PROPHETIC WORD: God’s almond trees are awakening, plus recompense is coming!
“So don’t lose your bold, courageous faith for you are destined for a great reward!”
Hebrews 10:35
Hello friends! Some of you are about to see an epic bloom before spring and the spotlight will be on you! The Lord is reviving dreams, so let your faith ARISE!
Today I sat with the Lord to reflect on what's coming in the new year. He brought me an unexpected revelation about the timeline of the almond tree. It's the first tree to awaken from the winter. The branch is breathtakingly beautiful when it bursts forth with glistening flowers!
Get your hopes up again because greater days are ahead!
Some of you are about to breakthrough with speedy acceleration! There will be victory here! The wind of promise is about to push you forth into new dimensions with our Heavenly Father!
You are God’s almond tree.
The prophetic almond tree serves as a watchman because in ancient Israel, the almond tree was the first to bud in the spring. It would signal what’s to come for the other trees. The bloom indicated the size of the coming harvest. What happens for you early in the year will serve as a prophetic picture of what’s to come for others.
The almond tree reminds us to be alert, eager, diligent, awake and ready to act!
In Genesis 43:11, the almond was listed among the “choicest fruits.”
The Light of Christ is burning so brightly right now on the earth. The Lord has raised up a new generation of faith followers who have been wooed and called by our Savior. Jesus is the only Door for eternal life (John 10:9) and only through Him do we find soul rest.
Remember that if you’ve fallen into lukewarmness, divine reversal can happen swiftly! Choose this day who you will serve! The Lord is knocking right now!
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect toward Him…” (2 Chronicles 16:9a).
The Book of Jeremiah teaches us how God calls and develops a prophet.
Jeremiah spoke against political views and the culture of the people at that time. He called people to repent. He believed in social justice and wanted the nations to turn from idolatry and their own corrupt viewpoints.
Jeremiah is known as the “weeping prophet” because his tears glorified the Lord and also changed others. He had to speak out against things that weren’t popular. He had to stand for Someone much greater than himself. He’s a great example for modern-day leaders of the faith.
Working for the Lord is not for the faint at heart. There will be a cost and people will not always like you. Jeremiah’s greatest contributions to the world often came in the form of tears. Some of you are also weeping prophets. You aren’t sure why, but there are some seasons where you cry with the Lord. Those who are weeping prophets also cause other people to cry in very pure and innocent ways because the Lord is working through you. Don’t be alarmed when this happens. The Lord is using you to reach His precious people.
In Jeremiah 1, the prophet has been called and commissioned by the Lord for service before he was ever born. The Lord says, "I knew you before you were formed within your mother's womb; before you were born, I sanctified you and anointed you as my spokesman to the world" (Jeremiah 1:4).
Jeremiah gave God excuses for why he couldn't be a prophet. He felt unworthy of this calling, just like Moses.
Then the Lord said: "Don't say that, for you will go wherever I send you and speak whatever I tell you to. And don't be afraid of the people, for I, the Lord, will be with you and see you through."
Then the Lord touched Jeremiah's mouth and said that He would put the words in the prophet's mouth for him to speak back to the nations. The young man's calling will be two-fold and different than anyone else. He must warn and tear down systems and "plant others, nurture them, and make them strong and great."
Now, here's where it gets terrific; this will help some of you understand what the Lord is doing. God uses a unique play on words with the almond tree between verses 1:11 and 12.
The Lord asked me, "Jeremiah, what do you see?" I answered, "A branch of an almond tree." Then the Lord said to me, "You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to perform it."
In Hebrew, the word almond (shaqedh) closely resembles the Hebrew word for “to watch or awake” (shoqedh). Through the almond tree, God was telling Jeremiah that He was watching over the young prophet and the word delivered. The Lord was also watching over Israel (as well as us). He was awakening people to spiritual realities.
God is watching closely to ensure His words, promises and declarations are carried out properly.
Before Jeremiah could be a prophet, he had to be a seer. He needed God-inspired vision and insight so that he could then proclaim the message to the people. God didn’t have to show the prophet flames of fire, faces of angels or glimpses into eternity. He showed him a vision that was a part of normal creation. The Lord also teaches us through His creation.
As we glorify the Lord through the small things, He starts to reveal even bigger truths.
The almond tree gives Jeremiah hope and encouragement that restoration was on the horizon. The almond tree heralds forth REBIRTH AND RENEWAL.
Almond trees are the first to blossom with fragrant flowers but sometimes the last to bear fruit. So the tree offers evidence of bloom and flowering, but the owner must wait the longest for the eventual harvest. In fact, some almond trees can take 5-12 years to start producing almonds, but once they start, they’ll continue to produce.
Many of you have quietly waited and endured with the Lord for longer than you expected. However, there’s a purpose behind the plan. Once you burst forth with fruit and harvest, acceleration will come.
Even though it might feel like there is a delay to a promise, the Lord has guaranteed it. It will happen for you. If He spoke it, He WILL do it.
The almond tree was known in ancient times (and now) as the "awake tree" because it's the first tree to bud in the new year in late January. It was the symbol of watchfulness.
A rod of an almond tree. — שקד shaked, from שקד shakad, "to be ready," "to hasten," "to watch for an opportunity to do a thing," to awake; because the almond tree is the first to flower and bring forth fruit. (Clarke)
Blossoms in January, when other trees are still embracing the winter season
Bears fruit in March when other trees are just beginning to bud
This symbolizes acting quickly without delay. God was about to fulfill His promises, and it was coming fast!
The only reason the Lord brought forth this word today is because some of you will have to speak words in this new season that might be different from the past. There might be an urgency in some of God’s messages. God told Jeremiah not to be afraid. The Lord calls brave people. One of the first disciples that Jesus called to follow Him was Andrew. His name means BRAVE.
God is about to commission some of you to be His spokesman or messenger to the world. He will give you a word or vision that is very new; you've never heard anything like this in your lifetime. You must speak that exact word because the Lord will confirm and strengthen people through that message. Everything must be rooted in the Word of God and LOVE. This is a very extraordinary time in your life. Be expectant and full of hope. What God is about to release through you will bring hope and encouragement to the world. Other times you’ll have to speak about repentance and turning back to the Lord. Jeremiah uttered the Lord’s directions, and God "hastened" those prophecies to be fulfilled.
Simply open your mouth and speak! Get ready to BE AWAKEN by the Lord Jesus!
Matthew 9:37-38:
Jesus said to the disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
The Lord just said the word "spotlight," and He's revealing what's to come for some people in the new season through the example of the almond tree.
I also heard "exam" — a test of a student's knowledge or skill in a particular subject. Another definition is "looking at or considering something carefully to discover something."
The almond tree represents a speedy approach. The almond branch that Jeremiah saw represents the swift fulfillment of God's Word. The almond tree awakens new life while others are still slumbering.
The almond tree in Palestine gets the full spotlight at the end of January or the beginning of February because it's earlier than the rest. It reaches full bloom while the other trees are still in the trenches of winter. The bloom is striking and beautifies the land. The early bloom is a symbol of hope and sustenance to everyone around!
The almond tree (which represents some of you) produces tens of thousands of delicate white and pink flowers that bloom before the emergence of leaves. The almond represents early arrival. The white speaks of holiness and purity in Christ.
For Jeremiah, "the sight of the tree is more than a coincidence: Nature is a parable of God's working. He sees this as a sign of spring from the hard frost that is about to break and bring new life to spring from the soil." (Pe. ad loc.)
Psalm 90 is likely the oldest psalm in the Bible, and here we find Moses praying for the work of their hands. When Nehemiah rebuilt the wall, he prayed to God, "now strengthen our hands." The people needed divine wisdom and revelation, just like we need today. Hands are what we use to touch, heal and help others.
Only through God’s hands working through our hands does heaven collide with earth.
Psalm 90:17: "And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: establish the work of our hands for us-- yes, establish the work of our hands."
When the "beauty of the Lord" is upon us, it denotes favor, lovingkindness and delightfulness.
Get ready! God will establish your hands' work in new ways this year!
The life and work God has called you for might not look like others in your family or sphere of influence. There will be rejection, and some people won't understand the calling. Do it anyway. The Lord, your God, will go with you, before and after you. You are hemmed in with the Father.
The almond signified that Jeremiah had been called and commissioned by the Lord. Some of you are also receiving that same call.
A new dawn has arrived. A season of recompense is here for some people.
Recompense means:
To give something by way of compensation (as for a service rendered or damage incurred)
To pay for
The Lord is highlighting Ruth 2:12 in particular. In this verse, Boaz has gone above and beyond for Ruth, but he knows the Lord will do so much more. Boaz ordered that she be well-treated by the men in the field and even though Ruth came from a different rank and class, he never let her feel shame.
Jesus Christ does the very same thing for us. He’s our Kinsman Redeemer. True recompense is not a reward of finances, but of grace, joy and a lifetime of love.
Ruth 2:12:
The LORD repay you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge!
Some of you are about to receive a reward of FAVOR that can only be given by our Heavenly Father.
There will be victory here!