PROPHETIC WORD: A Season Called Transfer

During this time of transition, take a moment to breathe and rest in our Father’s presence

Some of you are about to receive new assignments that will redirect your path into a future that is still hidden from you at this time. With this, you might feel some intense pressure, and fear of the unknown might be setting in.

Perhaps it has become crystal clear in recent weeks, or even months, that the old methods you have grown accustomed to are simply not working anymore.

Maybe God is even having you close more doors than open them right now. 

There’s a growing sense of weariness and exhaustion in your spirit. Hope deferred might be settling in, and your heart is desperately seeking even a small win or a small sign of hope. Like Elijah, you’re scanning the atmosphere, looking for clues, even if they’re as small as a tiny cloud.

Your spirit knows there is change coming, but right now all you see is a blank canvas.

My friend, please do not give up. The Lord is not rejecting you—He is redirecting you.

He’s teaching you patience, perseverance, and self-control. He’s reminding you of His sovereignty and how following Jesus means we have to surrender everything. Our steps are ordered by our King, and as His disciples, we must release and let go of all control.

It’s hard when God changes our plans, especially when we’ve invested time, energy, and heart into them. But remember, God’s “no” is often a “yes” to something better. He is a loving Father who sees the end from the beginning, and He knows exactly what you need in this season.

This is not the end of your story—it’s merely a pause before a new chapter begins.


In this season of transfer, many are experiencing shifts in relationships and career goals that once felt secure and established.

Some connections may be coming to an end, or roles and ambitions that were once pursued with passion might suddenly feel misaligned or unfulfilling.

This can bring about a mix of emotions—like grief over what’s being left behind, confusion about where to go next, and anxiety about stepping into the unknown.

You might even be asking the Lord to give your heart some relief from this trying time.

Yet, amid the discomfort, there is also a subtle stirring of hope and anticipation. Deep down, there is an awareness that these changes, while unsettling, are clearing the way for something new and significant.

During this time of transition, take a moment to breathe and rest in our Father’s presence.

Less is actually more at this time.

Sometimes, we need spiritual, emotional, and physical sabbaticals to recharge. It’s okay to pull away. It’s okay to rest, take naps, and stay home more than usual. The prescription you need right now is RESTFUL HEALING, and you must fight for it! When we go through uncomfortable times, our flesh will try to stay busy because distraction and “doing” feel safer than just being.

God is saying, fight for peace! 

Our world has taught us that hustling means productivity, but in God’s Kingdom, He can do vastly more when we simply hand Jesus our small loaves of bread and two fish.

God’s timing is perfect, even when it feels delayed from our perspective. He is aligning things in your life that you cannot see right now, orchestrating divine connections and opportunities that will unfold in His perfect time.


If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take heart. The pressure you’re experiencing is not meant to break you but to mold you. Like clay in the hands of a potter, you are being shaped and refined. The discomfort you feel is a sign that growth is happening beneath the surface.

Trust that our Potter is shaping your life with His gentle and skilled hands. He will create something beautiful out of what seems uncertain and chaotic.

In this season called “transfer,” hold onto the promises of God. He is faithful to complete the good work He has started in you. When you feel lost or unsure, remind yourself of His faithfulness in past seasons.

His track record is perfect. He has never failed you, and He won’t start now.

Embrace this time as an opportunity to draw closer to King Jesus. Let Him speak to the deepest parts of your heart and renew your strength. The path ahead may be hidden, but you are not walking it alone. Jesus is with you, guiding each step, and He will not let you stumble.

In Acts 16, we see a very fascinating phrase used that appears only once in the Bible. Paul and his companions were on a missionary journey. They had a clear mandate to spread the gospel, but they encountered a unique situation where the Holy Spirit explicitly forbade them from preaching in certain areas.

Acts 16:6-7 (ESV): “And they went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. And when they had come up to Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them.”

In John 16:7, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit as a Helper. The phrase “Spirit of Jesus” reminds us that Jesus Himself is intimately connected with the Holy Spirit and together they guide and direct our lives with God the Father.

Our Shepherd cares about the spreading of the Gospel, but He is very particular about timing. He knows exactly when and where to let down our nets. Jesus will close doors or redirect us, even when the work seems good and necessary. He knows which efforts will bear the most fruit. 

Beloved, please understand that you’re not being punished right now.

You are being prepared for something greater, even if it’s beyond what you can imagine.

So, keep your eyes on Jesus. Let Him lead you through this season of transfer with courage and faith.

Your next assignment is not just about a change of direction but a fulfillment of God’s greater purpose for your life.

In closing, I want to share a quick personal story. Last night, I went to bed with a heavy heart. I have been asking the Lord many questions, especially seeking clarity. I want to follow Him into the deep waters and immerse myself in His calling for my life, but it all seems really foggy.

This morning, I was in the stage between sleeping and waking up, and I heard song lyrics playing in my spirit on repeat. It was a soothing whisper, like a loving parent comforting their child. The words come from a song called “Defender,” and I believe they are a prophetic message for you, too.

When I thought I lost me
You knew where I left me
You reintroduced me to Your love
You picked up all my pieces
Put me back together
You are the defender of my heart

Zephaniah 3:17: 
“The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing.”


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