PROPHETIC WORD: The Spirit of God is giving you the GREEN LIGHT!
“For the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.”
Isaiah 52:12b (NKJV)
The Lord has been revealing green lights repeatedly! There’s an urgency on the message, as if many are coming into a very unique time. God is putting a time stamp on something that must come to pass in the name of Jesus! Some of you have been waiting to hear from the Lord about taking a leap in regards to a promise or personal matter and the answer is a resounding YES!
Green light means GO TIME!!!
● Green is universally known as the color to go and for safety. Many green signs in buildings are used to show safe exit. That word alone is for someone! It’s safe to now move forward!
True faith requires one to fully rely on the Lord and trust that He’s the One behind this movement! Time is of essence!
If the Lord has been telling you to do something or reach out or make a brave move, trust that He’s the one urging you to step forward with radical faith! He will do the impossible!
When God moves, you have to move, too!
Hebrews 11:8 — "By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go…And he went out, not knowing where he was going."
Sometimes the Lord doesn’t give us the exact directions until we step forward with faith and get to moving. The old is gone and the new has arrived!
When the Lord nudges you to take the plunge — even though it might seem scary — go with confidence, trusting that Christ is leading the way!
The word “go” keeps beating through my spirit!!! Go, go, go!!
Go forward with faith.
Go forward with hope.
Go forward with God!
It’s a time of JUBILEE!
A green light gives you permission to proceed. It signals that it’s safe to go forward without delay. As you move, the path will become clearer, but you must make a valiant effort to be strong and courageous even when you don’t have all the answers just yet.
Jesus is the only answer we need to proceed.
: To move upward; to mount; to go up; to rise; to occupy; succeed
: To elevate, move higher or journey from one place to another
The Bible tells us Jesus also spoke about "ascending" to the Father (John 20:17).
Since you live in union with Christ, He's wooing you to elevate and go higher with Him!
Many of you are living out a "song of ascent" just like in the psalms. Each step you make in faith moves you closer to the Son of God. As you move higher and seek the throne of Christ, you are elevated in the spirit and become intertwined with our Lord and Savior.
Make Jesus the focus of your life and ministry. Share the Good News without shame.
Regardless of how far we've strayed, the Lord can bring us back and redeem us when we make Christ our foundation. As we experience His restoration, our tears turn to joy and laughter. We sing songs of praise. Transformation really does happen. We start to reflect the image of Christ as we bear witness to His amazing grace.
Psalm 126 NIV: When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
The Lord just said the word "hour" in my spirit. He brought me to the Aramaic word "shaah" that means:
- Suddenly, immediately, instant
When I asked the Father to share His heart, He said: ONE.
Jesus prayed in John 17:22-23: "For the very glory you have given to me I have given them so that they will be joined together as one and experience the same unity that we enjoy. You live fully in me and now I live fully in them so that they will experience perfect unity…”
As I spent time in fellowship with the Lord, I could FEEL the Father’s heart. My soul melted the entire day as Father God conveyed just how much LOVE, gentleness, compassion and dedication He has for every one of His children.
I think it grieves the Father when we view Him as a strict, controlling, dictator who is far away instead of close and near. He’s truly the most loving and gentle Father!
Our relationships with our earthly fathers can have an impact on how we view Father God, but He's longing for us to understand Him in new ways! He's such a loving and kind Father who absolutely ADORES you! His heart radiates gentleness and kindness. He wants to be ONE with you and make all your decisions together.
He’s especially coming for those who have been overlooked, dejected and abandoned.
Romans 8:15b-16 TPT
And you will never feel orphaned, for as he rises up within us, our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!”
For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!”
The Lord desires for His faithful followers to come together as ONE and reflect His glory in new ways. Many of you are on the edge of new beginnings. You must stay in union with Christ, as ONE, because you bear His image to the world.
We are being called to go up even higher to release God’s voice to all ends of the earth.
Everything must be rooted in love.
Love for Christ and our neighbors, yes.
Most of all, love for others who have not tasted and seen the goodness of the Lord.
Jesus is leaving the 99 to chase after the ONE.
We have to get past our division and separation with others even within the body of believers. We are weak if not unified. We are all God’s children and our own loyalties and selfish pride cannot reign over our lives.
The Lord recently gave me a dream with a wooden staff. The vision was just a staff being reached out for a few sheep. This represents the concern and compassion a shepherd has for his sheep. A staff is a stick that has a hook on one end. A shepherd will gently pull his sheep closer with the outstretched staff; in the same way, our Father woos us closer with gentleness and care.
What’s your gift to the Kingdom?
1 Corinthians 12:28: “And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues.”
Scripture tells us we each have a role to play in the Body of Christ. When the word "church" is used, this is not representing the role you play inside the four walls of a building. The term "church" represents the followers of Christ who have been sent out. When we grab hold of our greater purpose in this lifetimes, it strengthens the church and our individual lives!
1 Cor. 12:28: "Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."
Paul compares the Christian church like a body with many parts. I like to explain the various roles within the body of Christ like a basketball team.
Even though the point guard carries the ball up the court, he still needs the other members of the team to play their role for everything to work right. Some players might be more flashy or "seen," or have more prestige, but those who are "hidden" are equally vital to the squad. Their passes, screens, defense, emotional maturity, ability to lead and game preparation all benefits the greater team.
The world might celebrate the superstars and big names, but God looks at the heart.
In the same way, whatever spiritual gift or role Jesus has given you most definitely matters.
In 1 Corinthians 12:28, Paul teaches about God's squad and the various roles. Many of you carry several grace gifts and roles. I spent time with the Lord and asked Him to divinely inspire a new way to look at all the various grace roles in the church.
Apostles are special ambassadors of God's work, although the role today is different from the first century apostles. Modern day apostles build and speak the foundation of Christ in the current age. More than likely they are hidden right in front of your eyes. They have been trained and tested and fortified for years, likely decades, before ever called forth. Everything they do must be rooted in Biblical truth. They are "sent ones" and bring the gospel to new places and realms of influence. Apostles are chosen and commissioned by God, not man.
Contemporary apostles likely study the life of Paul a ton because he was not one of Jesus' Twelve, and did not come on the scene until after Christ ascended. Therefore, we have proof that apostles did come after Christ and Paul's life shows us how apostles go through many years of separation and sanctification before they are ever promoted to lead. These are God's trailblazers. They are bold. They understand that everything they speak, teach and preach does not come from them and they will not take credit for what God releases. They likely didn’t ask to be an apostle and many did not know whatsoever this calling was on their life until God personally came and spoke with them. They were chosen to serve as the Lord’s ambassadors for reasons we don’t always understand on this side of Heaven.
Old Testament counterparts and New Testament prophets were forth tellers, not fortune tellers. In the modern day, the Lord’s prophets speak forth divine wisdom and revelation to the earth. That’s why you’ll often see prophets all having a similar words at the same time during certain seasons. The Lord tends to speak in patterns and also edifies and confirms His children are hearing correctly.
Scripture tells us that all of God's children can prophesy (translated from the Greek "to speak forth") -- but some people have the Office of the Prophet. True prophets and apostles do not want to be known or called by a title; they want Jesus alone to be glorified. They regularly and intentionally stand in the council of Christ and learn, study and spend time with Jesus, to then speak back His heart and plans to the earth. They exhort, edify and comfort the church.
Men and women can be prophets. Anna was a female prophet. The Bible says Mary, Elizabeth and Phillips's four daughters prophesied.
Some of the most important prophetic gifts I see at work in the modern day are children. They have not been jaded by the world and deliver a very pure and concise message that is so profound one can’t help but see Christ at work in the words. Encourage these gifts! Their perspectives and wisdom can literally change lives!
1 Corinthians 14:1-5
"Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.”
The Greek didaskalos means master, teacher or doctor. God's teachers are crucial to the body of Christ. They can take hard Biblical principles from 3,000 years ago and make God's Living Word current and understandable for people of all backgrounds. Teachers love God's Word. The Lord gives them divine revelation and understanding to illuminate Scripture in new and exciting ways to present. They can convey difficult concepts in very easy ways for even children to understand.
I believe all of Jesus' followers have this gift and you could be used at any time. However, some have an exceptional and supernatural ability to be used by God in this way. The Spirit of God uses miracle workers to bring power to the earth. God's miracles are so vast and extensive that it would be impossible to even convey everything that happens. The Greek dynameis means "the works of power" or "one with the ability to administrate power."
We use the term "miracles" a lot these days, but a biblical miracle is a powerful action of God that transcends any human ability and overrides science, nature or human laws.
True miracles are so extraordinary that they bring glory to Christ and even nonbelievers can't help but see something divine at work.
Sometimes people will experience a miracle and think it was an angel on the scene, but that's because God's miracle workers don't want the credit and will slip away fast. God employs miracle workers to reveal His power, character and purposes through phenomenons and situations that cannot be explained (Exodus 3:1-6).
5. Gifts of Healing
The original translation makes it plural "gifts" meaning there are many. The Greek iamatōn means "a healing, curing, remedy, a cure, medicine." This can mean something physical, but sometimes the gifts are spoken words delivered through people that set others free. Others actually lay hands on people and God uses them to heal people. Divine healing brings restoration. Approximately one fifth of the Gospel narrative is devoted to Jesus’ healing ministry (Matthew 4:23). Later, when Jesus sent His twelve disciples out to preach the gospel, He gave them authority to heal the sick (Luke 9:1-2). After His ascension, the apostles continued to heal many and the ministry is still alive and well today.
Deliverance and healing is one of the most overlooked, but most critical, ministries that must be revived in the contemporary age. Jesus wants His children set free. God is the Great Physician and He heals, whether on earth or in heaven.
6. Helpers
Helpers love to serve and help in any way possible. The gift of helps works through people with a supernatural ability to take on the burdens and responsibilities of others. They love this kind of work and they have all kinds of special abilities.
Helpers have massive servant's hearts. It doesn't feel like work to them because they are infused with a special ability by Christ to do all kinds of missions and duties.
The Greek antílēpsis ("helps") refers to God's work bringing His helps of grace and power to meet someone's need, through a person He directs. That's why we should never refuse one who offers to assist. They might be on a God-ordained mission and can do more in less time through the inner-workings of Christ.
7. Leaders/Sea Captains
The Greek kubernesis means "one who guides, pilots, directs or steers a ship." We aren't sure what Paul is defining exactly with kubernēsis, which can mean governance or leadership. I think the Lord purposely did this so that the word conveyed a vast expansion of ideas. The word kubernētēs is rendered as "pilot" in Acts and "sea captain" in Revelation. The idea is one who is in charge of a ship. The writer of Proverbs warns that “they who have no direction (kubernēsis) fall like leaves” (11:14).
I think all of God's children have been graced as sea captains. You are called to steer your family in the right direction, along with those whom the Lord places in your sphere of influence. The Lord is our Strongtower who directs and "steers us" so we can then steer others.
Theologian Dr. JB Lightfoot contends that this word does not refer to the power of ruling, but to the case of a person endowed with a deep and comprehensive mind, who is profoundly wise and prudent; and he thinks that it implies the same as discernment of spirits.
8. Diversity of Tongues
This gift is extremely misunderstood in the modern church and many people think it only happens in the charismatic movement. We need a proper understanding of how and why this gift is important even today.
Glṓssa – tongue, used of flowing speech; (figuratively) speaking, inspired by God, like the evidence of tongues-speaking supplied by the Lord in the book of Acts to demonstrate the arrival of the new covenant.
The gift of tongues builds and exhorts the body of Christ and individual believers. Many times it will come on when a believer is praying on their own and sometimes cannot convey the deep inner-groanings of their heart. It's a language the person did not learn on their own nor is it gibberish. The person is actually speaking a real language even if they are uncertain what the language is.
Jesus prophetically foretold of speaking in tongues: “And these signs will follow those who believe… they will speak with new tongues.” (Mark 16:17).
Paul states: “He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself” (1 Corinthians 14:4).
The Bible says that speaking in tongues does not mean one is the most spiritual mature. It's just a gift that some have. In fact, many of the Corinthians who were "babes in Christ" spoke in tongues.
When used correctly, the gift of tongues can drastically change one's life and others. The Lord speaks in a heavenly language that breaks barriers and heals souls. Often when we use our own language, we tend to be limited. Christ can use sound to go even deeper and release healing.
The Lord is building up our uncertainty muscles at this time. He’s emboldening our faith to new levels where we cannot and will not be shaken. The uncertainty intensifies our desire to remain close to Jesus. We must cling to Him.
Christ is the solid Rock on which you stand.
Psalm 16:8 is your battle cry this season: “I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.”
God is snapping many people out of a fog that’s kept some of you shackled the last few months in cycles of highs and lows.
I just heard the word “crested” in my spirit and the vision I saw were waves that ebb and flow. For some people, the trials increased and became larger in size and degree. However, they have now crested…
reached the highest point or level.
Peaked, maxed out, came to a head, topped out.
You have conquered a very difficult season of life and reached the summit despite the odds you faced. If you study the life of David, he often battled on the frontlines and then retreated in the stronghold. There was a back and forth action that prepped and prepared him to withstand anything. He was fine-tuned to hear the Spirit of God. His faith muscles were ripened and developed through a push and pull method.
There is tension in transition because resistance is the very thing that chisels one’s uncertainty muscles. God develops a rock solid muscle in your heart to withstand any assault of the enemy.
The Lord has been with you in the battles and as you rested in the stronghold; you’re hemmed in with our Heavenly Father.
You are able to walk in the midst of the fire right now because a Fourth Man is here named Jesus.
The Lord is calling many of you into partnership this next season and you’ve been training all along to be greatly used by the King of all kings. God created a lion that is about to ROAR to life and will look the enemy square in the eyes and boldly preach FAITH over fear. You are a new creation, burned in the fiery furnace of affliction, made to withstand anything.
Just like the three Hebrew boys, you now walk forth with courage and you don’t even smell like smoke! God wanted to purify your heart and burn away anything that does not belong in your future. You have been called to the frontlines as a soldier of Christ. Even through trials and suffering, God taught you how to walk in the midst of the fire!
Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished; and he rose in haste and spoke, saying to his counselors, "Did we not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?:
They answered and said to the king, "True, O king."
"Look!" he answered, "I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."
What I love about the above verse is they were “walking in the midst of the fire.”
They didn’t cower or just surrender and give up and wait. They actively kept moving. That’s what happens when the Lord Jesus shows us the way. We transition through times and seasons and become a whole new creation. We don’t even look like what we’ve just endured! God’s way helps us restore and redeem time, but we also flourish and come out stronger through the trials!
My beloved brothers and sisters, we must always trust that there’s a Fourth Man in the fire with us, and his name is Jesus—Immanuel, God with us.
It turns out when everything is rearranged and shattered in our lives that’s when we become acutely aware that Jesus is with us and for us. From a place of brokenness, His love and hope abounds. Streams of His living water flows in abundance from our hearts.
The love and grace of Jesus Christ fortifies us in the unknown, in the uncertain places, and God holds our hands and leads us through the fire. His eternal love burns through our hearts and creates a new foundation that cannot be broken or melted away. His love becomes our solid foundation.
In 1 Corinthians 3:11, Paul wrote that “no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.”
He must become the very base of our entire existence.
Nothing and no one can burn away what Christ Jesus creates inside you. When all else fails, He still stands.
The Hebrew name for Jesus is Yeshua or Yehoshua and it means “Yahweh is salvation, restoration and deliverance.” God is with us and among us — He is God incarnate.
Christ was truly God and truly man.
When Jesus came, He did many great signs and wonders. But He was also the very best Teacher to ever live and He constantly stressed the Kingdom of God. It’s a Kingdom which He said has now come.
Our reality must shift to remember our greater purpose in this lifetime. We are called to do work now and partner with the Lord Jesus for whatever assignment, mission or calling He’s placed on our lives.
May we live as those “worthy of the gospel of Christ…standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the gospel of faith” (Philippians 1:27).
Everything we do must always be rooted in love. Because of the Lord’s gracious love that saturates us, we then get to pour out that same loving kindness to others!
The importance of Scripture cannot be overstated at this time. Jesus is ALIVE through the pages, our hero is on full display! We must meditate on the Word night and day and then develop a deep relationship that is fortified and able to withstand the culture. Only then do we find true FREEDOM!
Jesus is the Way! He’s the green light to follow!
2 Corinthians 5:20: “We are ambassadors of the Anointed One who carry the message of Christ to the world, as though God were tenderly pleading with them directly through our lips.”
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands.”
Psalm 90:17