Prophetic Word, New Beginnings Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, New Beginnings Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: Prepare to enter the new land! Plus 5 signs that God is opening new territory

It's time to take a leap of faith and say goodbye to the old season! You have to make way for the new and it's important to fully let go right now! Some of you are crossing over into new territory and it's the very land Jesus promised you! Keep your eyes fixed on your first love -- Jesus Christ -- the Author and Finisher of the faith because He is the center of everything! The enemy is already "melting in fear" because they can't stop this move of God's Kingdom! The show is about to start!

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PROPHETIC WORD: 🤍You’re graduating in the spirit! From ‘glory to glory’

It’s time to “stir up the gift of God” inside of you again! Paul is a champion of the faith and while awaiting execution he wrote to his young disciple Timothy with words of encouragement that still speak to our hearts even today. First Paul reminded the young man of his heritage. His father did not believe in God, but Timothy’s mother and grandmother did. Paul reminded his spiritual son to remember the ones who came before him and the faith they displayed.

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PROPHETIC WORD: Persist to the point of annoyance! Five signs that breakthrough is imminent!

This is a season of promises fulfilled, major breakthroughs and a takeover of enemy territory! You have faithfully stood the test of time and trusted God with all your heart even when your situation looked bleak and hopeless at times. You have endured many long seasons of isolation, seclusion and separation from people that you love and it felt like death at times. However, you trusted the Lord Jesus with all your heart and together you have walked a very long journey. Hold tight because a breakthrough is on the horizon!

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PROPHETIC WORD: The Finisher of our Faith! The Lord is giving you an elevated viewpoint!

Prophetic Word: The Lord is an overachiever. He's a perfectionist. He's always going to aim higher and do more than we can ask, think or imagine. God is pouring honey into every crevice of your life! His love is bursting forth in this hour! He's moving in new ways when you least expect it.

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