My mother’s outlook on healing and miracles before she died of breast cancer

“My mind, heart, faith and personal relationship with Christ has definitely been healed in my journey.”

-Vicki Metcalfe, My Mom

Earlier this evening, I was looking through old emails and came across an old blog post from my mother. My mom was very transparent and open about her breast cancer journey because she knew God was doing the miraculous in her life. She also wanted to help others. She ultimately graduated to Heaven, but she touched countless lives during her time on earth.

My mom was such a beautiful soul and her words have such a profound impact on my life even today. I hope they can bless and touch someone else going through something similar.

Also, my mom’s name is Vicki Metcalfe. I want to say her name because her life had important meaning beyond just being a wife, mom or grandmother. She had a name and identity and was someone who God used mightily during her 57 years on earth.

Oh, and random note, my mom loved her some BBQ, so it makes me laugh that she mentions it in this post. My sister and I always knew there would be barbecue at any event or party. Mom was a social butterfly and ALWAYS, ALWAYS the life of the party!

Vicki Metcalfe

Jeremiah 17:14
Heal me, Oh Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise

Hi everyone, this is Vicki

I hope everyone is having a fantastic week and looking forward to a relaxing weekend. I know I am, where I will be fellowshipping with dear friends over some of the best BarBQ. But first, let me update you on my scan results.

As I had already communicated with my immediate family, because I know my body, my chemo didn't work. The pain had increased tremendously. My baseline on pain jumped the last couple of weeks from a manageable 4 to a strong 7, 8 at times. My limping seems more defined, and I find doing easy things like getting in and out of baths, dressing, things like this are now more difficult. I just had a gut feeling and seeing it on my face, my family knew too.

The plan is number one, change my pain meds. To get any relief we have to go stronger. I've never been a pill person for headaches, cramping etc so this is taking some mental adjusting on my part. The third step is starting a new chemo. For some reason my body won't accept chemo. This is THE PLAN.
Now, on to something more serious. I know when we put my journey out there for others to follow, share, pray, etc., that sometimes people say unusual things. I got a private message today that really bothered me. I've already deleted the message after researching their page.

But I'm going to give my thoughts on what was asked even though she's been deleted. Ok? Ok. Here goes---

No, I do not feel like a failure because even though I have all these prayer warriors praying for me, the cancer had not left. Let me explain healing and the way I look at it. If my thoughts seem wrong to any of you, stop reading and walk away.

Because deep in my heart I believe this way: Healing does not necessarily mean the cancer is leaving my body. Healing to me can be different things. When people pray for my healing, I see healing is taking place. My mind, heart, faith and personal relationship with Christ has definitely been healed in my journey. Because I have Cancer still does not mean healing has not been taking place. To think Christ is not healing me even with all these prayers does not make me a failure.

My walk with Christ has been healed 100% in areas where it was being neglected and to me that is biblical healing. It doesn't just mean Christ removes the cancer and I become free of disease. That part will come in Heaven. I'm pleased with the healing I have received so far. 


My friend, not just healing HAS taken place, but so have miracles.

I have received so many messages from Children of God where they were struggling with issues in their lives. Many have spoken how reading the words prepared by Christ for Tamara, Tara, Holly and myself to speak, has renewed their faith, their own walks with Christ, mended friendships with others, have gotten back in church, have learned to be Caregivers to the sick and more.

If these things taking place in others lives just by following my journey of faith aren't miracles — then I don't know what is.

Do you believe miracles have to be something visible to the eye and cannot be miracles through the heart? Am I wrong in my thinking? I don't think so but just to be sure I've asked my Pastor to clarify this to me biblically and I'll let you know what he says.

I'm excited to hear his input. So again, miracles are happening even though I still have cancer. Yes, I would love for the cancer to leave my body in complete healing and that would be a beautiful miracle. But that may not be God's will for me right now.

I mostly pray for help with pain and Christ has put me in an incredible place to get help with pain relief, and with financial help from his faithful servants so I can be here at MDAnderson for the best care. These are miracles!!!!

I'm sorry this was so long but as you can tell I may of let someone's comment confuse me some and I'll find the right truth. I love you all. Each of you own a part of my heart forever.

I'm still the same OLD Vicki, just with good news and bad news today. My humor, goofy, mind-forgetting self is still here fighting every day. It was a tough choice but I've still got fight in me, so I'm moving on to the new plan.

Vicki Metcalfe Trial Take II coming right up. 

[Tamara here. I wanted to keep my mom’s signature the way she wrote it because she approached each new round of treatment like it was NBA Finals Game 7. I adore this woman so much and her goofy self. She wrote countless blogs that deeply touched others and her wisdom still takes my breath away. Emotionally I’m still not strong enough to read her blogs again just yet, however, I came across this one in my email today and felt like there was a reason. Maybe her words will touch you. Also, if you are dealing with late-stage cancer or you have a loved one who is fighting something, or recently passed away, please reach out to me. Grief is something I know all too well and I love to talk with others and walk with them through their own situation. Please know there are strangers (like me) who do truly, truly care about you. Sending love to you all].


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