PROPHETIC WORD: The Finisher of our Faith! The Lord is giving you an elevated viewpoint!

"Never doubt God's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you"

(Ephesians 3:20 TPT)

The Lord is an overachiever! He's a PERFECTIONIST! He's always going to aim higher and do more than we can ask, think or imagine!

God is pouring honey into every crevice of your life! His love is bursting forth in this hour! He's moving in new ways when you least expect it. Some of you are finishing a 40-day testing period as we speak. Keep pressing forward with all you have! This is the final stretch and the fourth quarter until God flips the script on your life! 

The Almighty One is your Providence, Protector and Defender. 

He's your Strength, Shield, and Strong-tower. God is your Advocate and personal Defense Attorney.

God is so faithful and very loyal towards you! Jesus is going to finish what He promised in your life. Though your weeping might last for a night, joy comes in the morning. THIS IS A SEASON OF EXUBERANT JOY!

The Lord says we are about to see the glory of Jesus Christ proclaimed around the earth unlike ever before. Some of you will be leading this movement. You're receiving acceleration gifts and God's handprint will be all over your life and ministry. Stay close to the Lord. The promise means nothing if you don't remember the purpose behind it. Each day reflect on your why. 

  • Why has the Lord positioned you in this exact place at this time? 

  • Who are the people you get to serve each day? 

  • How can you reflect the Lord's glory in small ways? 

Choose purpose over potential every single time. 

Purpose = What God has graced you to do. Purpose is a choice. You have the gifts and talents to do many things, but with purpose, there's a divine flavor to what you bring. You'll have a relentless resolve to finish a task or assignment. You'll stay in the race until the Father releases you to something new. With purpose, you chase the Lord's will over your own desires. You follow Jesus so closely that you can hear His divine strategy every moment.

Purpose is not doing for God. 
Purpose is being with God. 

The Almighty One wants our hearts more than our sacrifices. When we walk in purpose, we feel strongest because God is giving wind to our sails. 

The Lord just said the words "propel" and "prep." 

Propel = drive, push, or cause to move in a particular direction, typically forward. To go onward and upward. 

Prep = Make ready. 
: Get ready for a test, event, divine moment or appointment. 

"Gird up your loins" because a new transition is coming fast! 

Hebrews 12:2 TPT — “We look away from the natural realm and we focus our attention and expectation onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. His example is this: Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God!”


The Lord is about to prep, propel and launch some of you into your God-ordained destinies! He's moving with force and momentum! The Holy Spirit is blowing, and the door is wide open for many people. The enemy has been after your voice for decades, but the Lord is saying no more!

Remember, there will always be extreme dryness and lack before God launches you into a new season. This is done by design so that you are so sensitive to the Father that you feel the wind shift.

You will even see a tiny cloud on the horizon. It might even seem like you're going backward or everything is dead or not working. Don't look with your eyes, but believe with faith that God has a set time to release you!

Elijah told the servant to look over and over again. He had to go up HIGHER TO SEE.

“Then Elijah said to his servant, “Go up higher and look toward the sea.” The servant went and looked. He came back and said, “I saw nothing.” Elijah told him to go look again. This happened seven times” (1 Kings 18:43).

The seventh time was when he spotted a cloud.

Joshua and the Israelites marched around Jericho for six days with just trumpets. On the seventh day, the walls came tumbling down! Both of these incidents came as a result of prayer and God-given strategy. The Lord will always speak before huge moves. They looked crazy to others, but that’s because God is very creative! He doesn’t care what the world or humans think and neither should we!

Joshua 6:27 — “So the LORD was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout the land.”

Sometimes the Lord will do very public miracles to shine the spotlight on His glory!

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is working on your behalf right now. Trust Him with all your heart!

This barren land is bursting to life! Get ready to BLOOM. God is doing miracles in the mundane rhythms of life. Be on the lookout for the Lord’s handprint in all sorts of ways! Father God is also speaking about “land” right now. Spiritual land almost always has to do with families or where He hand selects to place you.

He’s also really, really speaking through children right now!

PREP: a preliminary or warm-up activity or event; trial run

When someone is prepped, they are usually a step ahead of preparation. There's a swiftness to the moment. When Elijah “girded up his loins” he was prepping to run with superhuman speed!

When you prep for surgery, you get your emotions and mind ready for the change. Everything needs to be in sync to receive full healing to your body.

Prepping for a test means the exam is right around the corner. You do everything possible to prepare and pass. Prepping for your marriage season means you already carry yourself like a husband or wife right now and pray for your future spouse repeatedly.

Prepping for your prophetic future means God has already prepared you in the secret place, and spoke forth divine instructions! You prep by staying on your toes!

You are ready to be propelled into destiny! It’s time to wake up each day with childlike wonder and say: "Is today the day, Father?!"

Prepping for rain and the harvest season means scanning the spiritual horizon and waiting for Christ to move. 

God doesn't want you constantly chasing the next, so He will prune and prepare you over and over again to be able to withstand His promises. He will get you so still that you can feel a slight change. When the propelling force comes, you will be like Elijah, who was empowered with endurance and strength with a mighty force!

As I was writing the last sentence, God said, "gale force winds." 

A gale-force wind is a persistent and mighty wind. The wind speeds are between 31 and 63 mph. When Elijah outran the chariots, it was estimated by many scholars that the chariots were going upwards of 35 miles per hour.

So the Lord supernaturally pushed Elijah ahead with miraculous strength and endurance. He ran faster than Usain Bolt for possibly 17-20 miles. We know God did it because the Bible says the LORD'S POWER came with a sovereign touch! 

1 Kings 18:46, KJV:  “Then the hand of the LORD came upon Elijah; and he girded up his loins and ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.”

What does the "hand of the Lord" mean?

The hand represents divine approval, supernatural strength, God's divinity intercepting a moment in time, and the ability to shift the atmosphere. 

The original Hebrew word for “hand” denotes power and direction, both literally and figuratively.

Therefore, Elijah must've been running with some gale-force wind propelling Him from the hand of Christ. This was supernatural strength, but Elijah was also given the fortitude to endure and the courage to complete a mission or assignment. The spirit and power of the Father was literally beating through the prophet. The Lord wanted others, especially the king, to know that Elijah was under the influence of the Almighty God. 

Chariots spiritually represent man and human endurance. 

Godly speed can't be explained. It overrides science and any human comprehension. 

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God" — Psalm 20:7.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth…” (Ephesians 6:10-14)

Paul said that Christians should put on the armor of God each day. The first piece of armor Paul discusses is the Belt of Truth.

BUT check this out back in Elijah’s story…

Before Elijah took off running — he also “girded up his loins” (1 Kings 18:46).

The Hebrew word וַיְשַׁנֵּ֖ס literally means “to compress with a belt.”

Elijah would have cinched his long robe and pulled the bottom ends up with a belt. This would give him optimal movement and agility to freely move. “Girding” denotes action and prepping for movement.

Elijah’s belt was made of leather (2 Kings 1:8) and his clothes possibly made from animal hair, which is what the poorest people would wear. The robe was likely heavy and uncomfortable, yet Elijah did a Usain Bolt on them anyway.

The belt would have played a central role in allowing Elijah to run with freedom.

That alone is a word! We need our belt to run with FREEDOM!

Figuratively for Christians, the Belt of Truth is the foundation of our faith.

Ephesians 6:14: “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.”

What, or rather WHO, is the Truth?

Ephesians 4:21: “…assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus…”

The Belt of Truth, Jesus Christ, is what holds everything together for us. He’s the first and main piece of armor that we need. When God’s hand is on your life, He’s always speaking, directing, teaching, guiding. Trust Him above all else, beloved!

Prov. 29:25 “The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the LORD will be exalted.”

Jesus is the ointment to our souls.

When we trust the Lord, He can push us ahead faster than anything humans can do. Jesus can also give us strategy to endure. Some believe that Elijah ran ahead of Ahab to show respect because in those times, people would announce royalty before they arrived. I believe the Lord gave the prophet strength to show others that he was, indeed, under the divine inspiration of the Lord Most High. God was paving his path.

Elijah is a living example of what happens when one stays in the stronghold with God and then is slingshotted to a new stratosphere and influenced by Christ. All those years Elijah spent with the Lord in isolation prepared him to stand alone on Mount Carmel and face the mockers. God is very intentional about every level of preparation in your life. Sure, Elijah had his ups and downs. Right after his greatest victories, he would spiral into very low-lows, but that only showed his humanity. God was always watching him closely just like He’s guarding you!


Some of you are going to experience gale force WINS this season. They will arrive in increments spaced out. The wind and wins will come in BURSTS. It will be a perpetual bursting forth. We know the Holy Spirit represents the wind, so He’s coming!

The Lord is pressing upon my spirit that some of you will experience bursts of power and extremely strong breakthrough moments! The key is to use that wind to accelerate your next move and finish the race. 

God is coming with supernatural speed. He's thrusting you forward with gale-force winds! SOME OF YOU ARE TAKING IN BREATH RIGHT NOW. YOU CAN LITERALLY FEEL YOUR STRENGTH RETURN! KEEP PRAISING THE LORD! 

"Yes indeed, it won't be long now. Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won't be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings!" (Amos 9:13-15)

Continue to operate out of love. The Lord is charging you up with divine power each time you study His word and precepts. Keep them on your tongue. Walk confidently into the future! Be the LOVE ambassador of your environment who carries God's HOPE AND PROVIDENCE in your heart! 


1 Peter 1:22 — "Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart."

The Lord is saying to someone else: "Sovereign, supernatural, suddenly." You are walking into a very unique period. God's sovereignty is supernaturally colliding with a sudden event in your life! Keep your eyes fixed on eternity!

Ephesians 1:11, NLT: "…because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, and he makes everything work out according to his plan." 


Acts 4:33 — "With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And God's grace was so powerfully at work in them all…" 

People are about to ask, “where have you been?” And you're going to say, “learning from my Heavenly Father!” They thought your best days were over, but really God has been prepping you behind the scenes for a slingshot season. You'll come out of the gate with a burst of acceleration. This time, you're different and recreated in Christ! You're whole, healthy, confident and have an exuberant personality! Your old story won't even be at the forefront anymore. It might even feel foreign to recall what all you endured = because you're a whole new creation! The Lord has given you the glow-up of all glow-ups! When everyone else left, He stayed. Little by little, He healed all the delicate parts of your soul that had become calcified. You'll be able to help more people because of the Lord's compassion. You'll extend that same grace to others, and it will touch the world in such remarkable ways! 

There’s a man reading these words who is a KING in the eyes of Heaven! I literally saw three license plates with those words the last few days. The Lord showed me how you have experienced a rapid season of growth with Him. Jesus is our King, but as His son, you are a earthly king, too! Father God just spoke the word “see” about you. So you are ‘seeing’ in a new way or God has opened your eyes to properly see Him with the correct vision. The Father also sees you when you’re all alone. He’s always been there. I really feel on my spirit that you have experienced rapid transformation with Christ even in pain. You’ve seen giants fall and mountains move and the Lord is about to surprise you with the love you always deserved. You are very gifted, too. God loves you so very much. You are His precious son. He absolutely adores you and never ever forgot you. The Lord says thank you. Thank you for always believing and trusting Him. He’s so proud of you, son. That’s what my heart is really feeling. He’s like a proud Papa who is just in love with you. You’re such a special man to King Jesus!


The Holy Spirit just spoke the word "departure" and the number 29. 

The 29th time the name of Noah is used, he and his family are departing from the ark after the flood. 

The 29th time the name Abram is used, he departs from the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah. 

The 29th time Jesus' name is mentioned in the book of John (4:2, 3), we read that He departed from Judea. 

(Download Dr. Stephen E. Jones Biblical numbers 1-40)


You're in the proper position and operating in purpose! You're ready to go! This is the season of 11th hour miracles! You are entering into one of the greatest seasons of your life, and the enemy will not have victory over you! Let God fight your battles. 

Do not come off the wall, Nehemiah! Keep building! 

Nehemiah 6:9 — They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed.” But I prayed, “Now strengthen my hands.”

The other day I dreamed that I was working at a restaurant and serving all these soldiers. The owner came and told me to write down his name. His name was VICTOR! Many of the Lord's soldiers are tired and weary, and you're still pushing through the best you can. Please trust with all your heart that the VICTOR is seeing you through! King Jesus is coming! 

John 16:33 — "I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. You will suffer in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world."

This is the hour when the Kingdom of God is about to be revealed in compelling ways! SO, GET READY TO GO! BE PREPARED TO MOVE!

Do not look at the discouragement clouding your vision right now. It's all smoke and mirrors. God is big enough to orchestrate everything on your behalf, and the Lord is about to come in such a way that you'll know with CERTAINTY it's Him behind this movement. Stay in a position of praise and worship, and fight back with JOY! 

Continue to pray for others from an authentic place of grace and love. Celebrate their gifts, chase after freedom in Christ and keep your ‘loins girded!’

1 Corinthians 2:14: "The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit."

Proverbs 8:8–9: "All the words of my mouth are righteous, there is nothing twisted or crooked in them. They are all straight to him who understands, and right to those who find knowledge." 


David's life reminds us that no one is immune to fear or anxiety, even those who dearly and passionately trust the Lord.

Believers of Christ live in a very hostile world, and sometimes you can even sense the threat before it happens. David reminds us in the psalms how even this mighty man of valor was often gripped by the hostility around him. David didn't rely on his military strength in times of extreme turmoil because he knew only God could push us toward the smooth path. 

“Teach me your way, Lord. Lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies." (Psalm 27:11)

The Hebrew word (mishor) for smooth does not mean easy. It's a place of spiritual purity. 

mishor: figurative for a place of safety, comfort, and prosperity. A place of fairness and uprightness can denote equity and justice. 

It's an elevated pathway with Christ. 

In Psalm 27, we get the impression that David was experiencing genuine anxiety and stress. 

"Lead me in a smooth path, because of my enemies."

Some translations use the word "oppressors" instead of enemies. In the modern day, this is the kind of prayer where you need freedom from oppression that has kept you bound. The Lord might have delivered you from people or things from your past and the fear has a grip on you. It's the kind of anxiety steeped in the unknown because you don't know what they or it will do. 

In seasons of warfare, the fear and stronghold can be so powerful that we might not have a language to express. David teaches what to do. He speaks forth the words as a declaration of God's protection. He exposes the darkness.

“Teach me your way, Lord. Lead me in a straight path. Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes, for false witnesses rise up against me, spouting malicious accusations.”

The Hebrew word for crooked means fraudulent, deceitful, sly, or slippery. It's a self-made kind of world. The adversary is called a slanderer for a reason. The enemy tries to attack through gossip, words of deceit and other malicious intent. It's literally poison to people, workplaces, families and environments where it’s allowed. It's sly, like a cunning and conniving fox, but God sees it all. Nothing gets by Him! 

We need a straight path because the crooked one is perverse. The straight one might be a different route than the culture or human wisdom, but choose the Lord's way every time. 

For Christians, the straight and level path is with the Lord Jesus!

"A voice of one calling in the desert, 'Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all mankind will see God's salvation" (Luke 3: 5, 6 NIV).

Just as I finished this section, the Holy Spirit said, "Cana." 

Check this out: Jesus performed His first miracle at the Wedding at Cana when He turned water into wine. The meaning of Cana is "land of reeds."

However, the primitive root of the word means: TO EQUALIZE, MAKE STRAIGHT; SET IN ORDER, STRAIGHTEN! 

Jesus is the Straight Path! He's the Smooth Path! He is the WAY! The Lord will equalize and set everything in order concerning you. Do not give up now. Keep fighting and pressing forward with all you got! 

Psalm 27:13-14

I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

"Launch out into the deep."

Luke 5:4

The Lord has been whispering to my spirit lately, "Keep moving forward! Swim out further into the deep!" This word is for some other people, too.

A colossal door is opening that you never saw coming, but you can only rescue others by going out into the deep first. 

Years ago, I visited a very remote Lake Malawi (Africa) island, which required me to get on a small fishing boat. My fellow passengers included farm animals, chickens and about 30 other people. We were all crammed in this wooden boat well past the weight limit. 

Before I left, the locals told me that if the boat goes down or sinks to make sure that I dive far away from the boat! Only then could I come back and get people. 

The locals said when a boat sinks, people start to panic, and even those who can swim will cling and latch onto others and pull them down. They warned me to get away from the crowd and come back to help the others individually. It's impossible to save everyone at once. Because I was given a strategy ahead of time, I could position myself properly. Instead of sitting inside the boat, I sat on the wooden rooftop with the suitcases and a few other people. I had an elevated viewpoint to analyze the situation from a higher perspective away from the crowd. 

Thankfully I safely made it to my destination, but the lesson always stuck with me. 

The Lord is pressing upon many of you to go forward into the deep. Follow His will in new ways this season. This must take place away from the crowds and culture. Only then can you come back and pull others to safety. You have to learn a new language and strategy where you are going. This door that's about to open is arriving swiftly and will just be at your doorstep. Get your house in order. Get ready! It's coming suddenly, and there will be a small window where destiny and purpose collide with a new direction. You have never seen the Lord move in this way during your lifetime. 

Stay in an elevated viewpoint this season and zoom out to understand the bigger picture that Jesus has for you. 

Some of you have been training with the Lord for 4-5 years without realizing it. He was developing and working on your character to give you a heart that seeks His divine will over your desires. God doesn't waste anything; it all has a purpose. He's about to open your eyes to understand why the long season of training and solitude was preparing you for something you didn't realize. You need a new language to run this race! God has given you a new heart and language through your relentless submission to His plans over yours. There is an ushering of something brand new coming forth right now.

These are dual moves, both physically and spiritually. Continue to follow the directions of the Spirit of God and submit to His agenda. The days of seeking external validation are long gone. You need God's grace and the soft touch of a loving Father. You need destiny helpers, and He's about to send them into your life. 

Keep moving forward and listen to the directions of Jesus! His strategy is to move deeper!


“The wicked desire the stronghold of evildoers, but the root of the righteous endures.” (Proverbs 12:12)

With wicked people, you’ll know them by the fruit they produce and it’s rotten. They are the weeds in God’s bright and peaceful garden. They don’t want God’s people to bloom. They only bring hostility. The Lord is big enough to handle them, so give it to Him.

In contrast, the person who is righteous is rooted in LOVE. They follow godly wisdom (Proverbs 1:7) and they live with great integrity and virtues like a healthy root that supports a fruit-bearing plant or tree. They are content with what the Lord provides and thankful for the small things. There’s no greed in their hearts. Jesus taught us not to obsess over material goods on earth. Rather, we should aim to store up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:19–33).

One of the greatest benefits of going deeper with God is that spiritual fruit, the kind with deep roots, starts to display out of nowhere. Sometimes you are expecting it; other times, God continues to surprise you at every corner. You don't want shallow roots. You want roots that grow strong and sturdy underneath, cemented in the firm foundation of Christ. 

Going deeper with the Lord means: 

  • We live to honor Jesus and see life through the perspective of eternity.

  • We’re okay with sitting and waiting in the development phase.

  • We use our voice to speak out against injustice.

  • We serve others even when overlooked.

  • We seek the Lord's heart over our own personal desires.

  • We chase after an audience of One — Jesus Christ — over human applause.

  • We’re okay living separately from the crowd and culture.

  • We’re bold even when scared.

  • We see God's goodness in everything, even when nothing is going our way.

  • We trust the Lord’s merciful plan.

  • We walk away from anyone or anything that no longer serves a purpose in our God-given destiny.

  • We love and pray for our enemies from a place of genuine compassion even if they gossip, slander or falsely accuse. We release it all to the Father for Him to handle.

  • Going deeper means we don’t do anything out of selfish ambition, but remain pure vessels and reflections of Christ.

  • We trust our Father with radical faith and take Him at His word, period.

  • We keep our entire life rooted in abundant LOVE!

  • We worship and seek our Father’s heart over and over again because He alone is worthy of it all!


“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchablethings you do not know.”

ISAIAH 43:1-3
“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.

When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

PRAYER: Thank you Jesus for Your love, mercy and kindness!!! You’re the best Father and what an honor it is to serve You! You always protect our hearts. We walk with such hope and gratitude to have a loving and kind Father. We want to learn even more! Help us perceive Your spiritual realities and flee from any selfish ambition inside our hearts. Open our eyes to new lessons in Your Word! Make us more like You, Oh Father! Create in us a clean heart that loves people even more and help us see those who are hidden among us. We want to encourage and see them just like You do! Please strengthen the hands of Your sons and daughters to finish the work, for You are the Finisher of our faith! We love you so much Lord Jesus! Today we just say thank you for it all. We love you Lord! Though our weeping might last through the night, JOY really does come in the morning! You are a good, good Father.


PROPHETIC WORD: Healing, Restoration, New Beginnings and the Parable of the Caisson


God of the Breakthrough! Prepare for unexpected territories and new beginnings!