PROPHETIC WORD: It’s miracle season, so get ready to launch! 🚀 The Stage Has Been Set!

2 Timothy 2:6

“The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops.”

Recently I awoke from a dream about a rocket ship launching into the sky!

In the dream, I was in a field, and suddenly, this gigantic space shuttle just appeared right above my head! The fire was still visible, signaling that it had just catapulted to space!

That's the main thing I noticed — the power of the fire! The rocket was right above my head, so I knew it had just launched seconds before.

This is the countdown!

In the dream, I even wondered: "Is that space shuttle going to make it?" It looked powerful and alluring physically, but it was almost moving in slow motion. I knew it could only keep soaring from the power of the push! 

In the Bible, the Holy Spirit represents fire, and that's what the Lord was revealing in the dream. The hand of God is about to catapult many of you into new dimensions, just like the Kentucky Derby horse Rich Strike (more on him later).

There are many of you about to receive specific instructions and visions from the Lord that will launch you into new realms overnight. These are ministries, creations, songs, lesson plans, a problem to solve, a strategy to help your basketball shots fall, new relationships, a recipe, a blog post, a new city to build a church, or a new job position that you've been dreaming about for years.

Your life might be the only Bible some people will ever read, so make sure to serve as an extraordinary ambassador of Jesus Christ. Let every word that comes out of your mouth remain life-giving, pure and full of hope!

Forget what people said could never happen! Jesus is about to slingshot you into a new glorious realm that will have you rejoicing around every corner!

It's not by might nor power -- but the Spirit -- that will help us soar into new territories.

This week, I saw a sign on my street that said: "new traffic pattern ahead." The sign was on the same road I drive every day, and I didn't even know there was another way. My eyes could only see one pattern and one way to travel, yet the sign told me something completely new. There was a shakeup on the horizon, and the old way of doing things had changed instantly.

A short time later, I saw two license plates back-to-back that said: "Miracles" and "Big Show" -- and that's when it hit me that the Lord had a word for us.

I know Christ is speaking to His beloved children about how important and significant this time is.

Here's the thing: many of you don't exactly feel like a rocket ship right now blazing with zest and glory! You are exhausted, battle-tested and weary. But I know that God often speaks of what's to come, so His heart is pressing upon us to stay alert.

A showdown is coming for you, and God is not a man that He shall lie.

So here's what He has for you to know:

Your life is about to increase rapidly. Jesus is giving you new influence, and people will flock to you out of a yearning to chase after more of Jesus. God will grant the desires of your heart because the Lord remembers you. The people are hungry and craving the things of the Holy Spirit. You have been chosen to teach them.

Jesus is propelling you to do something new and speak His voice in a unique way that the earth has never heard! There’s power in purpose. Run your race and be unapologetically okay with presenting the love and passion of Jesus Christ in a new and profound way!

You must get bold like Joshua and "be strong and courageous" because you are the very person the Lord has chosen to lead the people. This is not a time to remain stuck. This is not a time to fold and fall back on old habits and mindsets. You've come way too far to do anything else but trust Jesus with everything you have.



The Lord is putting heavily on my spirit about how quickly many of you will be accelerated in the coming weeks, and no one will see you coming. We saw this play out over the weekend after a horse pulled off the greatest Kentucky Derby upset in a century!

I'm not sure I've seen a better illustration of the Lord's handprint in recent years than what we witnessed Saturday through the miracle of a young colt named Rich Strike!

Jesus loved to teach with parables because people in ancient times could universally understand the larger lessons with farmers, soldiers, fruit crops and harvest seasons. I believe this is equal to athletic events in the modern era because sport is a global language we all share and understand. There are rich biblical lessons embedded in so many storylines and Jesus is still teaching us spiritual principles in the modern day. We saw this with the Kentucky Derby.

The horse and jockey stepped to the gate at the Kentucky Derby, and two minutes later, they had done the impossible. They had the worst odds and came from the back to the front. They changed life for everyone in their circle and sphere of influence. The horse that scratched from the competition and opened the road for Rich Strike to race was named Ethereal Road.

The word ethereal means celestial, heavenly, and unworldly. It was an unworldly set of circumstances for Rich Strike to even enter the race, and Christ is about to pave the same path for you!

I keep hearing the words "opening" and "gateway."

There will soon be an opening for you to step forward with boldness like Joshua. Then you will go from overlooked to ahead of the pack instantly! You are the horse running like Rich Strike, and the Lord is the jockey holding the reins and steering you through the traffic at just the right time to find the opening.

There is a glorious video posted from the Kentucky Derby over the weekend that shows the race from above. I love it because that's how Jesus will skillfully launch you forward and seamlessly swerve you the front! The jockey riding Rich Strike said he purposely kept the horse pulled back and then let him loose at just the opportune time. 

He was maneuvered and directed, and it didn't matter who was around him. Rich Strike was running his race, and nothing and no one was stopping him! No one saw him coming whatsoever. However, this was a tandem miracle because it took both the jockey and the horse to remain in sync through the ride. That’s exactly what happens when we work in sync with our Heavenly Father.

The quotes from everyone on Rich Strike’s team reveals just how unexpected and extraordinary this miracle was.

“I feel like I’ve been propelled somewhere,” the horse owner, Rick Dawson said. “Are you sure this is not a dream because it can’t be true?”

The Lord will often have us sit back and wait when we're ready to blast off full steam ahead. However, the waiting—actively waiting to strike— is the secret sauce because it takes divine strategy. The little shepherd boy David didn't kill Goliath by strength. God used technique and strategy to position him with the right hit at the right time. 

You are the arrow that Jesus has just pulled back, and now you're waiting for Him to release and launch you forward! When the Holy Spirit says go, you will bypass them all and soar!

Rich Strike had never been on the big stage. Instead, he’d been fortified and prepared out of the spotlight and his trainer said 10 days before the race, he’d actually excelled out of nowhere. Now he was ready.

“ He walked over to the paddock like the utmost pro. He never turned his head at all the live music and he didn't mind all the crowds screaming and cheering. He walked in there like he'd been there a hundred times and he was the only horse.


God is about to set you afire in new dimensions, atmospheres and relationships. This is the tsunami moment. The time when an earthquake happens deep in the waters and then suddenly the waves are pulled back. The earth goes still, and then out of nowhere, the gush and burst of the water creates havoc and changes the scene. Life is never the same again for everyone in your sphere of influence.

You are peaking at just the right time! What you did in the secret place was seen by the Lord and He will propel you rapidly to new heights!

Where you are headed is of such prominent positions and territories that you cannot lean on your own understanding in this season. You will forcefully accelerate past the giants!

Again, I keep hearing Zechariah 4:6:

“Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord Almighty.

That has to be your battle cry in this new era going forth!

Many of you will be given larger platforms soon, even though you likely don't want them. That's what happened to Joshua, David, Moses and even Peter, John and Paul. However, God had positioned and called them forth for a greater glory to help people. You always have to remember the purpose in this new era of your life. 

We see biblical lessons with the NBA Playoffs happening right now. Defense wins championships. Teammates love defenders on their team. Why? Because defensive-mindset players are tenacious, gritty, resilient, selfless and willing to put in the hard work in the shadows. They are the blue-collared folks who walk among us, honored to set aside selfish ambitions for the betterment of the team. They have been purged, refined, and sculpted by the hands of Christ, so much so, that when they come to the forefront, the spotlight will feel foreign and uncomfortable.

These are the defenders of the faith coming forth right now.

Jesus will always be at the center of it all. God is maneuvering and positioning people into new realms of influence worldwide right now, and Pentecost is about to be a mighty and delicate time in the spiritual realm.

The story of Rich Strike is a tale of countless people toiling right now in the secret places, chiseled by Christ in obscurity, never expecting the Lord to actually do the impossible in such a monumental way.

Rich Strike’s story is all of ours.

It’s a reminder of the power of dreams and purpose and living with an unshakeable desire to chase after destiny with all your heart.

The Lord LOVES long shots. He’s been using them from the beginning of time. The type of people God is bursting forth in this era are the misfits, outcasts, the ones who don’t fit in with the status quo and never will. They’ve been hidden in plain sight for so long that they’re just going to walk this out like the Apostle Peter because they’re fishermen at heart and not polished businessmen. So my fellow misfits, arise!

Soon we’ll be shouting just like Rich Strike’s team:

“Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe in miracles?”


Oh, and a little fun fact! Rich Strike wore No. 21 in the race because he was never supposed to be there. The other 20 spots belonged to those expected to race. This was a 153 Moment outlined in John 21. It’s an abundance and overflow of epic proportions.

Rich Strike covered the mile-and-a-quarter in a respectable 2:02.6.

This reflects the parable of an athlete, soldier and farmer in 2 Timothy.

2 Timothy 2:6: “The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops.”

Paul knew that Timothy would need strength, endurance and grace to fulfill the calling God gave him. He had to toil, fight, endure, persevere and work hard for what was his.

He had to be fed by the Word of Christ to then feed others.


My space shuttle dream had another unique element to it the other day. I woke up to lyrics from the song: “That’s What Friends Are For.” Specifically, it was the verse “from good times, to bad times, I’ll be on your side forever more.”

At first, it didn’t make sense to me, so I waited with the Lord. He revealed that the “rocket” was also signaling lift-off to a season of LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS!

These relationships are about to skyrocket! It will be a fiery acceleration for these couples and God stressed the importance of having a solid friendship first. The foundation has to be set forth with very strong barriers and establishing a friendship will be key! You’ll have fun together and it’ll be a natural flow. Right now, they’re still praying and getting confirmation about this, but some of you will be approached or called very soon.

God will infuse your Kingdom spouse (who will become your very best friend) with the Lord’s glory. He will be immersed and completely drenched in Jesus through this union and he will be in the driver’s seat. You will be equally yoked. God is shifting their atmosphere right now and there are angels on assignments. This man is a mighty man of valor. This expression is used about 37 times in the Bible to describe ordinary people who rise to extraordinary heights once they establish a relationship with Christ. They are brave, and approach everything in life with discipline and purpose.

I just heard: “the eleventh hour.” The term means: the latest possible time before it is too late. I have no idea what this means in context to a relationship or who it’s for, but that’s just what I heard.


Right now is the month of the Iyar in God's calendar. This month means "radiance, new budding," and it's the month tucked between the Resurrection and Pentecost. It's truly the "bridge" month, and this month is full of rest and healing.

It's commonly referred to as the "month of natural healing" because the original Hebrew letters serve as an acronym for "I AM God your Healer." (Exodus 15: 26).

It outlines the journey from slavery to freedom. In the Bible, the Israelites had just escaped horrific abuse and saw the Lord deliver them to freedom after crossing the Red Sea. They walked through the scorched desert for three days and were tired, weary, emotionally exhausted and thirsty. All of a sudden, they saw a reflection up ahead. It was water, and I imagined they raced to the shiny spring, hoping to lap up as much pure water as possible. 

However, when they got to the Spring of Marah — all they tasted was bitterness. 

They couldn't stand the taste of the water. Many scholars say the Israelites didn't realize that the water likely had medicinal properties and the Lord was trying to help them heal from intestinal disease. Nonetheless, they were only focused on the taste of the bitterness instead of understanding the actual physical, long-term healing that God tried to give them.

A man by the name of Jamie Buckingham wrote a book entitled "A Way Through the Wilderness." He believes that the water of Marah was filled with magnesium, which is a powerful laxative that would have expelled most amoeba, parasites, and death-dealing germs the people would have brought with them out of Egypt. One blogger said magnesium also forms the basis of a drug called 'dolomite,' used in scorching weather to control heart fibrillation and muscle spasms. God had provided the right medicine to purge their systems and prepare their bodies for the long, arduous journey through the desert.

But instead of considering what God was doing at the moment, they grumbled and vocally spoke about their displeasure. Can anyone relate to this kind of attitude? (I'm raising my hand here, too)! So often, these 'bridge' seasons feel long and tiresome, and bitterness can aim at our hearts.

My personality tends to fluctuate, just like Elijah. I can feel on top of the mountain and conquer the world, and then I'm running away and ready to quit the next moment! Sometimes the very blessings and prayers that Jesus answered in one season somehow become my place of bitterness and grumbling if I don't check myself. 

This story at Marah—which literally means "bitter"—reminds us of the importance of sticking with the Lord and considering that His ways are always higher, even in uncertain places. We need discipline in this new era. That means speaking life even when everything feels dead.

Back there at the Spring of Marah, the Lord listened to the grumblings of the Israelites and then graciously allowed Moses to throw a tree branch into the water, and it miraculously changed from bitter to sweet.

The Israelites didn't realize that bitter water might have saved countless people from all those intestinal diseases many would carry for a lifetime. God had given them medicinal and providential water. He never promised us that this walk would be easy. If the Israelites had stuck it out, they would have likely been healed even deeper.

They didn't know that their next stop would be an oasis called Elim, a luxury land dotted with 12 springs of water and seventy palm trees. It was a restful and peaceful place where they could camp and recover. During seasons of bitter water, hold tight and be open to unusual ways that the Lord might seek to heal and give you rest. Trust me, it won't always look like a blessing at the time, but there is often a glorious opening right around the corner if you hold fast.

Spiritual resets and rests are important in our walk with Christ.

Jesus often got away from the crowds before some of His most significant works in ministry. 

Both the oasis at Elim and withdrawing from the crowds during Jesus' ministry serve as a powerful examples of staying in tune with Christ. Often the pulling away is the very launch needed to catapult you.

It might not always be fun, but it will be beneficial. For my Type-A folks, it seems counter-cultural to pull away when modern society wants to preach about hustling and grinding to chase after your dreams. Refreshment will arrive if you can stick out that uncomfortable and bitter spot.

In an everyday, practical way, the Lord desires for us to be healed and freed from disease and sluggishness and apathy (I'm speaking to myself here). And sometimes, the answer to our prayers comes down to what we eat and drink.

Sure, it's more convenient and easy to grab food from anywhere and call it a day. It's not fun to eat fruits and vegetables and drink water; however, eating the right foods can revive and replenish us! 

We have to overlook the bitterness and find the sweetness that only our Savior can design for His beloved children.

In the Bible, the month of Iyar is also called the month of Ziv (זִיו ), meaning "radiance." The name Iyar derives from the same word that means "light." 

Iyar is also tied to the tribe of Issachar, who was known for their exceptional ability to understand the times and seasons of God. They operated in supernatural wisdom and reminded the people that although it seems dry and desolate, do not despair. The Lord is coming through again powerfully. That's the same message Jesus has for us today.

Only through the LIGHT OF CHRIST can we overcome any darkness. 

So what is the strategy leading up to Pentecost in early June or in the weeks to come?

1. REST. Spiritual rest in the Bible is vastly different from physical rest. Spiritual rest means ceasing from doing things our way and allowing Christ to completely overwhelm our fleshly desires.

Usually, when the Lord pushes me towards seasons of rest, it happens during times that I'm the busiest. That's the point. It would be easy to rest when nothing is going on, but it takes deliberate effort and intentionality to rest during periods of busyness. My brain usually thinks: "I thought we already rested; why do I have to do this again?" However, our hearts are longing for this intimate time with the Father, we just don’t always realize it. The Lord might also be protecting us from the culture to stay more attuned to His voice in very heightened seasons of spiritual movement.

Our brattiness and bitterness can boil to the surface because it usually makes no sense. We want to be out there living our dreams and taking over the world! However, what usually happens when I surrender is the Lord brings me through deep inner-healing, and I experience an acceleration of growth. Some of the most fantastic visions and dreams Jesus downloads always happen in these "arrow" pull-back seasons.

Even if you feel bitter during these times, meet the Lord each morning from a place of praise and thank Him for believing in you enough to walk you through this season. How do you know that it's a time of spiritual rest? Everything dries up. No matter how much you toil and try, nothing is working. You might be extremely busy, but you must make your life an offering to give the Lord what free time you do have. This can often feel very uneasy and uncomfortable, like a mother before giving birth. So my beloved sisters and brothers: embrace these periods of rest with all your heart. The oasis is coming.


 The Lord is reminding us of 1 Corinthians 13:2, "and if I have the gift of prophecy with a profound understanding of God's hidden secrets, and if I possessed unending supernatural knowledge, and if I had the greatest faith that could move mountains, but have never learned to love, then I am nothing."

The Aramaic word for love is hooba, and it also means "to set on fire." So if you are the rocket ship, then love — the kind that only comes from Christ — is the very thing that will burst you into new dimensions this season. It's easy to love people who deserve it. It takes the supernatural grace and power of Jesus Christ to love difficult people, but that is the very thing to set you ablaze in this season. Why should we do this? Because Jesus provides us natural healing when we love and forgive in the difficult places.

There’s a popular verse from 1 Cor. 13:4 that simply says: “love is patient…” but there’s actually a deeper meaning to this one tiny phrase.

This verse can also be translated to mean "love patiently endures mistreatment." In Aramaic, the original Bible text can mean: "love transforms the spirit." 

Abuse is never okay. Sometimes people who abuse others likes to say “God says to forgive” to make it seem like it’s okay to hurt others. They forget that God also demands mercy and justice. He separates people and creates healthy boundaries all throughout the Bible. This is a fact. But this verse points to the spiritual transformation that takes place in our hearts when we choose to give the pain to Christ. We choose to say: "what they did to me is not okay, but they are still your child, Jesus, so I give them back to You. I submit all my pain and heartbreak to You. Restore and heal them in ways that only You can." 

This is a challenging prayer to pray, but watch as the doors fly open for you if you keep your heart aligned with the Lord even when it feels impossible. Sometimes we don’t even have a language for our pain and our tears are the only prayer we can offer. Jesus sees and understands all. Remember, the Bible says we will reap everything we sow. That means tears, pain and heartbreak, too. The Lord really will restore everything the enemy tried to steal, and Jesus will bring you double the love, joy and restoration (Isaiah 61:7).

So in this season, do your best to forgive swiftly to any transgressions, injustice or heartache because the Lord is coming with natural healing balm to restore old wounds. He will stitch back the places that keep getting reopened.

Reflect on the Passion Translation’s interpretation of 1 Corinthians 13 during times that your soul needs extra refreshment:

Love is large and incredibly patient. Love is gentle and consistently kind to all. It refuses to be jealous when blessing comes to someone else. Love does not brag about one’s achievements nor inflate its own importance. Love does not traffic in shame and disrespect, nor selfishly seek its own honor. Love is not easily irritated or quick to take offense. Love joyfully celebrates honesty and finds no delight in what is wrong. Love is a safe place of shelter, for it never stops believing the best for others. Love never takes failure as defeat, for it never gives up.


The Lord called you, chose you and appointed you. Paul wrote to Timothy that it's time to "fan into a flame and rekindle that fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you..." It's time to sit down and reflect and remember the unique gifts and calling that Jesus uniquely designed just for you. Use those gifts to write, create, design, speak, teach, cook, athletically compete, love, disciple, or speak forth divine knowledge. During this spiritual stillness, take time to reconnect with the passions hidden deep within your heart, the ones that only Jesus could impart on your life. We often hide them because someone made us feel shameful for our dreams. That burning desire still buried within your heart? Jesus put it there in the first place, so He’s ready for you to acknowledge that it never really died. The tongue is the strongest weapon we have. SPEAK LIFE TO EVERYTHING JESUS CREATED YOU TO BE! Those dreams and passions are still there and Christ is ready for you to snatch them back and reclaim your dreams with AUTHORITY! Those passions were once covered by the bitter springs of Marah. Now it's time to allow God to revive them into sweet water.

Reposition yourself back to a place of authority that Jesus has given you. Understand the power of the gifts.

The Bible says we should DESIRE the gifts, so during this period, I encourage you to look deeper into the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and see what Jesus has already put in your hands. 

(1 Corinthians 12:8)

• Word of Wisdom

• Word of Revelation of Knowledge

• Gift of Faith

• Gifts of Healing

• Power to Work Miracles

• Gift of Prophecy

• Discern What the Spirit is Speaking

• Speaking Different Kinds of Tongues

• Gift of Interpretation of Tongues

Elim is the place the Israelites went after the bitter waters at Marah.
The Bible purposely outlines what exactly they found there for a reason. This signals a deeper meaning when we read Scripture.

“Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees, and they camped near the water.” (Exodus 15:27)

There were 12 tribes, so with 12 springs, everyone received their resting place and their own unique area to replenish, rest and receive. This seemed heavenly after wandering through a dry and parched desert. This was a time of celebration and rejoicing.

The number 70 is significant in the Bible because it represents completion, wholeness, opportunity, and potential.

It's the completion of natural order before the start of something new.

Palm trees are spiritually known to represent a crown. They stand straight and stately, with a luxurious crown of leaves spreading to protect and provide shade. This is a place where the cool nourishment of Christ’s love and grace saturates our souls under His watchful covering.

You’ll stay here until God gives you the Green Light to MOVE!

Signs That God is Giving You The Green Light On A Decision

"I foretold the former things long ago, my mouth announced them and I made them known; then suddenly I acted, and they came to pass." Isaiah 48:3

1. Clear conscience and spirit to go or do it!

  The Holy Spirit compels you to make a move. There's peacefulness and ease to the decision or idea. You might not know the outcome or have all the pieces in place, but it feels right in the spirit. Sometimes there will still be nerves and some anxiousness, but you sense the Lord is rooting you on to try! It will give you excitement and a new pep in your step at the possibilities!

2. Your passion plus need in the world intersect!

Other people in the world will benefit from what you have to offer. This could be in business but also relationships. Will the other person make you rise higher, and the two of you will make a great team? Does acting on this idea take extraordinary courage that you might not have, so it requires you to fully lean on Jesus? It’s likely a green light.

When it comes to something like a ministry, a business or another idea — will it build the Kingdom and help others? Well, that's a great indication that God is saying YES. Does moving to this new city or place have a purpose much greater than you? Does Christ keep nudging you about this person or place even if you have no understanding why you feel the urge to do this? This could be a great indication.

The timing is always crucial, but you will feel a shift in your spirit when it's time to launch or step forward with the idea. In my experience, the Lord has always given me a great, great head start because there is a process that takes place before ever launching to the new land. If anything, I sit around waiting for Him and ask each day: “is it time yet? Why is it taking so long?” That’s because I’m fully bought in and surrendered to the Lord’s plans for my life at that point. This is when the breakthrough usually happens.

3. Your path is Biblical.

God's Word is always the most powerful, so has God given you a specific scripture or Biblical perspective on the idea? Does stepping out with courage build your faith and draw you closer to the Lord? I remember one period of my life the Lord told me to move somewhere in particular. I didn't know anyone there, and I did not understand why this made any sense. However, my spirit just KNEW the Lord was calling me there! No matter how much I ignored it, the confirmation came again and again. This was a very significant growth period because I had to yield and trust the Lord. Time and time again He will confirm through Scripture. Trust the Living Word more than prophetic words from people. Jesus will speak to you directly when it pertains to a matter.

Pay attention to your dreams and write them all down, even if they don’t make sense at first. The Lord loves when we go to the deep and search out His mysteries, so you need a notebook or app to record all your dreams.

We spend a third of our life sleeping, so of course He will speak there. While asleep, we’re also less distracted. Get in the practice of writing down your dreams and comparing the dream symbols to the Bible. If God is asking you to make a decision, He will confirm it through His Word first and then many other ways. He will back up the confirmation with signs and wonders and you will 100% know! On that note, be mindful of who you share it with! Even well-meaning people can disrupt the flow of Christ. Stay in close relationship with the Lord!

So if this pertains to you, then here's your sign!

🚀Get ready to blast off, friends! Jesus says the countdown is officially ON!

Scripture From the Lord:

”All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give all of you into our hands.” (1 Samuel 17:47)

“The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him. It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” (Lamentations 3:25-26)

“For the source of your pleasure is not in my performance, or the sacrifices I might offer you. The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you. You will not despise my tenderness as I bow down humbly at your feet. Because you favor Zion, do what is good for her.” (Psalm 51: 16-18)

Lord, we love you so much Father. Thank you for showing us the power of your destiny and how you burst people forth in the same way you did for a horse this weekend. Your Son loved to teach through parables and we see Your lessons even today in the most unlikely places. Father, even when we grow weary and tired and can’t see a way forward, we trust that you are always right here by our sides, pushing us forth through your love and grace. You didn’t choose us because we are good, you chose us because You are. The scars of love are etched on Your hands and there is such freedom in Your name, Jesus. We are so thankful to have a loving, kind and merciful Father and we only dream because You dreamed for us first. Remind us to fearlessly preach and teach even in the midst of great opposition. We want to go deeper with You, so show us Your ways and open our eyes and ears to perceive everything you have. Remind us over and over again how much you desire for us to love the least of those and may your goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives. Let miracles break forth in lives, homes, communities and ministries all over the world in your name, Jesus! We love you so much Abba Father!

I leave you today with Rich Strike’s selfie in case you need a reason to smile!


PROPHETIC WORD: Lord of the Turnaround! You have to pivot and take that LEAP OF FAITH!
