christ, alone, is our hope. By grace, we are saved. When striving ceases, we open a door for Jesus to release the miraculous! He is the Door and bursts forth with VICTORY! 


The Lord is unleashing new plans in your life with fervency! The Lord Jesus comes with FIRE, ZEAL and PASSION. His plans never make sense to human eyes, and that's the very point. You will know what's Him versus your thoughts, goals, feelings and dreams. His way is POTENT, POWERFUL and PUSHED by the hand of God. 

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord has placed all of His "brave fighting men” in place to be launched in unison to start building the Kingdom again! The word "unison" is pounding through my spirit. This is a powerful move taking place right now worldwide. God is sovereign over all peoples, tongues and nations. 

The plans you have been waiting for are coming soon, possibly by "week's end" for someone. Resurrection Sunday will flip the light from death to victory. 

I hear in my spirit —"Change is at hand! It's official! From the back to the front…."

Blogs and prophetic words should just be supplemental and help you gain clarity on something the Lord has already spoken about. However, nothing can compare to God's Word regarding instruction in your life. Take every matter and word to Jesus first and foremost because His promises come with FIRE!

I feel a sense of urgency and acceleration in the spirit and even great excitement for many of you! The heartbeat of Christ is beating so profusely, and the glory of the Holy Spirit has descended upon His people to fill you up for the new race ahead. 

"Plans are coming very soon." 

"Swiftly, immediately, prepare and get ready." 

Prayer, worship and reading the Word of God are your spiritual weapons. Learn to love the secret place. God dwells there very powerfully. 

"When you pray, go into your room, and when you shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place." Matthew 6:6 

The Lord might be switching up your morning routine with Him. I encourage you to ask this question: "Lord, what is on your heart today? How are You doing?" Then sit and listen. Even if it takes a while, listen and wait. Learn to saturate yourself in the holy presence of the Lord versus just coming with requests. 

One excellent practice is to audibly reflect on what the Lord puts on your heart. Jesus will fill your mouth with words, you just have to wait for the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Paul said we should all prophesy, meaning we can all speak the Father's heart back to the earth. It takes practice. When I first started doing this, I would just repeat the same few verses that I knew back over and over. As time progresses, the Holy Spirit will download words in your spirit that you know didn’t come from you. It’s extremely powerful. 

Also, learn to become dependent on God's presence and free yourself from any desire to be in charge. New Age meditation teaches their followers to “empty” but the Lord’s way teaches us to “fill.” We reflect on His precepts, promises and teachings. We become more Jesus-centered and whole.

Psalm 1:1-3
Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.



Each of us is a "temple" in God's court. The Lord actually dwells inside His people (1 Corinthians 6:19). The Lord has been restoring and renewing you for years, and this current season and project is coming to completion.

You've been in a restoration phase, and all things are new. God has given you passions, talents and gifts to glorify the Lord and bring honor to King Jesus. To advance to your next season, this current project needs to be completed. The finish line is so very close. Keep pushing! 

Some of you have been waiting for the final piece of the puzzle, and it's here! Get ready, get ready, get ready! 

Move with silence. Quietness. Privacy. Hold thy peace. 

Do not be afraid; the cross-over will be "quiet."

Jesus will hold your hand, and together you'll walk into victory as a strong team! 

God wants to get you alone. When you purposely choose to cut off all the distractions, His voice can be perceived with clarity. As you journey with Christ, He will make all the steps clearer. I really sense that a big answer is coming this week for someone. 

Some of you are in the birthing canal of DESTINY. 

You carry the seed of destiny.

Now you're getting an upgrade to the "temple" of your soul! EVERYTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE. It’s COMEBACK SEASON! 

A message for someone: “DO IT!” 

Switching gears, the Lord highlighted 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 to me about the importance of charitable giving. Paul encouraged the Corinthians to excel in giving as an expression of love. So as you advance into a new season, I really encourage you to spend time with the Father and figure out places you can graciously and cheerfully give to people whether it’s your time, resources, prayers, or offerings. The Lord is so creative, so be open to His leading! There are many people in great need right now and charity gives us the heart posture of a servant. Charity reaps an eternal reward! God loves a cheerful giver! The Lord is going to highlight someone or something very specific, so take a leap of faith and serve them with the love of Christ! 

2 Corinthians 8:9 (AMP)
And God is able to make all grace [every favor and earthly blessing] come in abundance to you, so that you may always [under all circumstances, regardless of the need] have complete sufficiency in everything [being completely self-sufficient in Him], and have an abundance for every good work and act of charity.


Some of you might be experiencing a new, deep desire to lament before the Lord. It can be jarring and unexpected if you don't know what's happening. To "lament" means to express deep sorrow, grief, regret, guilt or even shame. One becomes emotional, tends to remember past tragedies, and you cry before the Lord. So often, we want to "look on the bright side" of everything, but lamenting prayer and worship is a crucial step of faith.

Lamenting teaches you to surrender and release. 

There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). The gift of grace is greater than any sin.

Often lamenting prayer springs forth out of nowhere and is guided and triggered by the Holy Spirit. It's that "good cry" where your heart is connected to the Father, and you feel much better afterward.

God must be our very first Therapist. Talking to others and a counselor is wise advice, but we must pay attention to the One we need, Jesus. So often we reach for others first before going to the Heavenly Physician. He’s a soul doctor and knows just the right prescription for your heart because He made you in the first place. Jesus brings true freedom and liberation. When lamenting, your heart becomes entwined with the Father, and you'll feel safe and secure as you let go. God teaches you to walk victoriously into the future. 

Remember, even Jesus wept (John 11:35), and He will always meet us in pain and sorrow. Grief is an authentic human experience; sometimes, we hold it all together as a preservation method until the Lord triggers the release.

Today is Palm Sunday when Jesus triumphantly walked into Jerusalem, and the people cried, "Hosanna, Hosanna." Jesus knew the people wanted liberation in the natural world, but Christ knew they needed spiritual renewal. We need a Savior for our souls.

One of the descriptions of Jesus in the Bible is "Wonderful Counselor" (Isaiah 9:6). 

The Hebrew word pala ["Wonderful"] means 'incomprehensible, marvelous, extraordinary, beyond one's power.' The word counselor is portrayed as a wise king advising His people. God is All-Knowing and All-Powerful, so He knows exactly what you need to move forward into the future. 

The Holy Spirit is our Helper, Comforter, Intercessor, Counselor and Advocate. He's on call and available 24 hours a day, and the price has already been paid in full! 

Jesus said, "the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you" (John 14:26). 

Paraclete [Counselor] is "One summoned, called to another's side, defense lawyer, a helper, aid, assistant, One who leads you to a deeper knowledge of spiritual truth, an intercessor, an advocate." 

The Holy Spirit makes Jesus very real. He points everything back to the Son. I love the Holy Spirit because it's like always having the best defense attorney, hypeman, cheerleader, encourager, and advocate with you! He draws people into God's family. The Holy Spirit ACTIVATES your faith! He lives in us and propels us forward.

The Holy Spirit is a Gift. He's also an extraordinary Gift-Giver.

He will also convict our spirits when we go wayward and He teaches us the truth of the gospel. He empowers us to be a witness. 

The Holy Spirit also makes us BOLD and COURAGEOUS. Boldness was one of the first characteristics imparted to the believers at Pentecost. When the Holy Spirit came upon them, they went from terrified disciples (hiding from authorities) to faith-filled preachers who spoke with unrestrained boldness! The Holy Spirit helps unschooled, ordinary people step forth and say, "for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard!" (Acts 4:20). 

The Holy Spirit also compels you to switch directions, even when it comes at a cost or goes against your desires. How does He do it? Through the inner witness. The Bible says, "the Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children" (Romans 8:16). God communicates from His Spirit to our spirit, and His Fatherhood becomes very real.

Children recognize the voice of their fathers, and the Holy Spirit corrects, directs, encourages and leads us on the way to go. 

In Acts 20:22-24, Paul waved farewell to the Ephesian elders and said, "And now, compelled [bound] by the spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there. I only know that in every city, the Holy Spirit warns me that prison and hardships are facing me. However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace."

The word rendered for "compelled" or "bound" literally means to bind or fasten to chains. The term reflects a holy compelling and strong urge under the influence of the Holy Spirit. It doesn't come by reasoning, but a sacred prompting, urging and stirring. 

Once under the Holy Spirit's influence, He chooses where you go and what you do, and you become fastened to Him. He teaches you to constantly YIELD, LET GO, and SURRENDER to His plans. 


Remember, you have a destiny. You are God's masterpiece. And the Holy Spirit will guide you on the right path during this lifetime. 

Jeremiah 29:11 -- "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord... 

My friend: KEEP PUSHING. A new season is so very close. The finish line is straight ahead, and the Father will hold your hand to the end. He will do the same thing at the end of your life, but there is still work to complete now. Finish the fight. Finish the race. Remember, with God, all things are possible! He uses the weak, lowly, poor, hidden, forgotten and misfits to impact history forever! A tenacious and wholehearted spirit really can change the world! Your influence can create a legacy that changes your family for generations. Go forth in the name of Jesus!

Father God, thank you for another chance to glorify Your mighty, wonderful name. Thank you for sending Your Son, King Jesus, who teaches us to walk in victory without fear or shame. Please give us a yielding spirit and a heart that loves people with passion and respect. We want to serve You, Oh Lord, so please show us the way to go! We glorify Your name, El Shaddai, God Almighty, the great I AM. We are so honored that You call us Your sons and daughters. Thank you for Your endless love, mercy and grace. We love You, Jesus! 


PROPHETIC WORD: It’s your Golden Hour! 🏆


PROPHETIC WORD: Persist to the point of annoyance! Five signs that breakthrough is imminent!