PROPHETIC WORD: You Are God’s Leader👑
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is about to resurrect new hopes, dreams and even limitations you’ve placed on yourself.
PROPHETIC WORD: Your Next Step Is Coming Into View⛰️
When Scripture says, “God remembered Noah,” it doesn’t imply that God had forgotten him. Instead, it marks a significant turning point—a moment of divine intervention where God actively moves to change the course of events.
Prophetic Word: There’s a Miracle Already in Motion! These Next Six Months are Pivotal in your Life!
To those holding onto hope that feels impossible—where science, timing, or circumstance shout “it’s too late”—the Lord is saying, “I am not bound by human limitations. I do not operate within the confines of culture or what society says is possible. My power transcends every boundary, and My Word is eternal. If I have spoken it, it will come to pass.”