PROPHETIC WORD: The Lord says “take a big swing with your spiritual gifts!”
“Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well!”
1 Peter 4:10, CEV
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord says: “Take a big swing! Give it your very best shot and go all in with your spiritual gifts at this time!” The conditions are ripe for you to hit a home run this season because the Lord Jesus has orchestrated scenarios to bring you great victory!
Don’t wait until the new year to start afresh. The harvest is ripe as we speak, and God is about to bring swift deliverance and renewal to your life. King Jesus will do it His way, and things might look vastly different than you expect.
Soon, you will stand in awe and wonder, “How did I even get here?”
All things really are new – especially your heart.
In 1 Kings 4:29, the Bible tells us that:
“God gave Solomon wisdom and exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart, like the sand on the seashore.”
“Largeness of heart” means a depth and breadth of knowledge that grows and expands as we deepen our reliance on Christ. For the Holy Spirit to enlarge our hearts, we must make room for Jesus. We must clear away the clutter that separates us from the love of Christ, including our own selfish ambitions and desires.
Here are five ways the Lord Jesus enlarges our hearts:
God’s Spirit (Zechariah 4:6; Galatians 5:16)
The Word of God (Psalm 119:32)
Our obedience (Psalm 119:32)
Quality time in the secret place with Jesus (Psalm 91:1)
Honoring our spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:7)
The Lord is highlighting 2 Timothy as a prophetic letter to speak destiny over your life. In this epistle, Paul writes to his spiritual son Timothy and pens his final words on earth. As Christians, it’s wise to read these words repeatedly because Paul outlines practical leadership skills every believer needs to know.
One thing the apostle really emphasizes is the importance of keeping our spiritual gifts ablaze.
God’s people all have unique spiritual gifts graciously given by the Holy Spirit to build up the body of believers. We honor the Lord by celebrating the gifts He bestows upon our lives. When everyone in the body of Christ does our part, the gospel spreads like wildfire to every corner of the earth.
The Holy Spirit wants us stirred to action because the harvest is ripe! People are thirsty and need the Living Word of Jesus Christ that can be delivered through your spiritual gifts. You might be the very person entrusted to help them!
It’s time to pick up your ministry, business or calling again because God wants to use you in mighty ways at this time!
2 Timothy 1:6-7 says: “Therefore I remind you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you…For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
The phrase “fan into the flame” literally means to “awake or excite the gift again.”
Another Bible translation says it this way: “Keep the gift ablaze! God doesn’t want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible.”
The “spirit of fear” can also be translated as a “spirit of cowardice” or “spirit of timidity” and it does not come from God.
Let me minister to someone reading this word…
Jesus wants you freed from the enemy’s attempts to keep you bound to an old identity, and it’s essential to first recognize when fear is controlling you. Fear keeps us in bondage and imprisoned by our circumstances and old mindsets. We become frozen and paralyzed by “what ifs.” We don’t move forward because we fear everything that comes our way. We refuse to take a leap of faith because of what people might think about us. We quit sharing our testimonies for fear of seeming “too Christian or too religious.” We even start to quench the power of the Holy Spirit to fit in with others because standing apart from the crowd can bring unwanted attention. We conform to the culture and society and stay quiet instead of breaking down barriers and disrupting the flow. We long for acceptance from people more than the Living God.
Jesus never lived this way. He was bold, tenacious and passionate about the Kingdom of God and came to unite and divide. He wasn’t consumed with what mockers said about Him, especially those in perceived “high places.” Jesus was criticized and wrongly judged for the company He kept and the choices He made, but He didn’t care because of His love for all. King Jesus especially loved the rejects, outcasts, sinners, disenfranchised, those with illnesses, handicapped, orphans, widows, prisoners and those shamed by others. Jesus wanted people to feel seen, heard and loved. As God’s children, we all have the same calling to serve and love others the same way. When our value is caught up with external approval and acceptance from others, our spiritual gifts sometimes go dormant, and they have to be awakened again by seeing our worth in the Lord alone.
God wants you to be BOLD again! People need the spiritual gifts that you carry! You are the answer to someone’s prayer, and the way you love Christ is a gift to this world. Do not allow fear to speak louder than your faith!
When people make you feel worthless or invaluable, remember that God calls you chosen, precious and valuable. You are an heir to the Most High and carry a seed of destiny wherever you go.
It’s important to remember that Satan will even use relationships to cause you to question what you’re supposed to be doing in the Kingdom of God. You don’t need confirmation from others, and Jesus is trying to free you from approval addiction and codependent tendencies that are often found in what you do instead of who you are.
The dark cloud of uncertainty hovering over your life is freed today, and the fresh air of the Holy Spirit is renewing your strength in this very moment!
God is about to stir you up in a very unique way that is going to push you into purpose.
Sometimes, even failure can actually be a backdoor to God’s success.
So, what is the Holy Spirit saying at this time? You have unique spiritual gifts meant to be used in this lifetime, and the spirit of fear might be holding you back. As soon as you reach out and ask for God’s help, He will light a divine fire that can’t be constrained by any person, thing or circumstance.
It’s time to SWING FOR THE FENCES! Go all in with the Lord Jesus at this time! Give it your best shot because you’re up next for a HOME RUN!
The Lord says it’s time to move forward, let go of what was, and step into what is.
There are no more delays.
Life with Jesus is a grand adventure, especially when we yield to His purposes and plans. Some of you are entering a season of DIVINE SET-UPS!
God is getting you into position for a great move of the Spirit. Jesus is the Door and even if the pathway seems crowded, God is going to make a way for you. He’s creating space as we speak so you can step right into the new thing!
Amos 9:13-15 is beating through my spirit for someone:
“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now. Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.”
What the Father has for you is a packaged deal.
For weeks, the Lord has spoken FAST DELIVERY to my spirit. What God does in your life will come with swiftness and speed.
Once the first domino falls, the others will follow in succession. The wind of momentum is about to pour out over your life, and the glory of Jesus will be unmistakable.
What’s coming is a SURPRISE! I feel this strongly in my spirit for someone! A BIG SURPRISE is arriving soon, followed by an epic reveal!! The Lord Jesus is on the MOVE!
God is going to publicly vindicate you.
When the King releases a decree, it can’t be voided, and God has already signed, sealed and delivered these promises! Now, you must surrender to a season of seclusion and training to be prepared for what is in front of you.
Throughout the Bible, before God’s people burst into prominence, they spent time with the Lord abiding in the secret place, waiting and watching until a set time of reveal.
As we can see in the life of Joseph (see Genesis 38), he spent over 13 years being prepared to take on such a prominent role in the Kingdom of God. Every step had a purpose so his character could be refined repeatedly.
Again, I hear in my spirit that some of you have BIG PACKAGES arriving soon that are life-changing — with legacy attached. Like Hannah, you have walked with the Lord through long seasons of barrenness, and the Father will reward you! God is the best gift-giver!
Jesus loves you very much and He knows how hard it has been for you. He will help you produce something that impacts your family and changes the world. There is a divine reset coming, a great pivot and the Father is going to teach you how to fish on the right side of the boat!
There will be movement, followed by momentum and miracles!
Peter thought he was dreaming when the angel came and released him from prison. The shackles just broke. Sometimes, we can’t believe when God comes through for us in miraculous ways, and it takes time for our hearts and minds to catch up to what the Lord Jesus is doing!
When God flips a switch, there is speed and accuracy that is released over your life, and the glory of the Lord is unmistakable.
What God is doing in your life cannot be stopped!
Just watch and see! You will be surprised! Yes, you will be surprised!
Acts 12:1-11
The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. “Quick, get up!” he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists.
Then the angel said to him, “Put on your clothes and sandals.” And Peter did so. Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision.
Then Peter came to himself and said, “Now I know without a doubt that the Lord has rescued me.”