August 2023 Prophetic Word: THINK BIG!
“In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.”
Proverbs 3:6
We are entering a season of THINK BIG! God's people are on the move! Three years ago, at this time, I had a dream of all these brand-new suitcases that were lined up along the road, ready to be claimed. Each one had a tag that said, "THINK BIG!"
There had to be a fulfillment of time before the Lord released these new mantles, and that time is now! Some of you are stepping into an overflow season that will start this month!
God has equipped you to carry this new calling to help the body of Christ as a whole! Think big! Think about legacy and what will outlast your life and stretch on for generations to come!
It's time to make room for the new!
Isaiah 54:2, MSG
"Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep!”
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is gaining ground, and the Lord's people must prepare for the multitudes. Some of you have to let go of the old to make way for the new! The people are coming, and it's time to PREPARE!
God is enlarging your pioneering spirit to pave a new path for this generation.
Kingdom leadership is not a title given by man, but an influence bestowed upon God’s people. We all have territory given by the Lord and it’s time to take the land! God has put you in a place of influence on purpose.
I can’t stress this enough how the time is now to step into the new! Jesus left the 99 to go after the one; teach, preach, create and write to the ONE! The harvest is ripe but the workers are few. You are ready!
The months of August and September will combine two significant periods of your life.
It will be a “full circle” moment in time.
Some of you have been in an "in-between" stage as you crossover to the other side. God has cut away what doesn't belong in your life, and He's been preparing your heart for something new.
The final piece of the puzzle will arrive for some people this month and you will step into the new thing. Faith has to override your fear!
When I asked Jesus what to share with His people, He passionately said, "Go!" It's time to go! Your future is waiting for you. The Lord Jesus has prepared the new land, and it's time to soar high with your Heavenly Father! You’ll have to trust King Jesus unlike ever before! Supernatural provision will rain down the second you take a leap of faith!
The Holy Spirit says, "Remember the lessons from the Valley of Eshcol." Moses chose twelve spies to peep out the Promised Land, and they crossed over the hills, came to the Valley of Eshcol, and returned with fruit samples. A single cluster of grapes was so large that it took two of them to carry it on a pole! Moses said, "One look was enough to convince us that it was indeed a good land the Lord our God had given us. But the people refused to go in, and rebelled against the Lord's command" (see Deuteronomy 1:24-26).
Ten spies were afraid, but two of them (Joshua and Caleb) said LET'S GO! They trusted the Lord and knew the Israelites could conquer the land, but the others rattled in fear!
Be a 2, not a 10!
Those who are crossing over must take the land now! God has set times on His calendar, and the time is now. The Lord knows you have a different kind of spirit like Caleb and you were made for this moment. There will be a major reward on the other side of your obedience!
Remember the words of Joshua at the end of his life: "Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled" (Joshua 21:45).
"Red Sea" moments can be miraculous and even traumatic as we leave the bondage of "Egypt" and run toward the future. However, when we "cross the Jordan," it's more about faith in action. It’s time to be BOLD and COURAGEOUS as you step into new land!
There are people who need the hope that you can bring!
The Father wants you to reflect on everything that has happened this past year. There was a ton of growth and transformation! You’re an entirely different person and a whole new creation, made in the image of your Heavenly Father.
God has given you the ingredients to create a legacy and help others gain strength. The Lord Jesus has equipped you for this task, and just like Peter, you are called to feed God's sheep and be a leader among His people. Again, you are ready for this new endeavor! There is something BIG up ahead that you cannot see, but it will be life-changing!
The Holy Spirit highlighted a beautiful scripture today: "David's stride became longer, his embrace larger – yes, God-of-the-Angel-Armies was with him" (1 Chronicles 11:9, MSG).
Another translation of 1 Chronicles 11:9 says, "David became more and more powerful, because the LORD Almighty was with him."
In 1 Chronicles 11, David steps into his full kingship. Before this crowning moment, David spent seven years reigning over Judah, but the chronicler makes little mention of his former period of life. It became clear to everyone that David was God's chosen leader. Even the elders recognized that the favor of the Lord was on this man!
What set David apart from others is that he was a man after God's heart. Anytime he sinned, he took the issue to the Lord and was willing to endure the just punishment for his sin. He revered and respected the Father, understanding that we are mere humans and we must always stay small so that God can be large. David also had the heart of a shepherd.
David was not an overnight success. The Lord Jesus trained and prepared him for a very long period. There is a price for greatness. David became more powerful because God was with him.
When the Bible says, "David grew more powerful and more powerful.…" a Hebrew metaphor is used to describe a gradual and progressive increase in spiritual strength because God was with him. The Lord supernaturally empowers His children through processes. Jesus Himself taught about spiritual renewal in the Kingdom of God as we ascend from glory to glory in this lifetime.
True prosperity is about growing and maturing in our faith!
With David, the Lord repeatedly acted on his behalf in very different ways, and thus conquests and victories constantly followed.
Here's what the Holy Spirit is highlighting to someone: David was successful and great because he always saw himself as a servant and shepherd with a heart to protect God's people. He was interested in God's sheep because he loved the Lord. He was willing to sacrifice everything to partner with the Father on behalf of the people.
As you transition into this month, God will empower you with a new level of love, faithfulness and mercy towards others. He will give you the heart of a champion to go after His lost sheep.
God is lining things up for you.
There is a legacy attached to this powerful and transcending move of God, so go forth in the name of Jesus and make disciples of all nations!
The call of God is supernatural and deeply spiritual, one that grips the souls of God's people so much that we can't see anything else apart from King Jesus. Paul describes it as a compelling force that was placed upon him and "woe to me if I do not preach the gospel" (1 Cor. 9:16).
If a man or woman is called to teach, lead, sing, write, speak or preach the Good News, the Lord will move mountains to get you into place. The desire to work for the Kingdom will stir your soul, and the whispers of the Father saying, "I chose you," will echo from every fiber of your being.
Jesus will strip away everything familiar so that He's the only One left standing. The more you gaze at the Father, the clearer everything else becomes. Jesus trains your eyes and heart to have an eternal perspective on life. He stirs your soul to help the blind see again. He gives you hope for the future!
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
(Jeremiah 29:11)
David wasn't the only one who grew more and more potent with spiritual stamina. So did Paul. After God removed the scales from his eyes, he could instantly see, and Paul started to preach that Jesus was the Messiah.
The former Jesus-hater named Saul became a redeemed follower of Christ, later called Paul. His prior sin had no bearing on his future calling. The great thing about Christ is that He takes us in our messy, sinful, fleshly state — and washes us clean, purifies our hearts, and teaches us to live and lead in a new way!
“Saul's preaching became more and more powerful….” (Acts 9:22) and he became a formidable evangelist for the Kingdom of God. The Spirit of God was flowing through this man, and his wisdom radically changed the lives of others!
My friend: what you do for the Kingdom of God can help people for centuries, so it’s vital to be BOLD and step forward with your gifts and talents to glorify the Father! The Lord honors those who live for King Jesus! God has put something very unique inside you and He’s stirring up the gifts again. Some of your gifts and talents have been dormant but they will be revived again! You were made to impact this world in a way that others simply cannot. The Father is so very proud of your willingness to chase His good, pleasing and perfect will.
The Lord picked you because of your heart! The power of the Lord Jesus has transformed your life, and you have passed the tests. All these years of "training" prepared you for a new land and it’s READY now!
In Isaiah 54, God told Israel to prepare themselves for the blessings coming upon the people after their return from captivity. Restoration was on the horizon! The people lived in a place of shame and humiliation for a long time, so the words delivered by the prophet would have revived their spirits! The Lord told them that expansion and fruitfulness was coming and it was time to enlarge their tents because the nation would increase after they settled in their own land! God promised to be a Husband for Israel and He would meet all of her needs.
The Lord Jesus proclaimed prosperity, peace and protection for the people. The same promises still hold true for you! Jesus loves you so very much and He has big plans in the works!
Change is here, beloved!
“Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. For your Maker is your husband— the LORD Almighty is his name— the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth” (Isaiah 54:4-5)