A Season of Greater Things: The Word of the Lord Is Spreading Worldwide as God’s Media Missionaries Rise

Jesus said: "Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these…"

John 14:12

There’s a stirring in the spirit—a deep sense that we are entering a season of greater things! It’s a time when the extraordinary will become the norm for those who dare to believe. As we stand at the threshold of this new prophetic movement, the Lord is inviting us to lift our eyes and align our faith with His promises. He is about to do something that will leave us in awe.

Just last night, I had a dream and heard: “The Word of God is spreading like wildfire!” We’re witnessing a new kind of revival, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit like in Acts 2, but with a modern twist. This movement is not confined to traditional settings; it’s happening through digital media missionaries and these individuals are using technology to share the love of Christ with the world. 

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is saying: “Step boldly into your future, knowing that I have not simply given you social media platforms, but social ministry callings. These digital spaces are your mission fields, where I am sending you to be a light in the darkness, a voice of hope, and a source of truth. What you share is more than content—it is a message that carries the power of Christ to transform hearts and change lives. Use these platforms with purpose, for I am moving through My people in new ways, reaching the ends of the earth. Go with confidence, for I am with you, and I have called you for such a time as this.”

Just like God spoke to the prophet Jeremiah, He still speaks to us today in ways that are personal and unique. When He asked Jeremiah, “What do you see?” and Jeremiah described an almond tree and a boiling pot, God responded, “You have seen correctly.” This was a moment of training, where God helped Jeremiah recognize His voice and understand His messages. In a similar way, God communicates with us, often using the ordinary moments of our lives to reveal deeper truths. Whether it's a scripture that stands out, a situation that grabs our attention, or a quiet nudge in our spirit, God is guiding us to see with His perspective.

Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). It’s a promise that we, as His followers, can recognize His voice. When we learn to pause and listen, we’ll find that the Holy Spirit speaks to us more often than we realize—guiding, comforting, and encouraging us through everyday moments.

In this season, God is highlighting the importance of returning to our first love—Jesus, the First Fruit—and keeping Him at the center of all we do. Remember, all we have to do is plant the seeds of the gospel and God will do the rest. He is concerned about the one person. We are called to share the Good News with passion and purpose and the Lord will get the content in front of the right people.

We are living in a time where the traditional gatekeepers are gone, and the barriers that once stood in the way of sharing the gospel have been removed. Today, any child of God can write Christian books, articles, start podcasts, launch YouTube channels, post on social media, and create blogs that reach people around the world with the message of hope and salvation.

No longer do we need permission from publishers, editors, TV networks, or radio stations to spread the Word. The power of technology has placed the tools of ministry into the hands of everyday believers, enabling us to share our testimonies, teachings, and encouragement with a global audience.

This is a remarkable season where the Holy Spirit is empowering all who are willing to step out in faith and use our gifts to advance the Kingdom. You don’t have to wait for someone to open a door for you—the Lord Himself has already opened it. Now is the time to walk through it, to proclaim His truth boldly, and to shine His glory in every corner of the digital world. 

The Lord is saying, “You have been faithful in little things, and now I’m preparing you for greater things. Do not be afraid to speak the words I place on your heart, for they carry the breath of life and the anointing of My Spirit.”

Acts 2:17-18:
”In the last days, God says,
    I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
    your young men will see visions,
    your old men will dream dreams.
Even on my servants, both men and women,
    I will pour out my Spirit in those days,
    and they will prophesy.”


“They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly”
(Acts 4:31)

The Lord Jesus is calling us to rethink how we view “sent ones” and “missionaries” in the modern day. 

In centuries past, the church sent people to unreached territories to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Today, we live in a digital age where God’s Word can spread rapidly across social media and multimedia platforms. This is one of the ways the Lord is reaching the nations, forming a global community of believers—most of whom are complete strangers—united by our love for Christ. People from every tribe, tongue, and nation are joining together for the greater good, driven by a passion for King Jesus!

In recent years, there’s been a noticeable shift in how people perceive and prioritize spiritual gifts, with many believers beginning to grasp the profound wisdom behind the Apostle Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 14:1: “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.” While gifts like healing and miracles have often drawn significant attention, the gift of prophecy is emerging as an essential tool for navigating the complexities of modern life and deepening our relationship with God. The pandemic awoke people to the truth that Jesus can reach us wherever we are. 

As believers grow in their desire to connect more deeply with God and serve others, many are discovering that the gift of prophecy is not reserved for a select few. Instead, it is available to all who seek Jesus earnestly. This realization is leading to a revival of prophetic ministry, where ordinary people are empowered to share extraordinary messages that resonate with the hearts and lives of those around them.

When God speaks through His people, we speak the name of Jesus, equip the saints and teach others how to activate their faith. Prophetic words have the power to break chains, heal wounds, and release people into their God-given destinies. This transformative aspect of prophecy is why Paul considered it paramount for the church. When our gift is rooted in God’s love, the power of prophecy helps others understand that Jesus and His ministry is alive and well in the modern day! 

We are also seeing a shift in how God’s leaders are utilizing this gift even in their creative endeavors. 

God is raising up a generation of artists, musicians, writers, entertainers, and creators who are using their gifts to communicate the Father’s heart in new and compelling ways. Worship music, prophetic art, storytelling, and even digital content are becoming powerful tools for evangelism and edification. As people encounter the presence of God through these creative expressions, they are being drawn closer to His love and truth. The arts are bridging gaps and reaching those who might never step into a church, yet find themselves deeply touched by the beauty and message of Christ conveyed through creativity. The Chosen television series is a perfect example of this.

This is the new face of revival, and you are a central part of God’s mission! The Lord is inviting you to be bold, to step out in faith, and to be a vessel for His Spirit in whatever sphere He has placed you.

Whether through a digital platform, a small group gathering, an act of compassion, or a creative endeavor, the Word of God is spreading like never before. This is a season of greater things, and the invitation is open for all who believe.

“You Shall See Greater Things Than These”

In John 1:50-51, we encounter the story of Jesus calling His first disciples, including Nathanael (also known as Bartholomew). Initially, Nathanael is skeptical, especially when he learns that Jesus is from Nazareth. “Nazareth?” he scoffs, his voice laced with disbelief. “Can anything good come from there?” (John 1:46).

Despite his hesitation, we learn from Jesus Himself that Nathanael is a good man “without any deceit.” He has a discerning nature and decides to investigate the claims about this man named Jesus. When Nathanael encounters Jesus, he is astonished that Jesus knows him intimately, even mentioning that He saw Nathanael under the fig tree before they met. This revelation leads Nathanael to declare that Jesus is indeed the Son of God!

In response, Jesus speaks a profound word to Nathanael: “You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that. Very truly I tell you, you will see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man” (John 1:50-51).

When Jesus says, “You will see greater things,” He is inviting Nathanael—and all of us—into a much bigger story. He’s revealing that through His ministry, heaven will intersect with earth. The supernatural will become visible as miracles, healings, and divine encounters take place, demonstrating that God’s Kingdom is advancing in the world.

The “greater things” Jesus spoke of are not just miraculous acts but the profound revelation of God’s love and glory shining through His people. These greater things didn’t end with Jesus’ time on earth—they continue through each of us today. That’s why sharing your faith matters so much. Your life, your testimony, and the love you show others may be the only Bible some people will ever read. You carry the light of Christ within you, and through your words and actions, you have the power to reveal His heart to a world desperately in need of hope. Beloved, now is the time to really grab hold of this truth! 

The Holy Spirit is saying, “You’ve seen glimpses of My power and faithfulness, but you haven’t seen anything yet. Prepare your heart, for I am about to open up the heavens over you. What you have experienced so far is just the beginning. You are about to witness the outpouring of My glory in ways that will surpass all that you’ve known. I have seen your tears, your perseverance, and your trust in Me. I have not overlooked your obedience or your quiet sacrifices. Now is the time to look up, for I am about to reveal My presence in your life in unprecedented ways. Heaven is moving on your behalf.”

“You Will Do Greater Works”

In John 14:12, Jesus shares a promise that is still alive and well for every believer. 

He said: “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

The word “greater” doesn’t mean that we, as believers, will surpass Jesus in power or significance. It means that, through the gift of the Holy Spirit, we have the ability to reach more people and see even more miracles unfold as His ministry continues through us. It’s an invitation to join in God’s amazing plan, where the supernatural can break into our everyday lives. 

Now, with the digital age and modern technology, God’s word continues to spread with power and purpose! All we have to do is our small part. This is what it means to be the ekklesia—the called-out ones, the true meaning of the word 'church.' We are a community of believers, united in Christ, called to share His love and message wherever we are, whether in person or online.

I’m reminded of my own mother, who spent the last years of her life confined to a wheelchair. While her body grew weaker, her spirit remained vibrant, and she found a new way to reach people. Each day, she’d share a verse of the day or a heartfelt message on social media, connecting with friends and strangers alike.

She didn’t see herself as a missionary, but that’s exactly what she became—a digital missionary, spreading hope and encouragement to anyone who needed it. Her words, typed out with love, have outlived her and continue to inspire thousands.

Mom wasn’t focused on doing something grand; she was just following the quiet nudge in her heart to share God’s love.

My mother showed me that you don’t need a platform or a stage to make a difference; you just need a willing heart and a simple act of faith. From her bedside, she lived out “greater works” and “greater things,” proving that God can use any of us, right where we are, to be His light in the world.

God has given you a gift to glorify Him!

Our Lord and Savior’s earthly ministry lasted approximately three years. During that time, Jesus spoke to crowds wherever He went, traveling on foot from town to town within a small region. Despite the limited geographical area, His message changed the world forever. One of the greatest miracles of all time is that, over 2,000 years later, the gospel and resurrection continues to spread and impact lives globally. Even though the world may try to diminish His influence, the name of Jesus remains stronger and more powerful than ever!

Today, we have tools and platforms at our fingertips that Jesus’ first followers couldn’t have imagined—smartphones, social media, and instant communication that can reach the ends of the earth in seconds.

This is where we have the potential to see “greater things.” It’s not about doing something more powerful than Jesus did, but about reaching more people with the same powerful message. Each of us, right where we are, has the ability to share the gospel in ways that can touch dozens, hundreds, thousands, even millions. Your social media, for example, is more than just a place to post photos and updates. It’s a platform with a purpose.

Every post, every story, every comment has the potential to shine a light into someone’s life. It could be a simple Bible verse that encourages a friend going through a tough time, a testimony that inspires hope, or even a prayer that reaches someone who feels unseen and alone. What you share from your heart can reach people in places you’ve never been and impact lives in ways you may never know!

Let’s consider this: In the first century, Jesus spoke to large crowds, sometimes reaching thousands of people at a time. Today, one single video or post on social media can reach that many—and more—in just moments.! The potential to share the gospel has multiplied exponentially! Websites and online ministries now have the ability to reach millions in a matter of days, far surpassing the entire population of Jerusalem during Jesus’ time. It’s a reminder that while the message of Christ remains timeless, God is using new tools and technology to spread His Word to more people than ever before.

It’s not about how many we reach, but about the impact we make on each life. If we can change the world for just one person, that’s enough!

You don’t have to be a famous preacher or a seasoned missionary to make a difference. Just by being authentic, sharing your faith, and using your voice on the platforms you have, you can be part of spreading God’s love and truth to a world that desperately needs it. This is the beauty of the digital age—we can each play a role in reaching more people than ever before.

So remember, your influence matters. The posts you make, the messages you share—they have a purpose in God’s bigger plan. You’re part of the ekklesia, the called-out ones, equipped to use even the simplest tools to bring hope and light to others. You have a part in something truly “greater,” right here, right now.

The Spirit of the Lord is declaring that His greater glory is here. It’s not coming; it has arrived. For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, you will discern the shift in the atmosphere. You will see miracles, signs, and wonders following those who believe. You will witness lives transformed, families restored, and nations turning to the Lord.

This is the season of greater things.

Take hold of it.

Don’t let past disappointments or failures hold you back. 

Don’t let approval addiction or fear of judgment turn you into a lamb when God has given you a LION anointing.

The Lord is making all things new.

You were called for such a time as this.

Acts 4:13
”When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.”

John 16:7 (AMP)
Jesus said: "But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him (the Holy Spirit) to you [to be in close fellowship with you]."


5785 Prophetic Word: A Year of Grace, Breakthrough, and Stepping into Your Spacious Place


PROPHETIC WORD: A Season Called Transfer