PROPHETIC WORD: Provision from Heaven! It’s Game Time! 🎁
“For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life…”
(John 6:33)
One night I dreamed that I was on a baking show with many people competing for a prize. We were all handed dough, and there was a set time to make a creation before presenting it to a panel of judges.
When it was my turn to step on the stage, I had no idea what to do! My dough was still dough. I had nothing to present. However, once I stepped forward, suddenly, my dough turned into a donut-shaped GIFT! 🎁
Everyone was in awe, but I knew I didn't do it! God made it happen! Then it happened again! I knew the Lord alone turned the dough into something magical! The Lord had to perform each time I stepped on the stage because it would not work without His intervention.
The same thing happens when the Father gives good gifts to His children. We are limited to just the dough on our own, but the Father makes the bread. He is the Bread. And what He creates through us sweetens the atmosphere to nourish and feed others.
Baking dreams remind us of God's provision and the importance of feeding people. We are all given ingredients to create, but what the Lord designs comes with REVELATION POWER! We need His supernatural power at work through us!
Here's your reminder for the next season of your life: you just need to step on the stage. God will do the rest. Do not be paralyzed by potential. Lives will be changed the second you walk past your fears and finally leap without looking!
Write the book. Start the business. Go back to school. Reach out to the person. Record the YouTube video. Start the family. Commit to the ministry. Write the letter. Try for that job and dream one more time. Keep shooting for the stars! Chase your future with all your heart.
The Lord will do the rest – you just have to START. The preparation season is long over. It's GO TIME. It's GAME TIME.
When the Lord flavors something, He delivers. The further you walk into the unknown, He will surprise you at every opportunity. Success comes to those who remain loyal to God.
I love to study people who are leaders in the Bible because we learn how Jesus views success.
The Bible repeatedly uses one word to describe Caleb: wholehearted. He was stirred to action. He was not afraid of the giants. Let's start to live as wholehearted people!
What makes one wholehearted? You become fully and irrevocably committed to the Word of God. You chase after the heart of King Jesus. Faith ricochets louder from your heart than any fear.
Perfect love casts out all fear.
When we first meet Caleb in the Old Testament, he's a 40-year-old spy who was selected, along with Joshua and 10 others, to peep out the Promised Land in Canaan. The Old Testament Twelve had instructions to see what the land was like and whether the people were weak or strong. They were also told to bring back some fruit.
After exploring the land for forty days, the spies agreed it was fertile, but they had grasshopper mentalities. They said: "the people who live there are powerful, and their cities are large and well fortified. Even worse, we saw the descendants of the giants there" (Numbers 13:28).
Listen to what Caleb said when the others grumbled about the giants: Caleb silenced the people complaining against Moses and said, "We should attack now and take the land. We are strong enough to conquer it" (Numbers 13:30, GNTD).
There was no hesitation. We should attack now and take the land.
The spies and people balked, and Joshua and Caleb tore their clothes in protest. They pleaded with the people to stop being grasshoppers. God had already promised the land to the Israelites. However, fear won that day and every other day for 40 years. A whole generation of Israelites had to die before Caleb and Joshua stepped into the new land.
Some of you are the change agents in your families, and the children you raise will be the ones who take the land. Others of you have been planted in specific work environments, villages, towns, and churches to change the tide now. Fear cannot be your future. Takeover the land!
Fear stifles faith. Fear creates toxic cultures and atmospheres. Fear prevents the Spirit of God from moving in mighty ways because people become paralyzed. Fear creates a poverty mindset because one doesn't trust God to provide resources. Fear prevents people from living their dreams because of the “so-called” giants who might be roaming the earth.
Sometimes we have to get out of our own way. The giants we face can be our own minds. The Spirit brings freedom.
God did not create us to be fearful people! He's promised victory already, so step forward with boldness!
Recently I took my nieces and nephews to a wildlife sanctuary where the animals roam in the wild. We drove to this hilly area where the African antelopes usually skip across the green land, however, something was different that day. Our guide even stopped speaking because he was so shocked.
"Hmm, that's really strange," he said, while observing the scene in front of us. "In all these years, I've only seen that happen a couple of times."
Right away, my ears perked up. I just knew that God was about to teach a lesson. The guide explained how in the wild, these antelopes create a ring of protection to guard the young from lions and predators. The animals put the youngest in the middle, and the herd surrounds them from smallest to largest.
Sure enough, that's what we saw happening on our visit! They were in a giant defensive circle formed!
"Here's what's strange," the guide said. "These animals are protected by a fence and the park. There's not a lion or predator anywhere close that can even get them."
The Lord taught me that day about perceived giants that only exist in our minds.
The Father is saying “Look up to Him! The Lord is already protecting you as you go forward into the unknown! You are encased with a ring of protection!”
Joshua and Caleb realized this, and they were telling the people it was time to take territory – but the Israelites freaked out because a toxic culture of fear had drowned all faith. God said no one would enter the Promised Land except Joshua and Caleb.
The Lord said this about Caleb: "But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it." (Numbers 14:24)
Over four decades later, the promise was fulfilled.
Caleb was still a boss even in his ripe age and ready to battle. Advanced age didn't deter him from walking into his promise! He knew age ain't nothing but a number! He knew God had promised him an inheritance.
"Look at me! I am 85 years old and just as strong today as I was when Moses sent me out. I am still strong enough for war or for anything else. Now, give me the hill country that the LORD promised me on that day when my men and I reported." (Joshua 14:11-12).
The Bible says, “Then the land rested from war. There was peace.”
The message today is clear from our Heavenly Father: He has prepared a Promised Land for you, flowing with milk and honey. Do not be afraid of giants. Do not live with a grasshopper mentality. Jesus is already two steps ahead of you. For some of you, the Promised Land is about your gifts and talents and where the Lord is sending you.
I know because the Father pointed me to Bezalel, and your gifts and talents will help build the Kingdom of God.
The key is that we have to actually give Jesus what He's placed in our hands. We must set aside our ego and realize we are nothing without Him. Sometimes people think, "the Lord just wants us to believe in Him. He doesn't care what we do with our gifts and talents."
My response would be to encourage them to study the life of Bezalel. He was a craftsman, artist, teacher, leader and culture-shifter.
He was also the first person in the Bible noted to be "filled with the Spirit of God."
Exodus 31:1-3, NIV
Then the Lord said to Moses, "See, I have chosen Bezalel…I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and all kinds of skills…."
God chose him, just like He's chosen you for a particular purpose.
The Lord gave Bezalel unique gifts to help build the sanctuary in the same way we are called to build the body of Christ. Every person must come together in unity and use our gifts.
However, skills and talents will only get us so far. We need divine wisdom and knowledge to properly use the gifts correctly.
If you hand Jesus your dough, He will turn it into donuts. Here's the thing about donuts. The base is the same, but each one can be flavored, decorated, sweetened and colored in all sorts of ways! God has customized you to be different on purpose!
Back in Exodus 36:2, the planning and preparation phase is over. It's time to get to work!
"Then Moses summoned Bezalel, Oholiab, and every skilled person whom the LORD had gifted—everyone whose heart stirred him to come and do the work."
When we view God as our CEO over all things, He "stirs your heart" to work for His kingdom!
Although Bezalel and the artisans were gifted, the Bible says they were given wisdom to actually do the work. Bezalel also had the gift of knowledge. These are two gifts the Holy Spirit still imparts to us even today.
1 Corinthians 12:8: “for one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit…”
These gifts are the manifestation of the Holy Spirit working through you. The Spirit of Wisdom is not based on intellect, advice, or being a great speaker. Wisdom is knowing the Father's heart about a matter and using His divine instructions to help others. Often wisdom and knowledge work hand-in-hand.
When my niece was very young, she told me that I was going to "someday write Bible stories." I laughed at the suggestion because I barely knew the Bible and did not want to pursue a future in ministry. However, her words always stuck with me because why in the world would a toddler make such a bold statement? The Holy Spirit used her as a vessel to speak forth my destiny. A message of knowledge was at work through the child.
Now I needed the impartation of the Holy Spirit's wisdom to know exactly what that meant for my life. Over the years, the Lord has made it clear.
Another time I was mountain hiking in Estes Park years ago was when a girl around 12 years old came up to me and asked if she could read me a Bible verse and a note. It was so random and unusual that I knew Jesus was at work. There was no way I could have orchestrated something so life-changing on my own.
The girl handed me a piece of paper with a Scripture: "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering" (Mark 5:34).
The girl was a vessel for God to speak wisdom and knowledge for me to heal. That was my Damascus Road moment. To hear Jesus say the word "daughter" rattled me to my core. That’s why the Bible is called the Living Word. The Lord gives LIFE and true freedom!
After that collision with Jesus in Estes Park, I fell in love with Scripture even more because I fell in love with a Savior named Jesus. I had tasted and seen the goodness of the Lord, the One who cared enough to call me His daughter. His Fatherhood became very real. Jesus came to me when I needed Him the most. My faith in the All-Mighty God was my calling card for the future.
Remember: the Spirit gives life. You can't miss it when God is at work.
The Lord used two young children to forever change my journey. Then I boldly trusted and wholeheartedly followed the Father.
In Exodus 36, the Lord gave specific instructions on how to build the tabernacle, and He will do the same for you with whatever He’s prepared.
God will help you pick out the exact colors for your new business and even the branding, and He'll even help you with all the paperwork and put you in front of the right people. You just have to ask. It really is that simple. If you need strategy with a matter, God will be very specific. Give him your dough.
Everything we have from God comes from Him anyway; we just have to give it back.
Right now, the Lord is asking you to trust Him again. He knows you're afraid. He also knows your heart is right, so He's calling you for someone special. I meant to write "something special," but the Lord wrote someone – so that alone is a word for a person! The Lord is calling you for someone special. That person is a destiny helper. They're going to help you advance in your next season. You two must come together because everything will be amplified once joined.
Open your eyes today! Look around. There's an answer you're looking for right in front of your eyes!
In September, I awoke to a dream where I heard "3-1." The Lord brought me to Ecclesiastes 3:1 – "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens…."
There is a time for everything because God sets the times. He has predestined everything. The month of March is aligning with Ecclesiastes 3. My inner spirit knows it with all my heart. It also aligns with Adar on the Hebrew calendar, which is extremely prophetic. The month of Adar is when God’s people transformed from sorrow to joy.
Here’s what the Lord is speaking to my heart: this will be a season to "embrace." Today I was driving home and saw a Southwest LUV airplane flying almost in sync with a United airplane. Love is in the air! United love. God is bringing people together during this time. He's already connected these people on a soul level.
He's revealed the other person through divine wisdom and revelation imparted in God's supernatural ways. Right after I saw the planes, I looked over and saw a truck with the word "Mirrors." It made me think of the song “Mirrors” that talks about two people who reflect one another.
The woman was always right in front of the man. It’s the very same way we are with God. He’s always been right there in front of us.
Show me how to fight for now
And I'll tell you, baby, it was easy
Comin' back here to you once I figured it out
You were right here all along
This is a season to EMBRACE.
The Lord cares about the home because it was the very first ministry in the Bible when God brought Adam and Eve together. God is responsible for unions. He writes love stories when we give Him the pen and allow Him to choose our mates. The woman is made from the rib of the man. The Lord is the best Matchmaker. He knows who fits because He made the both of you. When God-ordained couples come together, it glorifies the Lord. A beautiful thing is never perfect, but the Lord protects it.
Genesis 2:18
God said, “It’s not good for the man to be alone; I’ll make him a helper, a companion.”
Repeat: God said He will make the man a helper.
Before Eve came upon the scene, Adam was walking in his purpose and had a job. He was the first landscaper. He was tending the garden.
Adam named all the animals, but “he didn’t find a suitable companion” (Genesis 2:21). So God put Adam to sleep and did heart surgery on the man to prepare him for the woman entering his life. That’s why, ladies, I really encourage you to allow the Lord to do a finished work on the man. Do not awake love until God ordains and commissions the man to find you. Adam had already seen all the other creatures, so he knew it was game time when Eve showed up on the scene. The Bible says God brought the woman to the man.
Adam knew Eve was different. He recognized himself in her.
Genesis 2:23-25
The man said, "Finally! Bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh! She shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
It's one thing to be naked physically, but it's a whole other level also to be spiritually and emotionally naked, but that's what happens when God plays Matchmaker. There's a deeper level of intimacy without shame. The Lord is already joining many people together in spirit as we speak. Therefore, when they come together, there will be an acceleration with these unions. They will start building the Kingdom of God together and raise little children who know Jesus with all their hearts and soul. It will be impossible for them to tell their story without mentioning what God did in their lives.
The Lord has been raising people who will set the family on fire again. I am confident that a new generation is coming forth who will honor God before and during the marriage. These people have chosen to do it the narrow way. They haven't always been perfect, but the Lord has intercepted their lives and got them in order. They are chain breakers.
Many people are embarking on a miracle marriage season!
In Song of Songs, we learn how a husband and wife are designed to enjoy each other. Chapter 7 outlines the importance of having a solid relationship built on trust, communication, standards and reciprocity. There's no self-centeredness. Solomon and his wife take time to speak to one another and praise each other. It proves that communication does lead to ultimate intimacy and gratification.
The language used in Song of Songs might make some blush, but the message is clear: God cares about a passionate love that lasts as the marriage matures.
Many people see the Song of Solomon as a symbolic depiction of how God sees the church. This is true! However, we must remember that God created the human body and sex in the first place, and there is beauty in intimacy under the confines of a marriage. The wording in this book might seem odd, but the writer is expressing metaphors through Middle Eastern agriculture.
Song of Songs 7:12
Let us go early to the vineyards
to see if the vines have budded,
if their blossoms have opened,
and if the pomegranates are in bloom—
there I will give you my love.
Below is an excerpt from writer Kate Norman about pomegranates in ancient Israel:
Pomegranates are beloved in Israel for their sweet, tangy taste; rich, red color and dazzling crown shape. The peak season to find pomegranates in Israeli markets is from October to March. (In the United States, they are known as the 'jewel of winter').
In fact, pomegranates were one of the first fruits that the Children of Israel tasted from the Promised Land before entering into it after 400 years of slavery in Egypt and 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. When the Israelites approached the Promised Land, they sent the infamous 12 spies to scope out the land and bring back a report. And what they returned with was fear and fruit. Except for Caleb and Joshua, the spies brought back a fearsome report of fortified cities and unbeatable giants. But the fruit they carried with them was rich: a cluster of grapes, figs—and pomegranates (Num. 13:23).
In addition to blessing, the pomegranate also represents royalty, thanks to its crown shape. Bursting with seeds, the fruit also represents fertility, life and love.
Solomon was a man of great wealth and riches, so he understood firsthand the importance of love over riches. True love comes at the price tag of eternity. It's like a garden that must be cultivated and tended to with gentleness and perseverance. Love cannot be bought from humans because Jesus already paid the ultimate price for these love relationships.
Some of you need to get ready! There is cooing in the land! Do you hear the birds singing? This is a season to embrace what the Father has planned! The singing birds will be your signal! Open your eyes and ears!
"The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air" (Song of Songs 2:12).
Prayer: Father God, thank you for this beautiful word today. I pray for all the single men and women walking into their next season. May you prepare the hearts of these people to always glorify you in their marriage and union. Their future is already in your hands. We love you, Lord!
Psalm 45: The Wedding Song
Most scholars believe that Psalm 45 was written for Solomon on his wedding day as he married the princess of Egypt. However, the language is so powerful that it’s easy to see the majestic Lord Jesus Christ weaved all throughout the verses.
Remember how the Lord showed me the “Mirrors” when I saw the “LUV” and “United” airplanes? Well, check this out. Psalm 45 is arranged in such a way that the king and queen mirror each other. The woman radiates the glory of her husband and they stand side-by-side. The man is full of wisdom. He was “the most wonderful and winsome of all men” (45:2).
He is a warrior who glorifies the Lord in all his ways. This king truly is the man. His woman is a queen! Some of you are about to walk into a season of love. Others are about to know King Jesus on new levels as you become His bride.