You will burst forth like Aaron’s Rod! Things are about to happen and shift!

PROPHETIC WORD: Bursting, Budding and Fruitfulness all at once! A surprise gift from God!


The next day Moses entered the tent and saw that Aaron’s staff, which represented the tribe of Levi, had not only sprouted but had budded, blossomed and produced almonds. (Numbers 17:8)


There’s a point in every saint’s life where years of toiling with the Lord will suddenly reach a breaking point and it can change everything. You will hold on and believe and persevere with all you have because God gave you a promise and you always believed it would come to pass.

The enemy will do everything possible to prevent this moment in time, but then in an instant, God will do the impossible. Some of the Lord’s leaders are in this moment in time right now.

The warfare has been so insane that it’s almost comical at this point, but Jesus has given you an inner-knowing that what He promised is absolutely coming to pass! Nothing and no one will stop this from coming forth.

Jesus showed me this week that some of you are in an AARON MOMENT IN TIME. You are walking into fruitfulness that will literally pop forth overnight, and no one will see you coming!

For months, the Lord had me repeatedly study and write about Bible stories where major shifts suddenly thrust forth. I keep hearing the word “sudden, sudden, sudden.” The Lord has sustained you through the wait, but there’s a point that God says it’s GO TIME and DRY BONES LIVE. Or in Aaron’s case, DRY STICKS LIVE.

This is a territory promise and that’s why the warfare has been so long and grueling!

Back in the day, the children of Israel got a little confused about their leaders in the Book of Numbers. People didn’t respect Aaron’s authority and this was all about heritage and inheritance. So God made sure the people saw a miracle right in front of their eyes.

The Lord instructed Moses to take all twelve staffs from the tribal leaders and place them in front of the ark inside the Tent of Meeting. Then the Lord had Moses speak forth divine knowledge and declare what would happen and why.

The Lord told Moses: “the staff belonging to the man I choose will sprout, and I will rid myself of this constant grumbling against you by the Israelites.” (Numbers 17:5)

The rod was a symbol of authority and power in the culture of the Israelites. It was a dry piece of wood with no sign of life, but was used to shepherd the sheep.

Now it was time to watch and see.

The next day Moses entered the tent and saw that Aaron’s staff, which represented the tribe of Levi, had not only sprouted but had budded, blossomed and produced almonds.
(Numbers 17:8)

Literally overnight, a miracle unfolded! This dead stick BLOOMED in various stages of growth!

Not only did it sprout, bud and blossom — but it PRODUCED! ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Just as I was writing those words, I kept seeing the word “instant, instant, instant” flashing. So Jesus is really, really pressing upon my spirit the words “sudden” and “instant.”

What once was dead, suddenly came to life and God wasted no time proclaiming His authority in the life of Aaron. This was a SUDDENLY from the Lord!!!

The point here is that some of you will walk into a season where one thing will blossom after another. You will be bursting forth with fruit while other fruit is already ripe! It will be one thing after another, and people will ABSOLUTELY take notice. There will be no explanation BUT GOD. The Lord has designed it this way! He is setting you up to be a living testament to His power, authority and love because you followed the narrow path with Jesus and surrendered to sanctification!

God also showed me how the supernatural blossoming of the rod also confirmed Aaron’s priesthood anointing.

The Hebrew name for Aharon in Hebrew means “exalted” or “strong.” It can also mean “teacher," so those with the gift of teaching for the Kingdom are the ones in particular that I believe Jesus is heavily pushing forth in this season.

These are likely people who have walked behind the scenes with Jesus and now God is pushing you to the front. Remember, Aaron was already serving alongside his brother Moses and was his spokesperson, yet the people clearly didn’t respect the authority that Aaron carried.

God used a public spectacle to get everyone’s attention. The Lord is about to thrust some of you forward in ministry through supernatural circumstances! It will be a miracle!

This is a perpetual bursting forth with fruitfulness that will defy all odds and even shock you! Nothing and no one can stop the Lord’s plans!

Get ready! THE WIND OF GOD IS BLOWING YOUR WAY. Jesus loves you so much and you are precious to Him. He never forgot you and the King and Creator of the world has saved the best gift for last. With this particular gift, the promise is not coming in the secret place. Jesus is about to blare this promise in a megaphone for the entire world to hear because you always KEPT HIM FIRST. You are soaring and flying and you are breaking free with Abba.

You are His beloved “Job” — the one who lived out Job 1:22 and despite all the trouble that came your way, “Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.”

God specializes in wounded things and broken people and those scars you hide are about to serve as fuel for your future.

The Lord has seen it all and that rod of yours is bursting and exploding and budding with the flavor of Jesus! So get those dancing shoes ready for everyone to see, because YOU ARE BREAKING FREE!


God has put you back together and from the ashes you will sing and dance!


This morning the Lord revealed the words "inheritance" and "crossing over" and showed me these verses in particular:

  • By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. (Hebrews 11:8)

  • Observe therefore all the commands I am giving you today, so that you may have the strength to go in and take over the land that you are crossing the Jordan to possess... (Deuteronomy 11:8)

Scripture tells us that the concept of inheritance means spiritual blessings and promises bestowed by Christ. In the Bible, God promised to bless and multiple Abraham and those same blessings are ours (Galatians 3:29). When we think of the word inheritance, we often think of something left behind by a loved one that we later obtain. However, spiritual inheritance is much deeper, and the Lord repeatedly speaks in the Bible about what His children will acquire under His watchful wings. 

Salvation is our inheritance given by Jesus, and it's the greatest gift we could ever receive. The Bible also describes another theological definition of inheritance, which means: To possess; to enjoy; to take as a possession, by gift or divine appropriation; as, to inherit everlasting life; to inherit the promises.

These are gifts of grace. As God's beloved child, you are set to receive irrevocable gifts that can only come from our loving Father. In fact, these gifts are usually of such epic proportions that you don't even know to ask for them. They are spiritual and life-giving gifts, the kind that changes nations and families and draws people closer to Jesus. These gifts set captives free and give you the fortitude to endure with Christ until the time of fulfillment. 


Hold strong and hold fast because you are right on the cusp of breakthrough! The soil you surrendered to Christ is ripe for harvest!

Inheritance and abundance is your portion. Peace, prosperity, freedom and abundant love is coming to you this season. The Lord is calling you deeper and higher, so it’s time to surrender to the new path Jesus has set forth for you to walk! He is changing you from the inside out and the fruit of long-suffering is ready to burst forth!

As I lingered in worship, I could feel the heart of our beloved Father longing for a stronger connection again with so many of His children. Soon He downloaded the words below in rapid succession for someone. Please know that you are absolutely loved and cherished by our Heavenly Father. He has not forgotten about you! This is what Abba shared…


Prepare to crossover, My child!

You have pushed through these last few years like an endurance athlete determined to finish strong with Me. You never knew it would take this long, and that was all by design. My timing always has a great purpose -- too magnificent for you to ever understand in this lifetime. I gave you a dream and a promise long ago, and it was so big that the hope of fulfillment sustained you through long periods of uncertainty and dryness. We planted seeds of uncertainty together. I gave you seeds, and you planted them without knowing what would grow. Every stage of your development was perfectly crafted and designed by Me. Often you didn't even realize what was happening.

I took you the long route on purpose to prepare you for the other side. I wanted any, and all self-reliance carved out of you. As you sowed countless tears in the secret place, my heart ached with you as I rebuilt your strength. You were too blind to even know what still bubbled underneath the surface, so I had to purge you of all the impurities that still remained. Now we must prepare for new land. This joint inheritance requires us to work in tandem to fully walk out what I have prepared for you. These are generational promises and shifts that you will not see fulfilled entirely during this lifetime, but they will be left for your children's children. It all starts with you. You are My chosen child, the one I have purged and refined over and over again to recreate you in My image. I want you to talk to Me more this season because I speak back. I have secrets and desires I long to whisper into your heart because we are a team. I love you with all My heart. Just like the small children in your own life, I crave the quiet, one-on-one time together with just the two of us.


It's our small moments of laughter and joy that draw us closer. I draw even closer during the quiet moments when you hurt and need comfort in a way that only I can provide. I have seen it all and never left your side. You have always been under my watchful eye, even in the midnight hours as you sleep and rest. I was always there to comfort and hold you even when everyone else left. I was always there from the moment you arrived in your mother’s womb. Your entire life has purpose because it was all designed by Me and every second matters. I will never leave your side. 

Laughter is your portion this season. You have done so well, My precious beloved child. I want joy, mercy, and goodness to always follow you throughout your life. I long to hear about your dreams, questions, imagination, fears, and even when you fall short. I am a loving Father who cares about all the details and I’m here every second to welcome you with open arms. It's time to celebrate moments of victory again. We have walked this path together in unison for many years, and now we are preparing to enter what I long ago promised you. You don't even know what's up ahead. Come talk to Me again, My beloved, the sweet apple of my eye. I want to go deeper and share even more of My character and heart. I love when we fellowship and learn together. I crave time together as we ponder life's secrets as Father and daughter. Father and son. Come to Me again and I will strengthen you for what’s ahead. You will need all of your strength and power that can only be found in Me.

Remember my precious one: I am yours, and you are Mine. Fear of the future is not your portion. Goodness and mercy shall really follow you all the days of your life. I long for you to soar in the spirit and rest gently on My outstretched arms. I need you healthy and whole and full of delight this season so that you can pour into the people whom I have entrusted you with during this lifetime. I never forgot you. You dream and imagine only because I gave you the vision first. I planted it all in your soul when I knitted you in your mother's womb. My child: remember to be bold and courageous. Remain steadfast and assured. Fearless. I am God of the impossible. I don't always do things in big and showy ways; that is not my character. I work wonders through the mundane and the regular rhythms of your life. It's time to mount up again with wings like an eagle. It’s time to run again and not grow weary. It’s time to walk again and not grow faint. Consecrate yourself My sweet child. Tomorrow we shall crossover. I love you more than you’ll ever know.


The company I work with holds a yearly Christmas celebration with homeless children. These children are among the most forgotten in society, so humble and meek that they have been completely stripped of all pride and come expecting nothing. This event is unique because every child receives at least one big present and it’s always a huge surprise. Long before the kids arrive, a team goes out and personally shops for each child, and everything is personalized and catered to their unique needs and desires. 

When I sat with Jesus this morning, He brought back the memory of these children because it illustrates what is happening for so many of you. God has saved the best gift for last. Your name is about to be called.

During the Christmas celebration we have with the kids, every child’s name is called to the front as they receive their gifts. I've done this event for many years, and I see the same scenario play out over and over again. When we get to the end, a look of despair often flashes across the faces of the children still waiting for their present. 

They quietly wonder if they've been forgotten. The children don't know that the best gifts are saved for last. These are the gifts so big and profound they can't be wrapped. These are the bicycles and computers, and sports equipment that will give the kids freedom to explore the world far beyond the confines of their current situation.

These are the gifts we anticipate giving out the most because the children have been waiting patiently for their names to be called. Now it's their time to shine, and all eyes are on them. They have endured and held out longer than the rest, and sometimes they wonder if they've been forgotten. They were never forgotten. As they step forward to receive their gift, a light flickers in their eyes as it dawns on them: the delay had purpose. The best gifts are always saved for last. 

As I reflected on this story, God reminded me of a verse that Jesus shared during the Sermon on the Mount:

"If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" (Matthew 7:11)

Jesus is a loving Father who can do infinitely more than we ever ask or imagine! If we, as fallen, sinful people, desire to bring joy and hope to young children, then our Heavenly Father can do vastly more! This is not a blank-check doctrine, but a reminder of how much Jesus knows all of His children. He knows the wisdom, discernment, grace, healing, dreams and needs buried in your heart and He’s never forgotten! He also sees everything you have endured, and He will make it right.

God is the greatest gift giver on this planet and everything from Abba has a mighty purpose!

GOD IS LOVE, and He loves you more than you can ever fathom! 

As we walk forward into the new, the Lord is pressing upon our hearts to rediscover His love in fresh and exciting ways! He cherishes you so dearly and Jesus really desires to build an even deeper bond this season. This is a crockpot kind of love that must simmer with flavor that only God can provide. The Lord desires to write your future as you come together and search out His mysteries and treasures. This will require more discipline and surrender that doesn’t always feel great in the flesh, but the payoff will be mighty and life-changing. You will have to wake up earlier, study the Word longer and linger in the Lord’s presence to fully grab hold of His love. There is power that can only be found in the secret place with Christ!

It's time to sit down with your Father again and understand His heart in more significant and profound ways. When we understand the magnitude of His love, it gives us a deep desire to pour that same spirit into others! We are called to be servants of the Most High and it’s time to remember your first calling.

God is ready to reveal something completely new to you. This promise will need to be held in silence like Elizabeth had to incubate her pregnancy for five months. There will be a time to share, but right now this promise has to be cradled with delicacy. The Lord will walk you through every step of the process.


In the Bible, there is something in particular that separates those who are fruitful in their lives versus those who are not.

It’s called COURAGE.

The most extraordinary people in the Bible weren't the most gifted, talented or even obedient. They had COURAGE. They dared to surrender to their own wills and had the courage to chase after everything God predestined for their lives.

They dared to walk a different path and had the courage to be obedient to the calling of Christ. They dared to be different from the crowds and culture and dared to stand in the face of adversity over and over again. They dared to pray hard prayers like: "Lord, cleanse me repeatedly to get right with you. Renew me in Your image." 

They were far from perfect — but resilient, steadfast and full of hope.

When Joshua was given his marching orders, God said: "I want you to be strong and courageous."

The Lord didn't need to tell Joshua he was favored or had great talents because none of that matters when you’re afraid. There are moments when the Lord prepares you for many years for a great moment and then you have to rise to the occasion with Christ. These are moments you simply cannot do with your own strength. The power and might can only come from the Holy Spirit.

Joshua was a leader who waited 80 years for his chance to rise. The Lord reemphasized courage to him because it doesn't matter how talented or gifted you are if you don't have the courage to walk out what the Lord has declared.

In English, there are two main definitions for courage:

• the ability to do something that frightens one.

• strength in the face of pain or grief.

The Biblical word for courage is amets and the definition is even more powerful!

It means: to be strong, alert, brave, stout, bold, solid, steadfastly-minded and fortified. I love how one translator described the word like this: to be determined, to make oneself alert, strengthen oneself, persist in, and prove superior.

The Lord prepared Joshua the same way He prepares many of you before you enter new callings, promotions, positions and territories. It will require great courage to actually do the impossible with Jesus. You must continuously go back and seek understanding and instructions from the Father. 

David had no formal military training, but courage pushed him toward a giant instead of running from Goliath. And then the most courageous man to ever walk this planet, Jesus Christ, had the courage to go to Calvary because He knew God would raise Him again.

God really is pressing upon my heart to encourage you to see yourself in the right light again this season. He wants you to reflect on all the ways He's made you different and recall the times He pushed you to be courageous. Sometimes these were big "Goliath" moments, but most of the time, the sculpting took place behind closed doors. People had no idea what you endured and are still enduring right now. Time and time again, God has given you strategy to stand in faith with Him! When we do it with Christ, we never come out smelling like smoke! The only thing people smell is the holy fragrance of Jesus Christ. You were weak, but He always made you strong. Now you are fortified, strengthened, and bonded together with glory glue! In your weakness, Christ made you strong and challenged you to endure and overcome the impossible.


Just recently, I went through a season of courage. God repeatedly called me back to places He had already separated me from. I didn't realize that I was still held bound to those people and places without realizing it. The first time I had to go back, I was literally shaking the entire drive there, and my entire body clenched as I got closer and closer to the destination. I realized I was "bracing for impact." My body was actually acting out what my heart felt. This was a trauma response that I had no control over.

I feared the people and place severely because something happened years ago that forever changed my life. God helped me to forgive and really changed my heart to see the situation in a new light, but my body was still held captive to the past. The body keeps score. A ton of fear still lingered below the surface. The Lord sent me back to free me from the strongholds that were embedded deep within my soul.

Jesus taught me how to be courageous again. He was very strategic in the way it all unfolded and I am still in awe how He delivered me from something that really kept me shackled to an old season.

In the same way, some of you are also going back to move forward. 

These aren't lengthy moves or stays but rather speedy "remembrance" periods. You're going back to mark the completion of a past season. You go back to realize there’s nothing there to fear anymore. God has fully delivered and healed you. He’s a God of mercy, restoration and redemption.

You go back to mark the completion of a past season.

The Lord is saying to someone: I sent you back so you could see what I delivered you from. You went back to remember again how I did the impossible. I sent you back to see My resurrection power in your life. Pay attention to where I've brought you from, and do not cast your pearls before swine again. Sometimes the enemy is so smooth that he can enter in very innocent ways. I made sure that your eyes were fully opened now. Even with Peter, I often emphasized lessons in threes. In the same way, I wanted to show you something particular and reveal to you why everyone can’t go into the new season.

I sent you back to open your eyes once and for all. I want you to celebrate how far you've come. You go back to be launched and propelled forward. This now marks the end of a new season. Have you seen graduation balloons? Those were for you! Yes, it's the end of a new season and era. It won't always look like you expect when you're in a new season. My mysteries are more profound than your understanding. You can be in a season within a season. This is where you are right now. Now we are ready to cross over to the other side. 

Here’s what’s great about Jesus. When He delivers us, sometimes we forget about all those days hanging out with the sheep in solitude with no one else around. It’s like we lived two different lives and people have no idea what all took place! God desires a complete transformation and healing for you.

David wasn’t scared of the giant. He said I can take him on because I already killed lions and bears. He knew his earthly father and all his brothers looked down on him, and that obscurity is what God used to prepare David for a kingly calling. God delivered that giant into David’s hands with pure strategy. David opened his mouth and prophesied like a bossman! He said “on this day, the Lord shall deliver you into my hands!” That’s the kind of swagger and faith we need as we mature with Christ!

When your moment of opportunity comes, you will realize why God took you on the long route. You will understand why He’s been preparing you all this time. You will understand why He had to purge you of any and all idols, pride, self-reliance, self-righteousness and false humility. The bigger the giants are, the bigger they fall! Some of you have overcome things that no one else will believe. In fact, you stopped even telling people because you didn’t have a language for the pain. One day those words will be used to change nations and God will use every last tear that you cried. He’s helped you slay giant after giant, including your own self-will!

Nothing and no one can stop Jesus!

You have been sculpted, chiseled and prepared to stand strong with the Lord and be a champion for His people. You have been called to do mighty, mighty things in this lifetime and you are ready! You are His chosen warrior, a special ops general, entrusted to watch over His people with grace, love and kindness. Your spirit and light makes the enemy uncomfortable. Good! God never designed you to fit in, but to always stand out!


What you are facing now is nothing compared to what you’ve already overcome. You are like brilliant and tasteful fruit blossoming on a tree! Lush and colorful, ripe and ready! You really have been called for such a time as this!

So stand strong and watch and see! Just like Aaron, your rod is bursting and budding forth with life all at once! No one is getting the credit for this one but Jesus, so stand back in awestruck wonder! The Lord is so, so proud of you! 🤍


"Through our union with Christ, we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny, that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart." (Eph. 1:13 TPT) 

“We have become his poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it!” (Eph. 2:10 TPT) 

The Greek word above is translated as "poem" or "poetry." This astonishing passage reminds us how we are God's handiwork, and our life is a beautiful poem that Jesus writes for the world to see. What a powerful verse for us to take hold of in this new era. When we yield to the Father's love, He really will do the impossible.

Never give up. You're right on the cusp of a breakthrough. Your life is a representation of the rod! Your fruitfulness will be a sign that the Lord is indeed with you. His blood has set you free. Your chains are breaking free because Christ is your victory! Get ready to run because a new day is breaking forth and it starts now!!! The presence of Jesus is an open door and the Lord is wooing you like never before. Step forward sweet child. There’s a rod with your name on it.


BUILT DIFFERENT: Champions of the faith arise; Jesus is guiding you into new unknown territories


PROPHETIC WORD: Lord of the Turnaround! You have to pivot and take that LEAP OF FAITH!