PROPHETIC WORD: Prepare to enter the new land! Plus 5 signs that God is opening new territory
“The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you!”
Deuteronomy 28:8
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord says, "Prepare to enter the land the Lord gave you!"
It's time to take a step of faith and say goodbye to the old season! You have to make way for the new, and it's essential to let go immediately!
Some of you are crossing over into new territory, and it's the very land Jesus promised you! Entering new "land" in the Bible signals all sorts of things for Christians. It can symbolize entering into God's promises, experiencing His provision, taking on a new apostolic calling, growing in our relationship with the Father, stepping into a new career or ministry, or advancing into a new sphere of Kingdom influence.
As you cross-over into the new, remember to always keep your eyes fixed on your first love -- Jesus Christ -- the Author and Finisher of the faith because He is the center of everything!
Right now, a Jesus Revolution is taking place, and the Father is moving and aligning His people into new spaces and places! Jesus is sending out His people with new power and authority to bring hope and healing to a grieving world. We are to operate in God’s miracle power with great humility, extending love, compassion and mercy to the least of those in society. Remember, it was the Holy Spirit who appointed you to do this work and Jesus has already paid the price with His blood. You are ready to lead and show others the way!
We have stepped into the fourth quarter on God's prophetic calendar, and August and September will be POWER months! God is fulfilling promises for many of His faithful ones who have remained steadfast in hope and wholeheartedly followed King Jesus! You have been preparing for this moment and the time is now!
This morning I flipped open my Bible, and it landed on a note that I'd scribbled along the margins on Sept. 1, 2020.
Here we are, three years later, and God brought it back to my attention. The note is written across the first page of Deuteronomy and it says, "Your victory is not for you. It is for the people that come to know God through the story He wrote for your life, beloved."
The Book of Deuteronomy prepares God’s people to get ready to cross over and possess new land. The emotionally-charged sermon once delivered by Moses remains relevant for believers today.
The Holy Spirit highlighted the following verses from the first chapter….
"You have stayed here long enough; now go..."
"Go in and possess it! Don't be afraid! Don't even doubt!"
"The Lord himself will lead you, and will destroy the nations living there, and you shall overcome them."
"Be strong! Be courageous! Do not be afraid of them! For the Lord, your God, will be with you. He will neither fail you nor forsake you!"
Beloved: the Lord sees and knows your progress and willingness to follow Him even when it costs you everything. He will reward your obedience and faithfulness.
It's time to make even more room for King Jesus! God is going to come through for you! Wait for Him because the Lord is coming!
Always remember that Jesus is your Source of everything. He is your Provider.
People, places and things will eventually fall short, but the word of the Lord stands forever! All we really need is the LOVE of our Father. He is willing to go to the ends of the earth for you, and His grace is limitless.
Jesus will PROVIDE for you! Your future is SECURE.
The Father is going to help you enter this new land. Like Joshua, you have been trained and prepared to lead God's people.
Joshua was told seven times to "be strong and courageous!" Why? Because there are times we have to make BOLD MOVES on behalf of the Kingdom of God and it can be downright scary! However, the second you move and step into the water, God will hold up the water’s edges way upstream!
Faith without works is dead!
For the Israelites to cross the Jordan River, they had to step into the water (Joshua 3:15) and then God unleashed His power and favor!
It's time to TAKE THE STEP!
The Lord's power will be displayed majestically!
My friend: keep expecting God to do the unexpected. It's so important right now to let go of people and things that no longer serve any purpose. In fact, they are blocking your destiny. If something is stealing your peace, or you feel spiritually unsettled, that's a huge red flag to keep it moving. If you have to compromise your integrity, it’s not for you.
The Lord gave me a dream of all these brand new suitcases lined up along the road! They had tags on the bags that said “THINK BIG!” What God is doing right now is MASSIVE! This is a season of complete change. You've outgrown your current situation and you’re about to take flight into a new heavenly dimension. It will be extraordinary. Again, THINK BIG!
Now it's time for a SUDDEN SHIFT.
Joshua and Caleb spied out the land. They believed the Israelites were capable of conquering the land because they trusted the Lord.
However, 40 years elapsed before it was time to TAKE THE LAND.
Some of you have been in a very long “wilderness season” — but the shift is here! The time is now! Ready or not -- the Lord is coming!
Here's the thing about the Promised requires WORK.
The days of supernatural manna are gone when you get there. You have to work the fields for the harvest and get down in the dirt to feed the people. The milk and honey will drip as you toil and labor.
God's grace will start to overflow in very new ways.
Three things usually take place in succession when you enter new land and territories:
When the first domino falls, the rest will come tumbling!
1). God will straight up tell you. One of the roles of the Holy Spirit is a HELPER. He leads, guides, encourages and comforts His children. We are never alone. Jesus is a gentleman, and He will prepare you well in advance for change. The Lord is really big on processes, so before entering new land, you’ll go through a season of letting go of old assignments, callings and places. Father God will give you revelation knowledge about what’s to come through His Word, dreams, and other supernatural ways. There will be signs of change, so don’t dismiss the spiritual alerts because of fear. God will show you what's to come so you know it's Him and not the enemy. The Lord opens doors, but He closes them, too. The faucet of favor from an old season will flow, trickle, drip, and finally stop altogether. Our spirits are divinely woven with our Father, so He will let you know when it's time to move forward or advance to something else. The Lord is not big on details because He’s training your faith to actually follow through with obedience. God will often give you steps. When you do one, the next move will follow.
2). Everything will dry up and won't work anymore. One huge sign of change is that people, places and things that sparked life in the past will grow dead and stagnant. Everything will feel empty or hopeless when the Spirit of the Lord moves somewhere else. You'll even start to feel the tension in the pullback. An archer pulls back, pulls back, pulls back -- before aiming and launching an arrow to hit a target. God will often pull you back to propel you forward. You'll start to feel stretched and confined, which will get uncomfortable. Again, there will be tension in the pull, then a pause, followed by an aim and then RELEASE!
3). God will completely change your routine and normal patterns and ways of doing things. He does not want you stuck. You might even see moving trucks all around or hear the words "go" and "move" because the Holy Spirit doesn't want you stagnant. We are always moving onward and upward. As Christians, constant growth is embedded in our DNA. Some of you are right on the edge of new beginnings, but you’re in a holding pattern. The children of Israel had to wait on the water's edge until it was time to cross over and eventually take the land. Jesus is all about order and processes. Again, God will sometimes just show you the next step, and when you do one thing, regardless of how small it seems, it will often open the next step. If God is preparing you to take the land, He wants each step fulfilled as an act of faith.
4). You might go through a period of 'mourning' and 'lamenting' with the Father before saying goodbye to a past season or assignment. If the Israelites clung to the Red Sea miracle or the miraculous manna, they would have missed when God brought them to the Promised Land. In one season, Elijah was fed by ravens when he lodged near the brook at Cherith, but the water eventually dried. If he had stayed too long, he would have died and missed out on the next miracle of God. Some of your souls will continue to spiritually "die" the longer you remain somewhere God has already pushed you past. Cherith had a purpose because it hid Elijah. The word means "cutting, separation."
Cherith experiences are critical because we are pulled back from everything to get our focus on Jesus. He also “hides” us as a means of protection. The Lord will "feed" you with supernatural provisions, and it's a unique experience. However, it only lasts for a while. Elijah was a prophet and messenger of God, but there weren't any people at Cherith. He was in training there to hear the voice of the Lord. The Lord was also hiding him from King Ahab who was an angry man (1 Kings 17). All of God's servants will be hidden while prepared. Joseph was in prison, David was in caves and strongholds, and even Jesus was hidden for a significant period until His public ministry launched. God even hid Paul in Arabia for over three years before entering his new role. There will be a Cherith before Mount Carmel, and God will teach you to live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit and move when He does. Obscurity is a gift, indeed — but you can't stay hidden forever! The Lord will push you out of the nest and that time is now for many folks! So the sign is this: God will tell you to come out of HIDING! He will say “leave here” and “go there” — even if there makes little sense!
5). The Holy Spirit will coach you through the process of stepping into the new thing. He will renew your hope and excitement. Jesus doesn’t leave His children abandoned because God loves us too much. He wants to help and He will! The Bible is the Living Word of God because Jesus is always speaking. His instructions and directions are printed for us, and the Holy Spirit reveals what God is doing or saying. One major way to discern the times and seasons is to pay attention to the people in the Bible that God keeps having you study. The Holy Spirit is trying to illuminate strategy and understanding to speak to your current season. Quiet time with God is imperative during transitional periods and it’s important to allow Jesus to guide you. So the biggest sign you’re taking new land is that God will repeatedly have you study Bible personalities who endured something similar to your situation. We need strategy straight from the Holy Spirit, and He will show you the way!
1). God will miraculously intervene on your behalf. We serve a sovereign God who is masterfully orchestrating everything in this world. Although Joshua achieved great success, his real victories came from God. One time, the Lord made the sun stand still until God Himself claimed a victory for the Israelites (see Joshua 10:12-15). There’s no limit to what the Lord will do! You will know you've stepped into new land because divine intervention will occur. There will be no question that God is moving on your behalf. Another thing is that creative miracles and ideas will flow with ease.
2). Suddenly, there will be great work to do, and you'll see growth with your own eyes. The flood gates will open! All the training with the Lord is the secret place will be put into action. The Promised Land is not a time to relax. It’s a time of building and creating legacies that can help your family long after you’re gone. There will also be spiritual wars and battles and new levels of growth, but the rewards will be MIGHTY because God is on your side! You will come to understand His POWER in new ways!
3). You'll desire to worship and understand the Father's heart in new ways. Everything will be so new and different; only He can help you know what to do. He will increase your love and compassion towards people so that you can partner with King Jesus to help those in need.
4). The overflow will be instantaneous. There will be movement, followed by momentum, then miracles. It's essential to move with the Spirit because doors will open! God will not tell you to move if the provision is not in place.
When the Holy Spirit gave me this word, I awoke from a dream where I heard, "Prepare to enter the land the Lord gave you!"
The Father said GAVE...meaning it's already DONE.
5). There will be a desire to put your faith in motion. You will have newfound courage and confidence after watching God do the impossible. Mourning will turn to dancing. It’s hard to describe the supernatural, but everything just clicks in place. You will never forget this moment for the rest of your life. God’s moves are life-changing and unmistakable. He does things that are simply impossible for humans to do on our own.
My friend -- Do not give up at this time! The shift is coming! Things are coming full circle and the Lord is going to do exactly what He promised. The winds of change will take away the clouds of uncertainty. Watch for the Lord’s help and support to even arrive from unusual places.
We are entering a very powerful prophetic period on God’s calendar and the Lord is on the move! Many people will be crossing over at once to take new land and territory because it will bring God the glory! Jesus loves you so very much. He’s with you every second of your life and He’s going to provide for you. The resources will come. Be bold and brave and follow God obediently into the unknown!
You are standing at a WIDE OPEN DOOR! His name is Jesus Christ! He is about to launch you into new dimensions that you never thought possible! THINK BIG!!!
The Holy Spirit put Job 42 on my heart for someone. This verse is a word in itself! There will be double restoration in your life! All those tears, years of isolation, loss of people and resources and unjust suffering will be repaid! Again, do not give up! The Lord your God is coming!
Job 42:10-12
After Job had interceded for his friends, God restored his fortune—and then doubled it! All his brothers and sisters and friends came to his house and celebrated. They told him how sorry they were, and consoled him for all the trouble God had brought him. Each of them brought generous housewarming gifts. God blessed Job’s later life even more than his earlier life.