Prophetic Word, March 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, March 2024 Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: The Power of a Quiet Life

God wants us to remember there is power in living a quiet and peaceful life. In fact, it should be our goal and ambition, and no one did this better than Jesus Christ, who spent a large part of his earthly life in obscurity. He diligently worked with his hands, went about his personal affairs, and embraced a modest lifestyle, all while maintaining a close connection with Father God. 

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March 2024, Prophetic Word Tamara Jolee March 2024, Prophetic Word Tamara Jolee

PROPHETIC WORD: A Spirit of Excellence

Prophetic Word: The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is raising a new generation of people who are hungry to hear from Christ! They think about Jesus all day, every day, and desire to serve God's people with wholehearted allegiance. The Lord's new mouthpieces represent every tribe and nation. They are passionately consumed with a holy fire to show others the way!

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