Jesus says, “Take Courage; It is I. Don’t Be Afraid.”
In crushing seasons, take heart and be of good cheer, beloved. The Lord will rescue you! Keep rowing even in the face of adversity and trials.
After miraculously feeding well over 5,000 people, Jesus commanded His disciples to get in a boat and cross the Sea of Galilee. The sea is the lowest freshwater lake on earth and only about 7-8 miles wide, but it’s notoriously challenging to sail when gale-force winds cut through the valleys and churn up the waters.
It’s there in the swirling sea the disciples faced a mighty storm one night.
The disciples, who were career fishermen, understood the dangers that lurked in the turbulent waters. However, they had a word from the Lord and they did exactly what Jesus said. We learn here that sometimes we face challenges even when obedient to Christ.
Tough times don’t always mean we have done something wrong. On the contrary, significant battles can still happen after following the Lord’s commands and instructions.
After the feeding of the multitudes, Jesus told the disciples to leave “immediately” (Matthew 14:22) and compelled them to go because He discerned that the crowds wanted to take Him by force and crown Him a political king. The people did not understand the work of the Messiah, plus it was not yet His time. Jesus retreated to the mountains and spent time with God while the disciples sailed into a life-threatening situation.
Jesus used this experience as a great lesson for the disciples who would someday lead the first-century church.
In this mighty storm, the disciples learned about grit, longsuffering, and perseverance to face their future tasks. They would later go on to shake the foundations of the Roman Empire — but first, they had to truly understand the power of Jesus.
There would be many miracles waiting on the other side of the storm, but before all the good stuff, the Lord taught them about faith and trust in Him amid life’s difficulties and challenges.
God reminded them that He’s sovereign over everything, including nature and timing. The winds and waves must obey His voice.
The lessons the disciples learned in the choppy, thunderous waters are exactly what the Lord is teaching many of His faithful ones right now. Perhaps you are enduring your own dark and cloudy season. The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord says, “Keep rowing! Jesus is coming soon!”
“By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them. A strong wind was blowing, and the waters grew rough. When they had rowed about three or four miles, they saw Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water, and they were frightened. But he said to them, “It is I; don’t be afraid” (John 6:16-20).
Matthew’s account recorded Jesus saying, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid” (Matthew 14:27). The disciples were frightened because they thought Jesus was a ghost.
Spiritually speaking, when the Lord appears to us in a new way, we don’t always know what to do or how to react. This is especially true when we face an onslaught of trials, hardships and frustration. Panic sets in, and when our emotions take over, it’s hard to recognize the movement and plans of our Father. Fear clouds our vision and weakens our faith, leading us to believe that God has gone missing. The truth is, He’s always a present help in times of trouble.
As children of the Most High, we all crave mountaintop experiences and good times with our Lord; however, in the storms of life, we truly learn about the POWER and deity of Christ.
Some lessons cannot be learned by just reading scripture or listening to sermons. Our faith is deepened when we walk through the valleys and row through turbulent waters with Christ. In moments of weakness and terror, we cry out, “Abba, Father!” and reach for our Savior to deliver and rescue us from a situation we cannot do on our own. When Jesus steps into our boat, the winds calm and we are accelerated to the other side. It’s at that point we recognize He’s truly the Son of God.
Remember: the disciples did everything right. They obeyed the Lord and left immediately at His command; however, they were not immune from the attacking, violent storm. They rowed about “three or four miles” and got halfway through their journey, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, “buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it” (Matthew 14:24).
The opposing force had beaten them to a pulp. They did not turn back at the first threat of danger, but continued to paddle against the wind to follow God’s instructions. Even then, they were downright stuck in the storm and couldn’t make any progress. It seemed as if nothing was working.
Jesus arrived at the fourth watch (3-6 a.m.), so they probably spent about eight hours in the storm, making little headway until Christ arrived. In other words, considerable time had elapsed before their Rescuer showed up on the scene. God was always coming for them; He allowed the disciples to row with their own effort before they got to a place of desperation. Then He left the shoreline and walked on water to meet them in the midst of their crisis.
Mark’s version of the story adds one tiny point we can’t overlook: “Jesus saw that they were in a lot of trouble as they rowed” (Mark 6:48). He was well-aware of their condition and situation just like He knows what you are facing. Jesus knew the disciples were exhausted, frightened, frustrated, and completely depleted of all spiritual, emotional, and physical strength.
They needed help that only He could provide.
I’m sure the apostles would have appreciated and needed the Lord to come earlier, but He waited until the fourth watch, right before daybreak. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a first-watch kind of person. I desire the Father to rescue me at the first sign of distress. When the opposing forces of this world churn up chaos and disruption in my life, I start to wonder WHERE IS JESUS?! Does God see what’s happening? Does He even care anymore? I cry out to Father God in the middle of my distress and use all my own strength to keep my boat afloat while making no progress.
Yet through it all, I remember one thing even while blinded by the raging waters: Jesus will come at the right time. All we have to do is keep hanging on.
God’s purposes, plans and timing are so much greater than anything we can comprehend. Even when it doesn’t make sense to us — it makes perfect sense to Him.
The storm served as an opportunity for the disciples to grow in their understanding of Jesus’ divinity, and they learned the necessity of relying on Him in all circumstances.
When Christ climbed into their boat, the wind died down, and He brought peace to their situation. The same Jesus who commands nature is the same God who rules and reigns over your life. He will send the Holy Spirit as your Great Comforter.
My friend: the choppy waters buffeting your life are not to discipline you, but to deepen your trust, understanding, and relationship with King Jesus.
God has a plan for you and knows exactly what you are facing. He sees your tears, understands your lack and hears your cries amid the storm. He is going to bring you comfort and reassurance in the midst of fear and uncertainty.
Sometimes, what hurts the most is when we actually follow the Lord’s instructions and obey, but we still face turbulent waves. When we leave behind people, places and seasons we love and walk into our future with fortitude, it’s easy to think that Father God will reward us soon after. However, no one earns God’s righteousness (Romans 4:5). God doesn’t owe us anything; the righteous live by faith alone. Grace is a gift that is freely given. There is often a progression of time before major breakthroughs and victories. It’s quite possible to do everything correctly and still suffer.
The Apostle Paul knew this all too well. He wrote: “We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us…” (2 Cor. 1:8-10).
God will deliver you.
While waiting for the Lord to step into our boats, we often become discouraged, despondent and even dull to God’s voice. This is the point we have to cling to Jesus with all we have. DO NOT GIVE UP! Do not turn around and go back; keep plowing forward even against the wind!
God gave me a word today to encourage your heart because a great calm is coming and you have to press through this painful period to reach your oasis. Your despair, loneliness, sadness, grief, hopelessness, depression, pain, and longsuffering have reached Heaven.
The Lord Jesus is sending an army of angels to surround and minister to you, just like they came to Jesus after He was tempted by Satan in the wilderness for 40 days. An angel also ministered to Elijah when he was ready to give up on life itself. Help is on the way for you, too!
On the other side of this storm is the land of Gennesaret. It has gardens and fertile lands; the Lord will use your experience to help others. You will teach people how to plow through the pain and step into purpose. At Gennesaret, Jesus healed the sick, touched many people, and made them well (Matthew 14:34-36).
Today, the Lord says, “Take courage. It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
Jesus knows all about pain and suffering. Before He fed the multitudes and walked on water, He had just experienced a significant loss when His cousin John the Baptist was beheaded. The Lord went to a mountain to pray and get strength from God, but He recognized the disciples’ distress and abandoned His plans to rescue them. He sees and knows your pain and sorrow, too.
When it seems like the Lord is silent – hold tight. Jesus is coming for you, and He will have an answer and solution for your problems. All you have to do is keep rowing and do your part even when facing gale-force winds. Keep reaching for your Savior!
Soon the Lord will arrive and simply say, “Come.”
Then He will teach you how to walk on water.
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord says, 'Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid.' Just as I spoke these words to My disciples on the stormy sea, I speak them to you now. Fear not, for I am with you. The challenges that loom before you are not too great for My strength. I am the One who calms the storms and speaks peace to the raging waters.
When the waves of doubt and fear threaten to overwhelm you, I am the anchor of your soul. I am your constant presence amid chaos. In this season, I want you to remember and meditate on James 1:12: “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised.”
I want you to look beyond the turbulence of the present moment and fix your gaze upon Me. I am the way through the chaos, the truth that dispels deception, and the life that triumphs over death. As you navigate the waters of uncertainty, know that I am your steadfast anchor securing your soul.
Take courage, for I am the I AM. I am present in your situation, and nothing is beyond My control. Your fears are hushed by the authority of My voice. Trust in Me, and do not let your hearts be troubled, for I am a source of peace that surpasses all understanding.
You are under Psalm 91 protection and can take refuge in the shelter of My love.
When you feel stuck and row three or four miles without much progress, take heart, for I am coming to you.
Do not be afraid, for I see your toil and hear the cries of your heart. In the moments when the waves of doubt and fear threaten to overwhelm you, I am drawing near. I walk upon the waters of your circumstances, defying natural order to bring you comfort, peace, safety and reassurance.
As you row through challenges that seem to stretch on, know that I am well-aware of every effort, every tear, and every prayer you have sown. I am not distant but intimately involved in the details of your life. Your faith has not gone unnoticed.
Fear not, my child, for I am the God of the impossible. The storms surrounding you are no match for the authority of My word. I am so proud of your endurance and reliance on Me even when you can't see a way through. We will get to the other side of this season and walk on water together.
Your deliverance is at hand, and peace that surpasses all understanding will soon fill your heart. Hold on, beloved, for I am with you in the midst of the storm.
As you face the Red Seas of your life, remember the words of My servant Moses: “The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still” (Exodus 14:14).
The challenges before you may seem insurmountable, but I have already paved the way for your deliverance. The armies of the Living God are poised to fight on your behalf.
Your role is to be still and relinquish the burden of self-reliance. You can surrender the weight of your worries to Me. Soon, you will witness the miraculous unfolding of My plans and purposes. I will get you to the other side!
My faithful one: your current trials are but a prelude to a glorious victory that is coming! Keep holding on tight! I am coming!
As you stand still, know that I am fighting for you. A day is coming that you will witness the parting of your own Red Sea, and the path to freedom will be revealed. The Lord, your great Warrior, is ready to wage battles on your behalf.
The journey may be challenging, but victory is assured.
I love you so very much. Do not be afraid, My precious child. Take courage, for I am with thee.