PROPHETIC WORD: Your Next Step Is Coming Into View⛰️
Scripture Focus: “The water receded steadily from the earth. The waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains became visible.” – Genesis 8:3-5 (NIV)
Noah had just endured one of the most devastating and transformative seasons in human history. For 40 days and nights, torrents of rain poured from the heavens, pounding the earth with chaos and destruction.
Even after the torrential rain stopped, the floodwaters “prevailed on the earth 150 days” (Gen. 7:24). Noah and his family floated in uncertainty for a significant period of time, watching and waiting for any sign of hope.
Imagine the reality of Noah’s life during this time. His family was cut off from solid ground, surrounded by the cries of smelly animals, confined together in the ark, and witnessing the complete reshaping of the world outside.
It must have been overwhelming—traumatic, even. They had no idea when they’d be released and freed.
Then, in Genesis 8, we see the turning of the tide: “God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and He sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.” (Genesis 8:1)
From this point on, long before they disembarked, hope was on the horizon. God slowly and steadily dried the earth.
For those of you who have been in the midst of a cyclonic season—facing unrelenting spiritual warfare, trials, and uncertainties—Genesis 8:1 is a powerful reminder that God is faithful to remember His people. Even in seasons of waiting, He is working behind the scenes to bring renewal and hope.
The Holy Spirit has been emphasizing that there’s a turning point coming for so many of His people. I believe that some of you will see mighty breakthroughs this month.
We serve a God who is always right on time!
The Turning of the Tide
What This Means for You
1). God Remembers You:
When Scripture says, “God remembered Noah,” it doesn’t imply that God had forgotten him. Instead, it marks a significant turning point—a moment of divine intervention where God actively moves to change the course of events. God’s presence had been with Noah all along, sustaining him through the storm. But now, God begins to shift the narrative and set restoration in motion.
2). A Fresh Wind is Coming:
God sent a wind over the earth to begin the recession of the waters. The Hebrew word for “wind” (רוּחַ, ruach) also means spirit or breath. This is a prophetic picture of the Holy Spirit coming into our circumstances to bring calm and order. If you’ve been battered by waves of hardship, take heart. God says: a fresh wind of the Spirit is coming to carry away the remnants of the flood. The chaos is subsiding.
3). There Will Be Steady Progress:
The waters didn’t recede all at once but steadily. God is all-powerful and could have dried the floodwaters in a moment. Yet, He allowed the process to unfold gradually. This reveals that God values process as much as outcome. He works steadily and purposefully, teaching us patience, trust, and dependence on Him. The gradual recession of the waters in Noah’s story reminds us that God is not just a God of outcomes but a God of the journey. He’s still at work even in the middle as we wait. He values the process, shaping both the world around us and the character within us.
4). A New Horizon:
On the first day of the tenth month, the tops of the mountains became visible (Genesis 8:5). In 2024, this day falls on December 11. Prophetically, this marks a time when the promise of new beginnings might come into view. What has been submerged under the weight of spiritual warfare will rise to the surface, revealing a glimpse of God’s plan for your future.
5). The Closing Of A Chapter:
It’s time to focus on your future. Whether it’s a career path, a life circumstance, or a stormy relationship, staying in the dysfunction will only pull you under. The Lord has kept you in a protective grace, shielding you from far more than you can see, even as you weathered the storm. Now, He’s calling you to take that leap of faith—trusting that He’s waiting to catch you and lead you to solid ground. It’s time to move from the stormy water to dry land. Spiritually, this signifies the end of a season of overwhelming pressure and warfare. For someone reading this today, God is declaring: “The storm is over. I am closing the gates of your trial and bringing you into a season of rest. It’s time to move forward into the new things I have prepared for you.”
The Holy Spirit says:
“I have remembered you.” Your cries in the storm were not in vain. My presence has been with you, even in the depths of your despair.
“A fresh wind is coming.” My Spirit is moving over your life to clear away the waters of destruction. You will feel the breath of renewal in this next season.
“The mountains are becoming visible.” Just as the tops of the mountains became visible in Noah’s time, I am revealing an elevated vantage point in your life. You will begin to see the shape of the promises I’ve given you.
“Be patient with My process.” The waters recede steadily. Do not grow weary in waiting, for My work is thorough, and My timing is perfect.
For those who have faced a torrent of spiritual warfare in the last 150 days, know this: the waters are receding. A season of renewal and calm is on the horizon. As you approach December 11, the tops of the mountains will become visible in your life—a glimpse of what God has been preparing all along. Hold fast, for His promises are faithful and true.
The other day, the Lord spoke the word “knocking” in my spirit. Jesus is saying: “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with them, and they with Me” (Revelation 3:20). Prophetically, this means He is inviting you into deeper communion. It’s time to open the door to His presence fully. Don’t let fear, doubt, or distractions keep you from answering. The King of Glory is ready to enter your situation with restoration, peace, and joy.
This is your Joshua season. You have trained, fought battles, and walked through wilderness seasons. Now, it’s time to step into your leadership role and lead others into their promised land. Recently, I had a dream where I went to the doctor. When they handed me my medical chart, I saw bold letters that said “JOSHUA” written across it. This dream is for you, too. God is saying, “I have called you, equipped you, and now it’s time to go forward in boldness. Be strong and courageous, for I will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).
As I began writing this, the Lord spoke the word “launcher” to my spirit. Beloved, it’s launch time for many of you! A launcher is designed to propel something forward with power and precision, and that is exactly what the Lord is preparing to do in your life. You’ve been in a season of preparation, refinement, and alignment, and now, the Spirit is declaring: “It’s time!”
But hear this: when God places a heavy anointing on your life, the enemy intensifies his attack. Distractions will come, trials will arise, and fear may try to settle in. Yet, God has already equipped you for this battle. The Word reminds us to “put on the full armor of God” (Ephesians 6:11). Take up your shield of faith—it will extinguish every fiery dart the enemy sends your way. Stand firm, knowing that what Jesus launches through you will not only make an earthly impact but carry eternal significance.
Keep praying for your enemies, asking God to soften their hearts and reveal the truth of Jesus to them. As Jesus reminds us, “By their fruit you will recognize them” (Matthew 7:16).
So, again, the Lord is positioning you as a launcher in His Kingdom. Some of you are being called to ignite movements, step boldly into new assignments, or even help propel others into their destinies. This role requires bold faith, unwavering trust in God’s timing, and a heart that’s aligned with His purposes.
As I finished writing this, a red cardinal flew by my window.
Cardinals often symbolize vitality, renewal, and boldness—confirming this word for someone reading today. The Lord says, “I am calling you to rise as a launcher. This is your time to step into My plans with confidence and faith.”
And as we enter the holiday season, I want to acknowledge the sorrow it can sometimes bring.
For those walking through loneliness or isolation, hear the Word of the Lord: “I am your family. The Kingdom of God is your home. You are not forgotten.” Jesus has a special place in His heart for the overlooked, misunderstood, rejected, abused, and the weary. Even now, He’s preparing surprises that will make your heart overflow with joy.
The Lord is whispering over you: “I am your refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Do not fear, for I am with you. I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). God is weaving all things together for your good.
Take heart, beloved, for a fresh wind is blowing over your life. The waters are receding, and new heights are being revealed. This is your Joshua season—a time to rise, cross over, and claim the promises of God. You are not alone. Jesus, the King of surprises, is walking beside you. He will lead you into victory and new beginnings.
Go boldly, for the launch has begun!
Prayer: Lord, thank You for remembering me in the midst of the storm. Thank You for sending Your Spirit to bring calm and order into my life. I trust in Your steady work, even when the waters don’t disappear all at once. As I wait for the new horizon You are revealing, give me patience and faith to walk with You. I declare that this is a season of renewal and calm, and I receive the fresh wind You are sending. We love you so much, Father. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.