Last night, I dreamed of all these planes dancing and soaring in the sky! I knew this was a prophetic dream and God was teaching us a powerful lesson through an airplane parable.

At the beginning, I saw “twin” airplanes landing in tandem and they were futuristic and sleek!

When it came time for the runway approach, all the sudden one plane burst forth and landed first!

A special ops warplane then accompanied the second plane back to the sky for a later approach!

That’s when I saw lots of other airplanes circling the atmosphere like birds in the sky waiting for their special moment to land.


1. The first plane represents someone who is about to come on the scene out of nowhere! They are landing right now, in this season. I got the sense that the first plane “breached” and it was a surprise landing like in Genesis when Tamar gives birth to twins. The first baby showed his hand, but the second twin, Perez, came out of nowhere and burst forth!

Someone reading this right now is the new thing and your arrival will come with speed and shock!

Genesis 38:29: And as she was giving birth…one of them put out his hand; so the midwife took a scarlet thread and tied it around his wrist. “This one came out first” she announced. But when he pulled his hand back and his brother came out, she said “You have broken out first!” So he was named Perez.

The name Perez means “breached, breakthrough or one who bursts forth!”

2. The second part of my dream had all these aircrafts circling in the sky, patiently awaiting their time of arrival. These people are in a holding pattern. Everything was orderly and somehow I knew there was a rhythm to the landings.

The planes correctly remained air-bound until the set time of arrival. The special ops warplane continued to guard and circle the aircrafts like they were precious eaglets.

This guardian plane was fierce and very technologically-advanced! There is a spiritual realm of protection that is stronger than any enemy! It was powerful to see and I will never forget this dream!

As I sat with the Lord, He showed me how these airplanes represent powerful ministries and people who are entrusted by Jesus to safely carry and pilot people with the Lord’s love.

The aircrafts are fueled by the Spirit of God!

They have patiently endured and they are close to landing!

3. In my dream, I watched all this unfold from the ground while I stood in an airplane factory alongside all these sparkling new aircrafts. There were many new planes in development and it was breathtaking!

They were branded as Southwest “LUV” airplanes and the glory of Christ made them shine!

The foundation and seats were firmly rooted, they just needed their rooftop covering and sides bolted in and secured. 

God revealed how those planes represent many new voices and leaders in ministry who are Holy Spirit-infused and right on the cusp of being released for a higher calling.

They’ve been trained by Jesus in the “factory” of His heart and He’s about to commission them to carry and protect His people. 

When we think of airplanes, they usually fly about 200-300 people at once, but they can cover a ton of ground in a short amount of time.

Each day, your ministry or “plane” might have different “passengers” but the mission to share the Good News always stays the same.

The wind of the Holy Spirit keeps them soaring. The pilots have to trust the Command Center of Christ to direct and guide them at all times.

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord has given them a very unique calling to carry a specific group of people. They must always fly high with Christ!

The Lord is whispering to many people…

“Are you ready to soar into new beginnings together? If so, you must fully leave the baggage of the past behind! We are entering completely new territory! I’m ready to set you loose with a fiery zest to reach new atmospheres! It’s time to ignite your adventurous spirit again! Your entire life has been training ground for this exact moment! Let’s RISE!”

John 7:37:
…Jesus stood and said in a loud voice,“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.”


As I spent time with the Lord, He reminded me of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, which teaches about the apostolic mandate.

When Paul penned the letter, Greece had many great speakers and orators trained to dazzle the crowds. The people became enthralled more with the deliverance than the substance of the message.

This is no different than the modern day because the digital media age is a gateway for anyone to have a platform. 

In 2 Corinthians, Paul realized the Corinthians had not fully grasped a cross-centered life and how it meant dying to everything of the world.

Paul writes that true leadership is much more than speech and electrifying words or sermons to appease the masses. He was a gifted teacher who went through many long periods of sanctification with the Lord out of the spotlight before ever being commissioned in public. You don’t need to be a great public speaker to have influence when God is on your side.

Moses and Jeremiah both saw themselves as poor speakers, but they held mighty weight in the kingdom and were two of the most anointed prophets of all time. Paul didn’t consider himself an eloquent speaker either and humility is currency in the kingdom. They had no choice but to rely on Christ!

When searching for leaders, Jesus is not looking for perfection, but for those who yield to His desires with obedience and reverence.

Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart.

In this verse below, Paul lovingly (and sarcastically) rebuked the Corinthians who were dazzled by the hyper-apostles:

I do not think I am in the least inferior to those ‘super-apostles.’ I may indeed be untrained as a speaker, but I do have knowledge. We have made this perfectly clear to you in every way.” (2 Cor. 11:5-6).

Paul also warned of a “copycat” mentality and reminded the Church how the Lord has imparted unique spiritual gifts to His body. There is room for everyone and we should not compare or try to teach or preach like others. We should never measure “success” compared to the world’s standards because God’s approval and commendation is far more worthy.

Many of you are the Lord’s spiritual entrepreneurs! Continue to approach God’s Throne Room with childlike faith and exuberant JOY! Remember to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ with unrestrained boldness for the harvesting of souls. Speak and teach only what the Lord puts on your heart and do not fear man!

A word for someone:

God is really pressing upon my heart right now to remind someone that He’s given you an extremely unique approach to the way you guide and teach people. I sense that He’s really pressing upon someone to start a YouTube channel or podcast. You must simply open your mouth and speak the words He gives you! God made you different on purpose for your advantage! Just like the Lord told Joshua: “Be strong and courageous! The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go! Do not be afraid!”

The heart and love of Jesus must always remain central in your ministry. You are the “LUV” airplanes in the sky! 

Jesus alone is the prize.


During my whole entire dream, I was carrying around a little girl who was unfamiliar to me. I wanted to make sure she was secured and protected. As I prayed with the Lord for clarity, He showed me how these are “sons and daughters” who God is raising up around the world right now.

We have been entrusted to help them fly!

Some of these children are your own, but others are new believers in the faith who need to be taught about the love of Christ through the Holy Spirit. 

They have been imprinted with the DNA of Jesus Christ. They need authentic and genuine spiritual mothers and fathers to teach them from a place of tender-love and compassion.

We have a new generation of people who won’t walk through the doors of a church, so the Lord is sending many of you out to new destinations to reach lost souls. That’s why He showed me airplanes as a parable to reflect the size and expansion of His movement.

We are walking into a modern day “Acts of the Apostles” movement and God’s heart is beating for more people to walk alongside new believers and build them up from a place of spiritual intimacy.

The Lord hid you in the secret place and sculpted your heart in the furnace of affliction to give you a mighty heart for His people! Continue to serve and love the overlooked, wounded, forgotten and heartbroken among us.

Allow your testimony to always be rooted in God’s divine grace.

The Lord your God loves you so very much! He’s extremely proud of you!

There is a world that is desperate to know Jesus just like you do. Help them understand the true essence of our Father’s heart!

“The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory” — Romans 8:16-17.

Many times intercessors and those called to raise up and protect the Lord’s people will have “babysitting” dreams or carry children who aren’t familiar to them in waking life.

In the dream, the child was a toddler, so we are being reminded to nurture new believers with tender love and compassion. 

It’s such a privilege to serve the Most High and the Lord is transforming so many people as we speak! He started the work in them and now we must faithfully step forward and serve as God’s hands and feet.

We are way too inadequate to ever carry this calling on our own, so we must allow King Jesus to pilot our ministries and hearts!

The Lord is calling you just like Peter who stood fearlessly in front of others and taught about the Messiah at Pentecost! Just 50 days earlier, he had succumbed to his flesh and denied Christ.

However, Jesus restored Peter again and then commissioned him to share the gospel with boldness and clarity!

Jesus gave Peter the same mandate He’s giving many of you today:

Luke 22:32
I have prayed for you, Peter, that you would stay faithful to me no matter what comes. Remember this: after you have turned back to me and have been restored, make it your life mission to strengthen the faith of your brothers.”





“Prepare to run with horses!” God’s new pace of grace


PROPHETIC WORD: A Fall To Remember