Daughter of God: You are Priceless.
“You are a royal priesthood…God’s special possession, His instrument to do His work and speak out for Him.”
1 Peter 2:9
The Lord wants you to know that you are priceless in His eyes. God loves you so very much.
He adores your faithfulness, tenderness, love, simplicity and the way you treasure things about Him in your heart. He sees your fears and tears and understands what it feels like to be alone, rejected and misunderstood.
Please know that God is a Father who is so near and close to you. Every detail of your life matters to Him. The Lord even encamps around and shields you from harm like a protective mother eagle. You do not have to be afraid.
Things that are priceless can’t be bought. In Psalm 36:7, God’s unfailing love is called priceless; in Isaiah 43:4, the Lord calls His people priceless. He loves and honors you. Wisdom from the Lord is also described as the most priceless possession, and when we find it, we gain understanding (Proverbs 3:13). That’s why the Lord is calling on you to search and keep searching for His heart, and you will discover treasure and gold you never imagined.
The same God who gave Solomon “wisdom and very good insight, and a breadth of understanding as measureless as the sand on the seashore” is the same God who lives inside you. Solomon spoke 3,000 proverbs, and his songs number 1,005. He also talked about animals and birds, reptiles and fish. From all the nations, people came to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, including kings of the world (1 Kings 4:32-34).
Keep searching for the Lord in everything. He’s in the birds in the sky, the chickens that run around, the lizards that find their way into palaces and the ants that are industriousness filled with foresight. God is in the precious dogs you nurture and protect, like David watched over the sheep.
Our King speaks through the palm trees with huge leaves and deep roots. They sway and can withstand any storm because they have a bounce-back anointing.
Our Heavenly Father made all of creation, and His hand-print is with everything and in everything. The more we search, the more we find.
Our God speaks through the morning rain showers that water the earth and revive all that is dead and dry. He thunders through the sky to call attention to His superiority and reign and speaks of His promises through the rainbow in the clouds.
Keep searching, beloved, because you are priceless.
Last night I had a dream about you. The child was born and accelerated through the infant stage and quickly grew in stature. We wanted to measure the child because her growth broke a world record!
There was something peculiar and unique about the child that can’t be described.
I was fascinated with the baby and drawn to her because she was so rare I’d never met anyone like her. God intentionally made the child different because she was never meant to fit in but always stand out. Her growth was supernatural and fascinating. She just accelerated out of nowhere and it all happened so fast. The first time she tried to get out of her stroller she fell forward but she kept trying. She was determined to stand and walk.
Her Father protected her and never let her out of His sight.
She grew up in stature just like her Dad.
After all…He created her.
Jesus started His life the same way as the little girl. He was born a baby. He learned to walk and talk, drank milk, and ate solid food. He took His first steps, lost His first tooth and said His first words.
Physically, He seemed the same as others.
But His heart, knowledge and wisdom were well advanced.
Luke 2:52 says, “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”
He set a pattern for us to follow.
Dad created you to be just like Him.
Wisdom requires both foresight and insight. Godly wisdom involves having a teachable heart and being open to learning new things. It calls for humility, tenderness, and a willingness to grow. Wisdom encourages us to take bold steps, to jump, leap, and dive headfirst, even when the outcome is uncertain. We can trust the Teacher, because our Heavenly Father knows best.
We must search for wisdom, and she can be found like treasure. Wisdom from the Lord requires chasing after our Father with all our hearts. We diligently seek His voice in the scriptures and open our eyes to see Him in nature. We listen for His soft whisper in the midnight hours. We learn about Him through relationships with others and perceive His voice through the regular rhythms of life.
Wisdom is a gift the Lord has given to you.
Oh, how He loves you.
Keep searching, beloved, for the Lord has given you unique insight that only a few will find in this lifetime. Why? Why this precious gift?
Because you are priceless.
A royal priesthood, God’s special possession…
An instrument to do His work and speak out for Him, to tell others of the night-and-day difference He made for you…from nothing to something…from rejected to accepted (1 Peter 2:9, MSG).
You are chosen. Loved.
Adored. Admired.
Freed. Cherished. Accepted.
Hand-crafted and hand-selected by the King of the universe.
You are priceless because your Father already paid the ultimate price.
Keep growing, dear precious daughter of God.
Be different. Stay tender.
Faithful and pure.
Teach and show others the way. Love them with extraordinary empathy. Forgive. Give.
Jump all in and run after Jesus with all your heart and soul.
Arise, beloved, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.