PROPHETIC WORD: A Spirit of Excellence

“Then, Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps because of his excellent spirit. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.”

Daniel 6:3

Hi everyone! The Lord gave me such a beautiful message this week and I’m so excited to share this word with you! Some of you are stepping over into such a unique moment in time and BIG things are on the horizon. Here is the message…

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is raising a new generation of people who are hungry to hear from Christ! They think about Jesus all day, every day, and desire to serve God's people with wholehearted allegiance!

The Lord's new leaders come from diverse backgrounds, representing every tribe and nation, ignited with a holy passion to show others the way! 

Most of these people were not raised in prophetic households or ministries; instead, they were called and commissioned by the Lord Jesus in very unique ways. They have been tested and purged by fire over and over again to learn a new way of living. They prioritize the Father’s will above all else and challenge the status quo fearlessly!

Like Daniel, they carry a “spirit of excellence” (Daniel 5:12) and they are wise, insightful and filled with the Spirit of God. 

Now, the Father is about to shake these spiritual trailblazers into a new dimension of knowing and loving the Lord.

You are among them. 


This morning, I am writing from a bamboo hut on a small island in the wild jungle of Nicaragua. I had no idea this place even existed until two weeks ago, but the Holy Spirit started stirring my heart to set out to a distant land. He pointed me in this direction and everything happened swiftly! I’m so excited for my time here. 

One of the callings Jesus has placed on my heart is a passion and love for people in remote villages. I don't always know the reason for His sending, but as I take a leap of faith, God starts to reveal His voice in new and profound ways.

On this particular trip, the Lord keeps speaking to me through encounters and experiences

The other day, I was kayaking through a river and noticed a group of cows relaxing along the shoreline.

As I looked closer, I saw that one of the cows was in the early stage of labor, and her new baby was about to enter the world! The timing was not a coincidence; I knew the Father was signaling a birthing season for those who have pushed and persevered through long seasons of testing and waiting. 

There should be early signs of spiritual birthing in your life. 

As I continued to kayak, I saw a fisherman with two boys in tow. My guide enthusiastically pointed to them and shouted – "those are twins!" 

Once again, God was speaking. As I sat with the Lord on this for a couple days, He revealed the word “surprises.” For some of you, the Lord Jesus is birthing two surprises in your life that are unexpected and even unknown to you now.

There is great change up ahead! There will be new kinds of pressure — things you have never faced before — so before this elevation, Father God will ensure you’re ready and prepared.

Remember: we must walk as children of the light and stand against the world’s systems because our lives are a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God (Eph. 5:1). God raised us to walk differently than the culture around us and while it’s not always easy, it will be worthwhile!

You, my friend, are a dark horse—a person emerging from periods of obscurity and perhaps even misunderstanding by others—who is now stepping into God’s marvelous spotlight! Like Esther, you have been chosen for such a time as this. 

Your spiritual promotion is because you sought wisdom from God over fame and fortune. He is going to increase your eyesight so that you can properly guide His people and teach more Kingdom realities to a lost and grieving world. People are hungry for Christ and God has spent many years preparing you for this moment. 

Your wilderness trials have transformed you into an ambassador of Christ. You have learned to depend on God's strength as He taught you the power of standing apart from the crowds and finding joy even amid sorrow. 

The definition of a dark horse is an unexpected winner

A person comes from behind to surprise everyone. Dark horses usually have a surprising skill that others don't realize until the gift comes forth. God always had a set time for your reveal, but again, your skills, talents and Holy Spirit-gifts are for the benefit of others. 

Our talents cannot be buried and hidden forever. 

Now the Lord is calling you forth to reveal everything He’s taught you! Your wisdom and knowledge is needed in this generation! 


This season, the Lord challenges you to DREAM BIG—to boldly ask for a double portion of God's Spirit, just like Elisha did, and to expect miracles beyond measure! 

When Elijah got ready to depart to Heaven, he asked Elisha what he wanted. The young prophet was direct and to the point: "Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit," Elisha replied (2 Kings 2:9). 

Before this moment, Elisha was just fine standing in the background as he learned from Elijah. He refused to leave his mentor’s side. When his moment finally came, Elisha presented his request with boldness and authority. 

God answered his prayer. Elisha went on to record twice the miracles that Elijah did.  

In the same way, God wants us to think big in the context of the Lord's purposes and plans for our lives. He wants us to think big in the broader scope of the Kingdom of God. There’s nothing wrong with asking the Lord for a double portion of His Spirit as long as we have the right motives! When we all do our part and present our gifts before the Lord, the fire of Jesus Christ ignites to every corner of the globe and we’re able to help more people. Elisha wasn’t asking for a double portion of fame, wealth or prestige among people. He wasn’t asking for double power even in ministry to show-off in front of people. He wanted the spiritual power needed to fulfill the calling on his life; it’s the portion that went to the first born son (Deut. 21:17).

Who is our First Born Son? Jesus. And what did Jesus promise in John 14:12-14? 

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

Our hearts must be postured so that we realize that everything that flows through us is for the benefit of others. The Lord Jesus will only give you as much as you can handle.

Are you ready to carry His glory and might? 

Then brace yourself, for what God has birthed within you is about to blossom and bear fruit in ways you never imagined!

Get ready to run, soar, and shine brightly as a beacon of God’s love and grace to a world in need! 


God made Daniel really special. He had good looks and great integrity, prayed three times a day, ate well, was well-educated and could interpret all sorts of dreams and visions.

In fact, his wisdom, intelligence and insight was so profound that even secular people took notice (Daniel 5:11).

Most importantly, Daniel loved the Lord and stood strong in his beliefs despite living and working around those who opposed God. The Bible never records anything negative about Daniel.

However, Daniel's life was far from perfect. As a teen he was ripped away from his home and taken captive to Babylon, where he grew up in the courts of Nebuchadnezzar. It’s believed that Daniel never returned to his homeland of Israel and spent his life serving in various high positions in the Babylonian and subsequent Persian empires. Daniel most likely never got married and he faced trial after trial — yet his life still had extraordinary purpose. 

He encouraged both Jews and Gentiles to trust God. “He was faithful, always responsible, and completely trustworthy” and even Daniel’s enemies in the king’s administration couldn’t find anything to criticize or condemn (Daniel 6:4). 

How was this possible? 

The Bible tells us twice that Daniel had an excellent spirit within him. Because of this spirit, he rose to prominence due to his wisdom, integrity and devotion to God. Daniel had many skills, but his faithfulness to God stood out. 

There's no question that the Holy Spirit's influence marked Daniel's life. 

Daniel 5:12a ESV
Because an excellent spirit, knowledge, and understanding to interpret dreams, explain riddles, and solve problems were found in this Daniel… 

Daniel 6:3 ESV
Then, Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps because of his excellent spirit. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. 


Those with a spirit of excellence have something extraordinary about them that can't always be described in words.

The Spirit of God enables them to live a life of remarkable purpose, guided by the Lord Jesus. Such individuals achieve extraordinary feats for the Kingdom of God, driven by unwavering integrity and a desire to please their King above all else. When marked by the spirit of excellence, a person becomes a vessel through which God's magnificence shines brightly to all the earth! 

I'm reminded of Paul's words in Ephesians 3:20 – "Now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us…" 

We are all sinful people but when God transforms us into His image and likeness, we become empowered to live more like Christ. He does way more than we could ever imagine for ourselves! The Holy Spirit dwells within us, and since He’s excellent, God enables us to grow and evolve into people of integrity and truth. 

Having a spirit of excellence means that Daniel demonstrated outstanding abilities, skills, and character traits in all that he did. 

Daniel's excellence was not merely a result of his abilities but also because of the empowerment and guidance of God's spirit within him. He chose to live according to God's standards, and his reliance on the Lord enabled him to live a life of excellence.

When someone is marked with the spirit of excellence, the Lord Jesus opens doors of favor so that through your life — God’s power is displayed. 

People don’t see you; rather, they see Christ and He gets all the credit. 

God is highlighting Daniel's story today to serve as a beacon of inspiration for you this season.

Anytime the Lord gives me a word, He points towards the future and what's to come. Someday, God will call your attention back to Daniel, and you'll fully understand why Daniel's story applies to your life.

Daniel was a marketplace prophet. He lived and worked among those who didn't follow the one true God, yet he still led and spoke when it mattered. Daniel prioritized prayer, and we should learn from his example. Privacy gives way to power. Time in the secret place with Jesus will lead to your breakthrough this season.

Daniel held himself to high standards and consistently sought to honor God in everything he did. As we move into the future, may we all learn from his example and proudly represent Jesus Christ wherever we go!

Ephesians 2:10
”For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance as our way of life.”

P.S. Right after I published this blog — the Lord used another “experience” to speak. I went to wash the dishes and a lizard was in my sink! I remembered Solomon’s words, who was the wisest man to ever live. He said there are four small, but exceedingly wise creatures we can all learn from! The lizard is among them! 

Proverbs 30:28 says, “Though the lizard may be caught easily as it clings to walls, it can still be found within a king’s palace.”

What does this teach us? It reminds us that God’s pathways to new opportunities aren't always through grand, wide-open doors; sometimes, they're found through the tiniest of crevices. Just like the lizard, God can elevate us through the most unexpected means.

Lizards epitomize adaptability, swiftly maneuvering with grace when grounded securely. They slip into places without drawing attention, silently entering the palace undetected.

So, in this season, when faced with opportunities that may seem modest, unassuming or even unconventional, remember the wisdom of the lizard! Trust in the Holy Spirit’s guidance, for He can lead you to remarkable destinations through unexpected paths!


PROPHETIC WORD: The Power of a Quiet Life


PROPHETIC WORD: From Caves To Conquests! Get Ready to SHIFT into the new thing!