“Moreover the LORD said to me, “Take a large scroll, and write on it with a man’s pen…”

Isaiah 8:1

Psalm 34:4 — I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”

Recently the Lord asked me: "how did you learn to prophesy?" He knew the answer, but God wanted me to reflect and tell others how

And the answer is — God taught me.

Years ago, my world became vastly different overnight after losing my mother to cancer. I only knew myself as a daughter, and I'd lived to make my parents proud my entire life. They didn't place this burden on me — I did. And now I was starting over at ground zero. My mom was outgoing, vibrant, and unashamedly bold! She truly believed in the impossible! I can be more introverted and timid sometimes, but my mom was an excellent match for my spirit because she pushed me forward and made me brave.

My mom had radical faith, and because of that — so did I! After she died, the world felt very lonely, scary and empty. 

Then Jesus walked into my life. His Light overwhelmed the darkness. 

In the weeks, months and years after Mom's death, the Lord would leave me tiny gifts along my path. I'd find feathers, see brilliant rainbows and witness the most glorious sunsets. It was as if Heaven painted the sky for me to see! I was sure my mom was saying hello from Eternity, but I realized it was the Holy Spirit. He let me know that my mom is safe in His arms.

The unseen realm became very real in my life. Children would speak words that hit straight to the heart. I just knew God was speaking through them. My eyes could suddenly perceive numbers everywhere, and I realized they matched with Scripture. I would race to read the Bible and find the words God was sharing at that moment. The Holy Spirit was making me aware of Him. 

One day I went into a bookstore on a road trip and randomly grabbed a book. Someone had placed a sheet of paper inside it and wrote: "you are worth the fight!" Out of all the thousands of books there, the Lord pushed me to open that one for a reason. God constantly encouraged my heart and cheered me along the way. Our relationship blasted off! It was a quick acceleration and growth together! Each day I got stronger. 

Like an excited child, I recorded everything because God was so majestic! The Lord became my identity. His Fatherhood was very real.

Dear Lord, today I saw that rainbow You sent, reminding me of the promises You have set forth! Thank you, Father, for the feathers you place along my path to remind me of doves in the Bible and the power of the Holy Spirit. Lord, today I heard my niece talk about how she is made from clay. It reminds me of the verse where You are the Potter, and we are the clay, and You're forming us in Your image. Lord, I'm struggling now and need to know You are near. Please remind me how Your mercy is new every morning. I love You so very much. Thank You for staying with me and catching my tears. Please remind me again how You are here.

And time and time again, GOD always answered in His infinite, sovereign, and omnipotent ways. Always. Our relationship was very pure and simple. I didn't know all these Bible stories and couldn't recite Scripture until years later. In the beginning, Jesus allowed me to just be as He loved me back to life. When the Bible talks about resting in the power of God’s love, I believe this is what it means. We are given the freedom to let go. The path towards healing starts with learning to RECEIVE.

For nearly five years, it was just Jesus and me. I wrote to Him every day, sat at His feet, and just wanted Him and nothing else. Soon the Word of God came alive, and I loved to learn about all the people in the Bible. Their struggles, triumphs and restoration of life made so much sense to me. It gave me HOPE!

During the night, my dreams also became very vivid and real and the Lord started teaching me through symbols and parables in visions.

It's like God flipped a switch! Everything was very organic. 

So, how did I learn to prophesy? At some point, those prayers I wrote to God flipped to declarations, and the Lord started speaking through my spirit. There's an inner witness that takes over the pen. Some people have the gift of prophecy through speaking, but mine comes on through writing. The words "bubble up" out of nowhere, and sometimes I don't even know what it means! My hand trembles, God's words arrive full throttle, and I scribble it all down. Since I didn't grow up in the charismatic and didn’t understand the gifts of the spirit, the Lord had to teach me on His own. 

Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27).  

Looking back, there were early signs. In seventh grade, I wrote a letter to the city newspaper about school prayer and they asked to publish the letter as a column. In church, I was always taking notes. I wanted to record everything that was taught. I was not like this in school or college, so I know the Spirit of God gave me this passion in certain atmospheres. The desire to record Biblical teachings only came on when I’d hear the Word of God delivered in the purest form. I love sound teaching.

When my mom was sick, I started sharing her story on a Facebook page and God’s glory shined through to help others. My mom would write, too. Even to this today, the words shared are still impacting people. I realize now that God was preparing me for my future. I became a great LISTENER.

Interestingly, I never wrote in a journal until the Holy Spirit overwhelmed my life after my mom’s death. I recognized that something extraordinary was happening and I wanted to record it all! I also realized there was no one else who had lived my exact experience and battled cancer as a young adult like me and then cared for their mother and watched extreme, intense suffering so close, and then had to start over without having their own husband and children. I’m sure there are people out there, but I just didn’t know them. So God became my family. He was the only One I really knew to confide in and help me through the process. Jesus taught me to stand again.

God’s supernatural way cannot be explained but lived and experienced. I learned that we are all given gifts to build the body of Christ. Mine is to communicate the Lord’s heart, encourage others and write. The best way to describe a scribal gift of prophecy is like a songwriter who "hears" lyrics and jots down the message swiftly.

The more we study the Bible, the more God's character shines. It helps us discern His voice versus ours and even others.

When David defeated the enemy at Baal-Perazim, he yelled: "GOD DID IT!" Whenever the Lord gives me a word, I shout the same thing: GOD DID IT! HE BURST THROUGH LIKE A RAGING FLOOD! 

But for years, my routine with the Lord was to meet with Him every morning. I rarely ever skipped class. Even amid a busy work schedule, I'd get up before dawn to worship, pray, read and write. I was hungry and thirsty to know Jesus more. He became my Advocate, Comforter, and Teacher. When I got nervous or scared to do something, God would remind me that I was brave. When I felt lonely, He'd send me a dream to remember my future. Jesus became my Savior and Friend.

Then one day, the Lord said, okay, teach others. I resisted the calling for over a year because I didn't feel qualified. I didn't attend seminary school, but God’s school of hard knocks. He said that was always the plan. 

When God says that He will accelerate your understanding, regain time, and put everything in order -- He does. 

It happens so fast that your head will swim. 

However, long before the gifts of the spirit arrived, my heart remained pure and as tender as a child. I will always be God's student. I will always be His daughter. I love Him with all my heart and soul, but the truth is, I didn't choose Him. He chose me first, and He did the same for you (John 15:16). You're not here by accident today. God has a word for you.

John 21:25 — Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”


1 Corinthians 12:4-7

“Each believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit to benefit not just himself but all. For example: the Spirit givesthe gift of prophecy.” 

Romans 12:6

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith…”

After Jesus suffered on the cross, He told 11 uneducated (mostly) fishermen to sit still and wait for the power of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit arrived, these men were empowered to boldly go forth in the name of Jesus and make disciples of all nations.

And, here we are, some 2000 years later, with Christianity alive and well. This could not be accomplished with man alone. The people needed divine power and the Holy Spirit came bearing gifts. Jesus has divided these gifts among all of His children even today. If you have accepted Christ as your Savior, you have a gift.

One grace gift that some people have is the gift of prophecy, but it doesn’t make everyone prophets. That’s an entirely different function of the five-fold ministry and we’ll discuss that in the next section. The Bible says we should all be eager to prophesy, so let’s discuss what the gift actually means.

The Greek word for the gift of prophecy is prophēteia which is the ability to receive a divinely inspired message and deliver it to others in the church. These messages can take the form of exhortation, correction, disclosure of secret sins, prediction of future events, comfort, inspiration, or other revelations given to equip and edify the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 14:3-4, 24-25).  Again, they do not constitute the authoritative Word of God, but are the human interpretation of the revelation that was received. They are spoken in human words through a human mind which is why they must be tested against the Scriptures (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21).
— Pastor Jeff Carver

In the New Testament a person who prophesies is one who recognizes the heart of God in a situation and expresses that to others to build up the Kingdom of God. It’s not a skill or talent, but actual inspired speech the Spirit of God communicates to His people.

The apostle Paul wrote: “Everyone who prophecies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort. He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself, but he who prophesies edifies the church.” (1 Corinthians 14:3-4)


Romans 10:17 – “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”

The Greek word used here for “word” is rhḗma – which means “instant, personal spoken word of God.” 

Logos is another Greek word for “Word of God” and that’s the constant word we have recorded in the Bible.

Those who operate in the gift of prophecy will “hear” God speak through His Word (the Bible) and other inspired ways — and then deliver the message back to God’s people. It’s an utterance that “bubbles forth” by a living person. Many prophets in the Bible also recorded words in the form of written language. David did the same thing with poems and songs.

The written word is foundational, the spoken word is directional.

In the modern day, the “gift of prophecy” can operate through songs, inspired speech, written words, conversation, artwork, creative content and other Holy Spirit-infused messaging. 

For instance, I’m a journalist in my regular career, but there is a massive difference when I write and teach God’s heart compared to just writing a story in my career. When writing “for” the Lord, my hands start to shake and the words just flow and oftentimes I’ll have no idea what is recorded until I go back and read the message. 

Some of the greatest songs ever written happened this exact way. The singer will say “oh, I wrote this song within a few minutes. The words just flowed.” That’s because the Holy Spirit is divinely working through them to build up and encourage people. Music has the ability to intercept our lives more than anything else and that’s why it’s possible to hear God’s voice in even “secular” songs at times.

We can never limit God to a box. “I Will Always Love You,” is not a “Christian” song per se, but it’s definitely a love song that can speak to the heart of people. 

Prophesying is important because it builds up your strength and builds up the body of believers.

That's why Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:39 – “Therefore, my brothers and sisters, be eager to prophesy…” 

Both the new and old testament repeat the words spoken by Joel for a reason. Anything mentioned twice in the Bible should really grab our attention!

Acts 2:16-17 -- This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: “‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.”

And yes, women can prophesy and be prophetesses.

Prophetesses in the Bible: Miriam (Exodus 15:20); Deborah (Judges 4:4); Huldah (2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chronicles 34:22); wife of Isaiah (Isaiah 8:3); Anna (Luke 2:36-38); and the four daughters of Philip (Acts 21:8-9).

Acts 21:7-9: “We...stayed at the home of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the Seven. He had four unmarried daughters who prophesied.” 


The Bible tells us that all of God’s people should be eager to prophesy, but there are those who hold the Office of the Prophet and Office of the Apostle (Acts 13:1-3, Acts 15) even in the modern day. It’s not what they do, but who they are.

Ephesians 4:11, "It was He (Jesus) who gave some to be (1) apostles, some to be (2) prophets, some to be (3) evangelists, and some to be (4) pastors and (5) teachers.” 

Jesus assigns the various functions working through others, not a church, a theology degree, or any class or school. The Office of the Prophet is selected and commissioned by the Lord alone. The five-fold ministry is to equip the body of saints until the church comes into fullness. Since we are not in fullness, we need each function to keep building the church with Jesus as the foundation.

How do we know that the Office of the Prophet still exists? Jesus told us to watch out for the false ones. The Holy Spirit also gave the gift of discernment, which is only needed to distinguish between true and false. If there’s false, there must be true. If there’s pastors, teachers, and evangelists, then we can’t just cancel the other two in the five-fold ministry.

Sometimes we get so caught up on the laws without realizing that the entire mission of Jesus was to change hearts. For instance, there are some countries who do not have religious freedom. God isn’t going to leave them stranded and He’ll plant prophets and apostles along their paths. The Lord will continue to deliver His messages to prophets to lay the foundation for others. We must open our eyes to see the Kingdom beyond a place of privilege and just “doing church.” The lives of people are at stake and it’s a very serious matter.

Prophets are God’s ambassadors who represent the message of Jesus Christ and reflect His heart and voice to the modern world. 

It’s a calling that first comes to the person by God and these people are “trained up” by the Father.

They don’t necessarily always prophesy, but rather, show people the way and point everything back to Jesus Christ. They want people to have a very solid foundation of the Lord.

True prophets care about establishing divine order in God’s kingdom. Jesus was the greatest prophet to ever live, John the Baptist was a prophet who “prepared the way” for the Messiah.

Those who follow in their footsteps will remain as lowly and humble as possible and live a life that reflects Christian virtues and character.

Modern day prophets care about speaking God’s heart into the now. They understand, through divine inspiration from the Holy Spirit, how everything is interconnected. They will only speak what is directed by God and not their own personal desires or viewpoints.

Everything they speak is rooted in God’s love. They long to see God’s people set free and this desire will keep those in the Office of the Prophet up night and day. They will intercede and pray for the entire body of Christ and long to see a unity among people. They constantly push people to look up and move forward, and encourage others to elevate their viewpoint to see the world from God’s eyes. Modern day prophets don’t live for the world, but they are set apart with God-inspired vision to understand Heaven’s perspective.

The Lord just gave me the word “to prop” which means = “to hold up, support, build up, something or someone who supports or sustains.” 

God’s prophets in the office will absolutely despise the false or any manipulation of the gifts or stirring up dissenting opinions in the Body of Christ. Again, they long for unity among God’s people. They are about justice and will not stand for any distortion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those in the Office of the Prophet might especially have “holy agitation” when it comes to false prophets, unsound teaching and/or manipulation of God’s people for financial gain or power or self-indulgence. 

Although Paul called himself an apostle, Luke referred to him as a prophet and teacher in Acts 13. Barnabas, Simeon, Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen all built the church at Antioch and were called teacher-prophets. It’s a strong combo to build the body of Christ.

Therefore, it’s quite possible, just like today, that some hold various grace roles in the five-fold ministry whether they dazzle others or not. Paul, in perfect sarcasm, made this clear to the church at Corinth.

2 Corinthians 11:5 –I do not think I am in the least inferior to those “super-apostles.” I may indeed be untrained as a speaker, but I do have knowledge. We have made this perfectly clear to you in every way.”

Modern day prophets really just want to point out the right direction to go and they might be very matter-of-fact because God often speaks very directly to them. 

“Go,” “leave,” “get ready,” “prepare,” “new,” “this way.”

“Study the Word,” “sharpen your sword,” “put on the armor of God.” 

The Lord will always, always, always give those in the Office of the Prophet a Biblical foundation or example of what He’s speaking because the word of God is eternal. It never fades and is current. It’s the Living Word. 

God’s words are ethereal – “extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.” 

The modern day prophets that I see God raising up in this new generation are the unexpected ones. The Lord takes the nobodies and makes them somebodies. Many modern prophets don’t minister in the four walls of the church, but are implanted among the people. Why? Because many folks have been hurt by the church and false religion and they won’t enter a church. Therefore, the Lord sends His people out among them.

Prophets represent all sorts of nations, people groups, denominations, families, schools, boardrooms, they’re on television sets, work in hospitals and hospice centers and you see them at the soccer field, in your neighborhood, at work, the grocery store and everywhere in-between. 

They walk among you. They are trendsetters. They love Jesus at the very core of their soul. 

Perhaps you are one. 🤍✨


The following list is inspired by the Lord to address very specific truths that He’s placing on my heart right now. 

1. Those in the Office of the Prophet were placed there and commissioned by God. They “make Jesus the focus of their life and ministry” like Paul encouraged Timothy. They make sure that Jesus is always the focus of everything they teach; their words are laced in Biblical truth and the Word of God. They will know and understand the Bible front and back and be able to receive a word and know instantly what the Lord is referencing in Scripture. The Word of God is the primary way to hear the voice of the Lord, so they will not only know Scripture, but they will love the Word of God with all their heart and soul. If they are going to boast of anything, they boast in the Lord! 

2. Prophets will have gone through many years of suffering, persecution, training, dry seasons, and preparation before ever called forward. They are literally “raised up” by God Himself. We hear about Jesus around the age of 12 and then nearly two decades go by until he starts His ministry at age 30. Paul was an apostle, but he was first called, then we didn't hear from him for 14 years until he walked into ministry again. All of God’s prophets and apostles will go through very long trials and sufferings and persecution because that’s all primer for what the Lord is calling them to do. Jesus alone will do the commissioning. They will always have to stay in a place of humility and live with extreme grace and forgiveness for those who do them unjustly. Prophets will teach others that love is greater than knowledge because God will stress that to them over and over again.

3. Modern prophets and apostles will have evidence that Jesus’ words did come to pass in their own personal lives before they were ever promoted in office. God will be extremely specific and it should happen just as He promised.

Prophets will also speak words that have very specific meaning or significance in the lives of believers and there will be evidence the words come to pass. Again, the Word of God is eternal and the prophets and apostles will have teachings that are backed up continuously in the Word of God. These will not be “secondhand” or “used” words that have been already passed down from other prophets. There will be newness and freshness on what is delivered. There’s no hand-me-downs with God’s leaders. He will be very specific and direct in words. 

4. Prophets were likely gifted even as children and people might have called them “old souls.” The Lord set them apart from a young age.

They will usually have a very hard life or rejection from a very young age or there’s something “peculiar” about them that people can’t always place. More than likely, they have a Jeremiah calling on their life. God knew them before they were formed in their mother’s womb and set them apart for a purpose. Therefore, they likely knew God existed without ever being taught. Talking about the Lord probably just came naturally for them and it might even be odd to separate the two. They just know that He’s real and that He established the world and put everything in divine order and they know that they know. There’s no convincing. There’s a great chance that some of you are the very first in your families or sphere of influence to have this calling on your lives. However, you’ll notice that the kids that follow behind you seem to have the gifts even earlier. This is because you are to nurture the gifts from a young age and build up the next generation. Because prophets and apostles are so spiritual, if there was ever a moment that one confused the movement of the Holy Spirit with divination (before they came into their calling) the Lord fixed this issue very fast. There can be no confusion with the Lord’s prophets and apostles. They will downright have a holy agitation with anything that involves divination or perversion of spiritual truth. Their desire to speak out against the false will not be received well always, but they’ll say it anyway because they have a very deep desire to only please the Lord. There is no room or patience for the false. 

5. They won't have a copycat mentality because the Lord graces everyone with different gifts. God is so creative that He knows how to speak and teach and flavor every ministry different from the others. Jesus was very creative in the way He taught. The Bible tells us that Jesus operated in all the functions like prophet and priest and He did not stay in one building and wait for people to come. He went out into the world. He also knew how to interact with common folk and wasn’t so spiritual that He couldn’t understand the pulse of people. Modern day prophets and apostles have to know about the culture even though they are called out from the culture. This is how they will know the pulse of God’s kingdom and where the “Corinthian-type” issues are originating to be rooted out and changed. Again, these leaders want the foundation planted and correct and they will constantly go back to telling the truth even if it’s not popular. They will make Jesus the center of everything. He’s the Master Architect and we’re all just builders and one day we will look King Jesus in the face and we must give account of all He’s placed in our hands. 

6. Modern day apostles and prophets will likely have a very strong “conversion” experience when Jesus personally entered their lives and spoke to them. Something will have happened that shifted the direction of their lives forever. From there, they might have entered Straight Street like Paul did where God got them alone. Paul had physical ailments and chances are, many of God’s prophets and apostles also had periods where all systems failed in spirit, body and mind so that God could do a complete healing and repair them — so they can now teach others to find the same healing and freedom. Part of the reason they had to experience tragedy on various levels is because many have the Gift of Healing and they have to understand how all three systems (mind, body and spirit like in 1 Thes. 5:23) work in one, similar to how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit work in Oneness. It mirrors the Body of Christ and how we have many parts but all work together. There’s cohesion with Christ. God’s leaders will always be the last and they will know that dying with Christ is to gain.  

(Matthew 20:24-28, Message)

Jesus said: “You’ve observed how godless rulers throw their weight around, how quickly a little power goes to their heads. It’s not to be that way with you. Whoever wants to be great must become a servant. Whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave. That is what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not to be served — and then to give away his life in exchange for many who are held hostage.”

7. Modern prophets will understand that God doesn’t just speak to the Western world or developed nations but He comes for EVERYONE. Therefore, prophets will have a heart for all people. They will not make their race, religion, nationality, creed, or politics above God. Their messages will be laced with grace. They will protect the poor and bring justice and healing to people and defend the defenseless and give voice to the voiceless. They will remind others over and over about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

8. Prophets and apostles will ask more questions than give answers. They will love to teach spiritual realities through the Word of God, dreams, songs, and other divinely inspired teachings from the Lord. Asking questions was central to the ministry of Christ. He was asked hundreds of questions that we have recorded, but we see a pattern. He listened. He taught. He was patient.

Also, Jesus didn’t entertain or try to convince or chase after anyone. He gave freewill. Jesus spoke directly to those with the proper hearts and mindsets and indirectly to those who were antagonistic. He didn’t desire to change the laws of the land, but the laws of the heart. He didn’t make people or political powers His king. He always kept it moving.

9. Prophets trust in the power of Jesus Christ and love Him as is, not because He gives good gifts. Modern day prophets love to spread love. They love to encourage and serve as the world's cheerleaders because God gives them a desire to see the hearts and pains of people. They recognize the power of the Lord. Prophets and apostles don’t have to do things on large scales, in fact, the majority of Kingdom work will never be seen. Prophets serve an audience of One.

If you are called to the office of the prophet or the Lord has given you a strong ability to prophesy, remember to make Jesus, the Anointed One, the focus of your life and ministry. We don’t have to be superheroes because we already have One. Prophets and apostles will always seek the applause of King Jesus and pleasing Him will be all their hearts desire.

10. The final sign: Prophets love Jesus with all their heart and soul because He loved them first. Now they are called on to teach others. They will have a deep desire to “raise up” others just as Jesus did for them.

The Lord is encouraging me to really speak to those who are struggling to understand their identity in Christ and might be facing unusual challenges, resistance or persecutions, especially as they leave the past behind and walk confidently into the future. Keep moving forward! 

Continue to hold fast to the faith despite what you are facing right now. The Lord is so very proud of your diligence and desire to pursue Him at all times. Your best days are ahead, so do not retreat or give up, because the Lord is the One pushing you ahead! 

You are in the process of “becoming” – becoming a servant of Jesus – and becoming a frontline leader in His Kingdom. God is commissioning you for something too great to even comprehend right now. 

The Lord has been pushing me this week to share more about the modern-day office of the prophet versus the gift of prophesying, so I hope this teaching helped in even a small way. Some of you are in training with the Lord without realizing what’s taking place. The Bible tells us that all of God’s people who live by the power of the Holy Spirit can prophesy, but many simply have not been taught how. 

It requires one to first establish a relationship with Christ that is developed in the secret place. Then the deeper you dive into the Word of God, you will start to recognize and understand the Lord’s voice. From there, He can instruct you in His Ways and start to download all sorts of divine revelations. 

Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27).  

‘Hearers' mostly pertain to those who can “hear” God’s voice. 'Seerers’ are those who recognize God through sight, visions, dreams and other inspired revelations. God didn’t ask Jeremiah what he felt or sense, but what he “saw.” Paul, John and Stephen all had visions in the Bible. When we write down the dreams and visions, God helps us interpret the message. 

Sometimes the Holy Spirit awakens us to His reality by placing regular things along our paths. God used an almond tree with Jeremiah. Jesus is so creative! 

The second you accept Jesus as the Risen Savior, the Holy Spirit comes upon your life but many times people are not aware of His power until a turning point in their lives. Many of you are there right now. The Holy Spirit is already there and with you, so start believing! It’s as simple as that. 

Please know that God will act on your behalf with the promises He’s spoken to you. Continue to live faithfully like Paul declares in 2 Thessalonians and confront and leave anyone behind who is seeking to interfere with God’s work in your life. Jesus never chased anyone or begged them. He kept it moving. 

It’s now or nothing time. You can’t not waste anymore time on the past. 

Pagan and “new age” worship seems to be so immersed in the culture right now that many of God’s children are even getting caught up in the counterfeit. 

However, some people are correctly perceiving the voice of God, and that’s where the Lord wants me to focus. I believe He’s leading some of you here to get very solid instruction for what He’s training you to do in the future. 

The Lord is setting the crooked paths straight. He’s raising up new leaders who will be His face of courage to a new generation. Many of you will be the first spiritual trailblazers in your family and you have been chosen for such a time as this. Pioneers go first, trailblazers create a whole new path. God is so very proud of you! 


You are among a “peculiar people” – which is a GOOD THING. 

When you examine the word peripoiēsis in the New Testament, you will find that it expresses one of the most encouraging truths in Scripture. It means “preserved or maintained.” 

“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for possession…” (1 Peter 2:9). 

Therefore, as a chosen one, you are God’s “possession” and given a special inheritance and He will take care of you forever. And as an heir to the throne, Jesus has given all sorts of grace gifts and roles to His beloved people. Some of you are in training for the Office of the Prophet.

Remember: you can operate in the gift of prophecy NOW. This doesn’t mean you’ll have a public platform right away, but it does mean that God can use you in small ways to impact the Kingdom of God right now. 

The Lord is saying “stir up the gifts…” (2 Timothy 1:6). 

This is the same phrase Paul told Timothy – Stir up the gift which means “keep ablaze the gift” and light the flame. The Lord has handed you all the materials and God’s fire is burning within your soul. KEEP IT LIT. 

God has implanted a blaze within your soul that will change the world and redirect your life forever. Do not go back to the past! The apostle Paul told Timothy, “fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you.” The Lord wants us to be hot and burning in love for Him and service to the Kingdom. He wants us to passionately pursue His divine destiny and light the torch that is already within. This is not a time for lukewarmness. Light the divine fire again! 
— Tamara Jolee

Sometimes the flames burn brightly, other times there’s just a tiny flicker, but one must keep the fire burning! Paul wanted Timothy to use his gifts effectively to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

The gifts that God generously gives you need to be matured and strengthened and it starts by falling in love with the Word of God, but we also need to get excited about the gifts! Put them into practice! 

The Lord is shouting today: STIR UP YOUR GIFTS. It’s time to build a bonfire! 

“Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve.” (Joshua 24:15). 

God is giving you the choice and it will come at a price – but with great responsibility comes great reward. Do not be afraid. The Lord, your God, goes with you. 

Before Mary told Elizabeth that she was pregnant with Jesus, something else happened. The baby in her womb leaped – God was physically alerting her that change had arrived. Something bubbled up from within her spirit. It was the flame of the Holy Spirit! Then immediately Elizabeth started to prophesy and declared prophetic revelation and utterance. 

Is your spiritual baby leaping today? When it starts to bubble up – start speaking! 

God is going to implant within your heart a seed, a promise that will change the world.

Stir up the gifts. 

The Lord wants our lives filled with meaning and joy and first we must admit our failures, then seek His Will over ours with all our hearts. There is still hope in our corner of the world and the Lord is going to use you to show how this works. Lives will be changed the second you step forward with courage. 

The Lord tenderly cares and concerns Himself with those who have been rejected and overlooked by society. He’s such a loving Father who desires for all His kids to live in freedom! He wants us to have a life more abundantly that is dotted with bright and fresh spiritual fruit to color the world. God seeks to restore us Himself and He will never leave you behind. In fact, you’re the exact one He’s coming for! 

“Don't burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame.” (Romans 12:11, MSG) 🔥

My beautiful mom and me!




PROPHETIC WORD: “Put me in, Coach…I’m ready to play!” Time to PLAY BALL ⚾