PROPHETIC WORD: Lord of the Turnaround! You have to pivot and take that LEAP OF FAITH!

“You will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.” Malachi 4:2

Recently I experienced a beautiful night crafted by the hands of God.  

I was visiting a local farm, and each night I sat outside to watch the most brilliant sunsets. The earth was utterly silent as the cows grazed along the plush rows of grass.

Suddenly, on the last night — just as the sun kissed the earth — the cows and their adorable little calves took off racing into the meadow — leaping, bouncing and skipping with all their delight! Have you ever seen a cow dance into the sunset?! 

They looked like giddy thousand-pound toddlers and oversized rabbits skipping with utter joy and carefreeness! 

I thought to myself: "Is this real life?" I had so many questions. Why did the cows suddenly take off skipping and dancing for no reason? What were they so excited about? 

After a bit of research, one rancher said: “Cows get an extra spring or leap in their step whenever something new or unexpected happens. We think it's a sign that things are well with them." 

They especially love a change in scenery, and a new environment and lush grass can spark hope and excitement. 

And get this: “cows leap at dusk because the light makes them happy.”

Goodness, that speaks to my soul!

That's precisely what I felt in that moment: they were just happy to experience freedom and the simplicity of life.

In the days that followed, Jesus gave me such a beautiful word to share that reflected an even deeper meaning.

Specifically, He kept showing me the word “leap” and “take a leap.”

Then He led me to this verse:

But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture. (Malachi 4:2 ESV)

When the verse is broken down in Malachi, the extension of the sun rays are described similar to healing wings! Isn’t that extraordinary?! And the joy of those who are saved will leap and bounce like baby animals in a pasture! It reflects freedom and hope in Jesus!

Awww, yes, Lord. The Creator is always speaking through His creation.

I feel Jesus is saying to many people:





There are a few other special moments during my recent farm visit, and I feel like Jesus has a message for someone in these stories: 

1). The people who owned the place decided to leap in July 2020 with a move from California to Texas. They didn't know a single soul and had no connection to Texas. They came for a visit and knew the Lord would lead them to the right place. They bought a hobby farm and restored a small tiny home to rent out, which created extra income for them. More importantly, Christ gave them the gift of hospitality to love people who visit their land. Many people in their family didn't understand why they'd leave their California town and set out into the unknown, but it was a dream of theirs. They said taking that first leap of faith required the most courage. Since then, they've created a small healing sanctuary and retreat for people like us to visit!

2). Throughout my entire stay, I noticed the word "home" everywhere in the decorations. The Holy Spirit kept highlighting the word and I knew He was saying this to many people.

I sense that the Lord is shifting people into place in the next few months, and these dreams specifically have to do with a HOME. It's a place where God has promised to send you to. Your heart will continue to feel like something is missing until you are connected to this home. Home can mean a new physical home, a new land, or perhaps this is a person because "home is where the heart is."

3). Some of you will be moving into the country, villages and rural areas, while many other people will be sent to large metropolis cities similar to Paul’s mission to Corinth in the Bible.

Paul still had a career and was a tentmaker during this period because he still had to support himself.

Fortunately he had a trade to lean on. During this time, the Lord connected him with Priscilla and Aquila and they became co-workers together. In fact, Priscilla was such an extraordinary woman that Paul mentions Priscilla’s name first in the Bible on four occasions. Many say it’s because she was such a prominent teacher, businesswoman and leader who was highly respected.

The marriage with her husband Aquila was important for the Lord and they became missionaries and did work for the greater good, but their tent-making skills played a huge role in the early days. The job connected them to others.

Once linked with Paul, they became a triple threat for the Lord’s people. The couple eventually started a home church and spread the faith in many ways.

Some of you are following a similar path and moving to new large cities all across the world. It will be shrouded in a new opportunity or job — but that’s just to get you in place. God is PLACING YOU. The location and people are very strategic because Jesus is mission-minded with this move. You will continue to work and have a trade or corporate job because the Lord has given you a unique skillset needed for the marketplace.

But the power really begins when you’re strategically linked with “your people.”

Verses for you:

My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. (Isaiah 32:18)

They will build houses and dwell in them; they will plant vineyards and eat their fruit. No longer will they build houses and others live in them, or plant and others eat. For as the days of a tree, so will be the days of my people; my chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands. (Isaiah 65: 21-22)


I keep hearing "pivot" and "the turnaround." 

The word pivot means: to turn, plant, or shift direction. In basketball, players pivot to set up offensive opportunities and the pivot shifts a player's movement to confuse defenders. They accelerate, plant and then shift. You plant with steadfastness, to then swivel in a different direction.

A supernatural Godly turnaround is when the Lord reverses your life through divine circumstances and restores and redeems; He shifts and catapults life into a new direction. The Bible is FULL of redemption and turnaround stories from the beginning of time. He’s still moving and speaking in the same way even in the modern age.

The key this season is to stay in a place of praise and worship.

Do you know what Paul and Silas did in prison while shackled and bolted to the walls? THEY PRAISED. THEY SANG. In this season, keep leaping like the cows and stay in a place of exuberant joy because God of the turnaround is here! 

The Lord really wants you to TRUST in this season. Trust is a simple, quiet word that doesn't seem too exhilarating in a chaotic world. But that's where you'll find Christ.

He is there in the early morning hours when the birds gleefully chirp. He's in that first sip of coffee when your sleepy eyes meet His gaze as you read His Word. Jesus is there when your young daughter says something so out-of-character you can't help but know Christ is speaking through her. He's there at dusk to let the beasts of the field loose to hop and skip in the fluorescent sun.

Jesus is coming for you! It's time for a joyful surprise! Remember: God speaks the loudest in the whisper. 

"Listen! Listen! My beloved! Behold, he is coming, climbing on the mountains, leaping on the hills!" (Song of Solomon 2:8)

Many of the Lord's faithful have been on a rollercoaster of a season and it’s ending now. 

You have experienced mountaintops and extreme highs and then catapulted right back to a place of despair at various intervals. You are in a position of building right now, and the Lord has given you the freedom and permission to conquer the land He's given you. For some of you, it's confusing because you're unsure exactly how to proceed and maneuver right now. 

I am seeing many people sitting in confusion because they are confident that the Lord has made a promise that did not pan out or come to fruition. It's important to remember that there's always a passage of time before fulfillment.

This is not a name-it-and-claim-it word. This is a word to the surrendered ones, the saints who stepped forward with boldness, died to your old life and found new life in Jesus Christ. 

Years ago, the Lord gave you Kingdom vision about certain things, and you've tossed some of those long-awaited promises to the side. They didn't quite work out, and these were God-inspired ideas, but a season of long-suffering started to speak louder than the faith. Trust that there is a fulfillment of time, and it will still come to pass.

The Lord is reminding someone that He's placed particular gifts inside you. 

There's a difference between talents and gifts. Talents are something that grows and blooms after a period of hard work. You must nurture these talents. God-given gifts are selected and given by Christ at His choosing. You likely didn't even ask for them; the Lord just implanted them in you. You don't have to work for them; they are freely given by the Most High.

Jesus gave you those gifts, which aren't just for your benefit. They were given to create hope and better the lives of those in your sphere of influence. The skills will always be used to glorify the Kingdom and Jesus Christ. Use these gifts wisely. 

The Father says it's time to reset, reignite, and start building again. He's given you all the tools, and you must get to work for Kingdom purposes. You have been entrusted with someone or something, and now is the time to take hold of the new and let go of the old. 

We have reached a full-circle moment. The ball is now in your court. The Lord says to "be ready in season and out of season. Your miracle is going to happen out of season."

A life-changing opportunity is coming soon.


As I write these words, I am facing a large oak tree. I know the Bible speaks of oak trees a lot, but I never understood the more important principle until getting close to one. 

An oak tree is firmly planted in the ground with a robust root system that can withhold any storm it faces. It's an emblem of strength and prosperity. It symbolizes vitality. 

The definition of vitality means lively, power of enduring, capacity to live and develop, and physical or mental vigor when highly developed. They are planted and from a tiny seed comes purpose and prosperity.

“For God has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for his own glory.” (Isaiah 61:3b)

A person who reflects vitality has exuberant physical strength or mental vigor and capacity for survival. They have the power to live or grow. They express the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence. And a large oak tree started as a simple, small acorn, yet it’s now blossomed into a steadfast source of strength. It’s a survivor. All it took was one determined seed and ripe conditions at an opportune time.

Jesus even taught the disciples and His followers about the seeds of growth. He’s not talking about influence, power or riches. He’s talking about what happens to followers of Christ when we take hold of wisdom and spiritually mature. Wisdom and learning has to be constantly nurtured to blossom. What you reaped in past seasons is due for a set time! Harvest time has come and it will be pushed by the Spirit!

“God’s kingdom realm is like someone spreading seed on the ground. He goes to bed and gets up, day after day, and the seed sprouts and grows tall, though he knows not how. All by itself it sprouts, and the soil produces a crop; first the green stem, then the head on the stalk, and then the fully developed grain in the head. Then, when the grain is ripe, he immediately puts the sickle to the grain, because harvest time has come.” Mark 4:26-29


"I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted." Job 42:2

This is the season of restoration. A full-circle moment. A time when what once started now comes back and is fulfilled. 

Everything will be reclaimed and restored from the last 7 years. This summer will be an exceptional time for people and will jumpstart a new era. Some of you will see the beginning of life-changing moments during July, August and September. 

These aren't just small promises coming to fulfillment. They are life-changing, and nothing will ever be the same again. 

Recently the Lord kept showing me the number 747 in dreams. At first, I thought it was related to Scripture, so I spent a ton of time searching for a greater understanding. Nothing really spoke to my spirit, so I looked up 747 airplanes. The 747 is a JUMBO JET.

Remember the year of Jubilee? The Bible places a special emphasis on the number 7. It’s the bookend and sabbatical after seven cycles of seven years. Spiritually, many of you are entering into jubilee seasons that are different than the calendar of time. These are kairos seasons, when you will see how Heaven operates! I hear the Lord saying: “A kairos time is your moment to shine!”

The 747 is also in the 7x7 series of aircrafts.

Many of you are “taking off” and “going higher” with the Lord. I really think the airplanes and 747 speaks about the multitudes and the harvest. Planes, trains, boats and semi-trucks usually represent large movements of ministry in dreams and the 747 is representing people all over the world. The jumbo jet has the ability to travel great distance and reach higher dimensions.

In fact, just recently, Virgin Orbit launched a rocket from a 747 and it’s being used as a LAUNCH PLATFORM in the new era! The 747 is set to phase out in 2022 and production on new models will stop. However, what once was old is becoming new again because these spaceships are set to use the 747s as launch pads.

If the Lord can speak through a donkey in Numbers 22:28, then I suppose He can use a jumbo airplane as a parable! 😁 God is always speaking, the question is — are we willing to listen in the unusual places?

The 747 is known as the Queen of the Skies. The new rocket launching from the 747 is called Cosmic Girl.

Birds Girls of a feather are flocking together in this new era. It’s time for you to fly!


For many people, the Lord is delivering your promises in the coming months piece-by-piece. It will not arrive all at once but will be released through various stages and periods as the first fruits unfold.

Hear me clearly: this is not a prosperity message, and I say that with absolute love because I just endured some of the toughest periods of my life these last few years. Not once did the Lord give me any inclination of any of this until the start of 2022. I am not one to deliver broken promises and false hope because I've been there. Hope deferred really does make the heart grow sick (Proverbs 13:12). 

So before I ever write anything, I always sit with Jesus for an extended period until I get His blessing to share. I know in my innermost being that the time of fulfillment is here for many people. This will not be the first time you're hearing any of this. The Lord will always, always speak to you personally through His Word and inner-knowing. This is just a confirmation for some of you of what the Holy Spirit already communicated with you.

These moments are for the pioneers and battle-tested soldiers in the Lord's army. These are the ones who have walked in discipline and obedience and suffered extreme turmoil for an extended period. You always knew that the Lord would come through, and even when it made no sense to others, you continued to follow Christ. 

It even felt like death at times, but you knew you were living for Heaven on earth. You have submitted to John 12:24-26 and died to yourself repeatedly. 

Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there shall my servant be also; if anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.

Right now, I am seeing many people sitting in confusion because they are sure that the Lord has made a promise that did not pan out or come to fruition. YET. The keyword here: yet. I have watched the Lord deliver extraordinary promises and there was always a passage of time that extended longer than I imagined. However, Jesus always came through!

Jesus is pressing heavily on my spirit to make sure you stay silent this season. This is a susceptible time in your life. 

When a crab molts, the new shell is paper-thin like a fingernail. You are still in the building and recovering phase. Many of you have gone through the “molting” process, and Christ has delivered and healed you from many traumas, mental distress, ailments, pain and other situations that held you captive for years. It was very long-suffering.

You are seeing some moments of breakthrough, but you don’t always feel different yet.

In fact, you might even feel the complete opposite and maybe feeling heartbroken, forgotten and very confused. It hurts in your gut, and even though you try to walk with joy and hope -- the pain is in the pit of your stomach, and it's the agony of unfulfilled promises.

The Lord needs you to hold tight right now. He's coming, He's coming, He's coming. Trust me, He's coming. Do not worry when giants come calling because Jesus is so much bigger than anything you face. Keep leaning on the hope of Christ. 

The fear has gripped you for too long and has even held you back from trusting the Father fully in this season because you are afraid. The Lord is saying it won't be the same this time. He is doing the work differently, and you have nothing to fear. 

Keep singing the name of Jesus. Remember: there is always, always confusion, pain, emptiness, loneliness, rejection, and uncertainty right before massive moments of breakthrough. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Keep singing the name of Jesus.

"And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD." (Isaiah 11:2)

The same anointing that Jesus Christ received at His baptism is the same power Christians welcome when the Holy Spirit dwells within our hearts. 

Isaiah 11 reminds us of the spirit of counsel and strength. It’s the power that ONLY comes from the Spirit dwelling within our hearts.

THIS SEASON: Remember the Lord’s words to Solomon and the importance of gifts like wisdom and knowledge that can be used to help others!

God replied, “Because your greatest desire is to help your people and you haven’t asked for personal wealth and honor, and you haven’t asked me to curse your enemies, and you haven’t asked for a long life, but for wisdom and knowledge to properly guide my peopleyes, I am giving you the wisdom and knowledge you asked for! (2 Chronicles 1:11-12, emphasis mine).

The Lord is always with you, and He is so very proud of you. Jesus loves when you keep your heart aligned with His and allow other people to be the focus. He has never forgotten you, and He will make that apparent in the coming days.

Keep trusting even when it hurts. He's always with you. 


No matter how much love for Christ you have, one of the most challenging times to praise, sing and stand in a posture of gratitude is when you feel extreme disappointment. All abilities to hear from the Lord are dimmed, and the pain and confusion can speak louder than any hope. 

I imagined this was what Paul and Silas felt when they were thrown into prison for their faith. Yet, the Bible tells us in Acts 16:25: "About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them." 

They had been flogged and sat in the damp darkness, where the jailer guarded them carefully.

Yet they sang and prayed, and the prisoners listened with eager expectation. This was like a performance. This would be sweet honey to the ears of many of these criminals and prisoners in a place full of despair. It's one thing to sing and pray loudly in atmospheres radiating with Christ. It's a whole other level to sing with joy and hope where darkness permeates the walls. 

Even when the walls closed in on these two men of faith, they continued to proclaim their love of Christ loud enough for everyone in their atmosphere to hear.

Right now, the Lord wants to remind you to stand firm as His precious child and be a beacon of hope even when you need hope in your own life. Continue to encourage and speak love and hope into the lives of others. This is when the strength of Jesus comes on with mighty power. The holiness and awe of Christ will beat from your heart.

As Paul and Silas continued to praise in that prison, "suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the prison's foundations were shaken." 


"At once, all the prison doors flew open, and everyone's chains came loose." 


"The jailer woke up, and when he saw the prison doors open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself because he thought the prisoners had escaped. But Paul shouted, "Don't harm yourself! We are all here!"

Paul's compassion and love still overwhelmed him at this moment. The thought of suicide was unbearable, and Paul reminded the jailer that no one escaped. They were all there. ALL WOULD BE OKAY, AND IT WAS.

The Lord used the apostles as a public example to reveal His glorious power inside that jail. They praised, sang, and showed gratitude through unlikely circumstances in the midst of darkness. Then a supernatural experience happened through the earthquake. Then the healing came for those in their vicinity after witnessing the miracle. Jesus got all the glory. And not only was the jailer healed but his entire household!

I'm not sure who this is for, but the Lord keeps showing me 57 days. As of this post, 57 days is July 14, 2022. So this is specifically for someone. 

The scripture Jesus has for you is: "For nothing is impossible with God." (Luke 1:37)

Continue to sing and praise God even in places that might seem scary. The Lord will do the impossible for you. Just stand in obedience and seek Him with all your heart! 

For someone else, the Lord calls you "His Mary." You have the same spirit, kindness and hope as Jesus' mother. You are such a light to this world and you will be a mother to many. The Lord is highlighting Luke 1:45:

"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!" 

God is transforming everything He touches. Heaven is coming for many of you and it’s time to start leaping and dancing!

July, August and September!!!

I’m telling you!

Movement is happening!


“I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. I will praise God to my last breath! May he be pleased with all these thoughts about him, for he is the source of my joy.” Psalm 108:33-34


You will burst forth like Aaron’s Rod! Things are about to happen and shift!


PROPHETIC WORD: It’s miracle season, so get ready to launch! 🚀 The Stage Has Been Set!