Prophetic Word: Prepare for Growth and Acceleration in Your Careers and Ministries

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as if you are working for the Lord…”

Col. 3:23

Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I apologize for the long break in sharing a prophetic word. These past few months have been incredibly overwhelming (in a good way) as the Lord brought something new and exciting into my life, and I needed some time to catch my breath. When we "give birth" to a new promise or business or dream, we often have to learn how to manage what the Lord has entrusted us with. I'm so grateful to serve King Jesus, who loves us even in our darkest moments and opens doors we never expected. We serve a God of surprises! 

I want to encourage anyone reading this to stay strong because the Father will always fulfill His promises, and it will be even better than you imagined! God isn’t big on details. Like Abraham, you have to trust the Lord at His word and go, or do, or obey or jump all in without knowing the final result. However, as you step forward in faith — miracles, signs and wonders start to happen right before your eyes.

The God gap — or in-between stage — does have a mighty purpose. It’s in the waiting room of destiny where our spiritual maturity ripens to withstand the promise to come. 

The Holy Spirit is highlighting a season of growth and acceleration right now, especially in ministries, careers, and spiritual gifts. It's important to step forward in obedience and fully commit at this time! When the Lord prompted me to start this little blog, I didn't promote it or tell anyone. I simply wrote to the Lord, and I could never have imagined how He would bring people from all over the world to it. I share this to encourage you—if the Lord has called you to write, step forward in faith and go all in at this time. Serving the Lord with your gifts and talents will be the most fulfilling work of your life.

This is a special time in the Kingdom of God, and many of your lives are changing. New beginnings are here! The seeds of uncertainty you planted years ago with obedience and faithfulness are now flourishing for all to see! Again, you might be surprised at what grows! 

God always finishes what He starts.

He knows the outcome of it all. 

Now, watch the giants fall. 


This morning, the Lord Jesus woke me at 3:23 a.m., and I watched as the clock switched to 3:24. My heart started stirring in a special way because I knew the Father had a word for His people. Throughout the day, I kept seeing 323 everywhere and immediately sensed that Jesus was highlighting Colossians 3:23-24:

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as if you are working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

Viewing your job and work as a service to the Lord can shift your entire perspective! As you walk through the workplace doors or sit at your desk to fulfill your duties, knowing that King Jesus cares about even our work brings the most profound satisfaction. Sometimes, we find ourselves in careers, jobs, or businesses that feel insignificant. Or we might hold influential titles but have to deal with complex managers or colleagues, making our experience challenging. It's important to acknowledge these difficulties and then give them to God. Other times, work can make us experience burnout, and it feels like the assignments never end. Then, there are some people reading this message that feel overlooked, under-utilized or dealing with workplace warfare daily. I get it; it can be tiresome. However, God doesn’t want us to live in defeat; we are called to be a people of victory, and one significant way to get things rolling in the right direction again is to regain a godly perspective of how the Lord sees work. Viewing our jobs as a service to King Jesus not only elevates the purpose and integrity of our efforts but also presents an opportunity for personal growth and spiritual development, transforming our entire perspective.

We are not merely working for humans but for our beloved Savior, who calls us to be a people of excellence and to work with all our hearts.

Your work, in whatever field it may be, is significant to God. The Lord says at this time, "Give it your best shot!"

I don't know what your 'it' is, but whatever it is, the Lord Jesus says, "Keep going! Keep building! Keep putting in the effort because God will thrust you forward, and He sees all your mighty needs and deeds!"

These "deeds" can encompass various acts of service, such as encouraging co-workers, living a lifestyle of faith, spreading the word of God, and supporting your community. They also involve overcoming personal challenges, like conquering fear or doubt, and making significant contributions in your career or ministry, such as leading with integrity and inspiring others through your work.

We must always remember that Jesus Christ, the King of the universe, sees our efforts. His approval gives us a satisfaction that goes beyond any recognition or reward from the world. Knowing that He cares about even the smallest tasks we do gives our lives purpose and contentment. When you go to work with the mindset that you are serving God, it can completely change how you see things. Remember that He is in control and provides raises and resources. This will free you from people-pleasing and seeking approval from others. As children of God, we should always act with integrity and excellence, leading with kindness. However, the only approval we truly need is from Jesus.

We cannot place our trust in people, finances, or careers. We must acknowledge that God alone is our ultimate authority, CEO, President, and General Manager. It is in Him that we find our strength, our purpose, and our contentment.

He is our main Boss. 


Solomon highlighted several wise animals in the Bible, and the ant is one of them. Proverbs 6:6-8 says, "Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest."

This scripture encourages industriousness.

Unlike humans, ants don’t have a commander or overseers; they work diligently on their own initiative and are renowned for their ability to prepare for the future. 

The ant’s activity in the summer ensures it has enough provisions to survive when resources are scarce in the winter. Ants are forward-thinkers, disciplined and work well without supervision. 

Here is a prophetic word that God put on my heart for His beloved people at this time. 

The Lord says, Observe the ant, My children, and let its ways inspire you. It labors with purpose, storing its provisions in the summer and gathering its food at harvest. In the same way, I am calling you to work with intention and foresight. Do not wait for a crisis to spur you into action. Now is the time to build, to prepare, and to gather. I am releasing a spirit of diligence upon My people. Where there has been laziness, disinterest and complacency, I am igniting a fire of perseverance and hard work. This is not a time to be idle, but a time to put your hands to the plow and work with all your heart as unto Me. Your efforts, though unseen by man, are seen by Me, and I will reward your faithfulness. 

The seeds you plant this season will yield a mighty harvest. Do not underestimate the power of small, consistent efforts. Just as the ant gathers grain by grain, so will your steady work accumulate into great blessings. Be faithful in the little things, for in due time, you will reap if you do not give up. 

Do not be discouraged by the enormity of the task before you. Remember, it is by My strength that you will accomplish all that I have set before you. Lean on Me, and I will empower you. As you align your efforts with My will, you will see doors open and opportunities arise that you never imagined. Rise up, My people, and embrace this call to diligence. Let the example of the ant inspire you to work with excellence and foresight. I am with you, guiding and supporting you every step of the way. Trust in My provision, and watch as I multiply your efforts for My glory.”


One of my favorite verses is found in Nehemiah when God's people started rebuilding the Jerusalem walls. This story is a powerful example of how God can use our efforts and prayers to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. In the book of Nehemiah, opposing forces tried to intimidate God’s people, saying the work would never be finished. Nehemiah stood firm and took the matter to the Lord. 

Then he prayed, 'But now, my God, strengthen my hands!' (Neh. 6:9). 

I pray in this season that you step forward boldly and put your complete confidence in King Jesus, understanding that His approval and acceptance far surpasses any validation of any humans. Whatever you put your hand to, the Lord Jesus will strengthen your hands in accordance to His purposes, plans and will. In my career, I am a reporter and get to write stories about all sorts of neat people from across the globe. Each time I sit down to pen a new story, I always pray that the Lord will strengthen my hands because my own gifts and talents will only get so far. I need His creative power and ideas and even the ability to do the tasks that I don’t always “feel” like finishing. Sometimes I just quietly pray: “Lord, I’m really struggling with this assignment. Please fill me up with your grace to finish strong.” God always, always comes through when we ask! 

Remember, "it is the Lord Christ you are serving." We must always approach our jobs and lives as service to our King.

In the Kingdom of God, we are called to be people of integrity and moral excellence, whether at home, church, or the workplace. There is no separation and every part of our lives matter. As the Lord's child and image-bearer, remember to "work at it with all your heart." Give the Lord Jesus all your accomplishments, achievements, worries and concerns. He will embolden you to live, walk, and work with integrity, teaching you to anticipate eternal rewards more than fleeting earthly pleasures that are temporary. 

As you move forward this season, reflect on Solomon's words in Proverbs 22:1:

"A good reputation is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold."

This verse suggests that integrity and ethical behavior should not just be a part of our actions but should be at the core of our being. “A good name or reputation” in this context refers to a reputation of integrity and moral excellence that is built over time through consistent Kingdom behaviors and actions. When God — and people — can trust you with little they will eventually trust you with much. 

Most importantly, when we carry the heart of a champion, reflecting the nature of our Heavenly Father, He can entrust us to do even more during our short time on earth.

Seeking a good reputation is not just a wise and worthwhile endeavor but a testament to our commitment to God's principles, surpassing the pursuit of material wealth or earthly gain.

Before seasons of elevation and expansion, God tests our hearts and motives, often revealing our true selves to us. Like Jacob, we begin to wrestle between our old and new nature and identity. This process of self-discovery, though challenging, has the power to transform and correct our behaviors. Often, we have hidden idols, and God will bring these to light so we can address them. Behaviors that might need correction include feelings of entitlement, finding our identity in careers and job titles, jealousy, covetousness, placing too much trust in people, prioritizing money over impacting lives, and materialism or vanity.

Okay, so why is the Lord bringing this to our attention? Well, because many of you are about to see massive success and acceleration over your life as you step into the overflow. 

'Stepping into the overflow' means moving beyond your current limitations and experiencing an abundance of God's blessings and favor in your life, careers and ministries. Like Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Esther and Mary — the Lord has found favor with you. 

The Lord Jesus is behind this great move of the spirit. 

I pray that we always seek His approval more than man's validation, compensation or opinions. He’s already paid the greatest price and is worthy of our complete love, devotion, attention and affection. 

We serve a God who orchestrates destinies, and King Jesus holds the keys to doors yet to be opened. The Lord says, "Prepare your hearts because the time is now!" 

Watch the giants fall! 


Strong’s G323 - anadeixis

I. a public showing forth
II. a proclaiming, announcing, inaugurating of such as are elected to office

When God started showing me the number 323, I realized He was speaking in different ways. I looked up this number in the Greek Concordance. I found that the Greek word "anadeixis" (#323) is used only once in the Bible, describing God's commissioning of John the Baptist in Luke 1:80. This verse talks about John growing strong in spirit and staying in the wilderness until his public appearance to Israel.

In Greek, "his public appearance" (anadeixis) means John's public revelation to the people, marking the start of his ministry as Jesus Christ's forerunner.

John stayed hidden long before God called him to prepare people for the Messiah. This 'hidden time' was a period of preparation, where John was being shaped and molded by God for his significant role. The unique use of the word 'anadeixis' in the New Testament highlights the distinctiveness of his role. 

What the Holy Spirit is highlighting here is how God can use our 'hidden times,' whether it's a season of waiting, a time of hardship, or a period of obscurity, to prepare us for important roles in His Kingdom. So, don't despise these seasons, but embrace them as opportunities for growth and preparation.

The call to God's commissioning uses a similar Greek term in both Luke 10:1 and Acts 1:24. In Luke 10:1, "the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two."

In Acts 1:24, the church prays for guidance in choosing an apostle to replace Judas.

Both instances involve a public commissioning for God's service.

Here is what the Lord is speaking at this time: 

The Lord is raising a new generation of prophetic voices and these people will serve as forerunners, paving the way for God's glory to return to the earth. This forerunner anointing is a special calling, a divine empowerment that sets these individuals apart for a unique role in God's Kingdom. Some of you will experience a public commissioning where the Holy Spirit will powerfully enter your life. 

This message will be a confirmation of what God has been preparing you for since childhood. Although you might not have known exactly what you carried, the Lord has made it clear through life experiences and hardships that everything prepared you for this moment. Nothing goes to waste in the Kingdom of God. The Lord Jesus can use all your life experiences for a greater glory. What the enemy meant for evil, God really is using for good. With this commissioning comes authority, empowerment, responsibility, and accountability.

In the context of 'anadeixis,' commissioning refers to the formal appointment and public revealing of someone for a specific role or task, especially in a spiritual or prophetic capacity. It's like when a king or a queen appoints someone to a high position in their kingdom. It's a big deal, and it signifies a manifestation or public appearance, notably marking the beginning of a significant ministry or mission.

God’s Kingdom Commissioning Steps:

  1. Formal Appointment: The person commissioned is officially appointed to a specific role or task and it’s the Lord who decides. A divine calling or mandate often accompanies this appointment.

  2. Public Revelation: Anadeixis implies that this appointment is made known publicly. It is not just a private call but revealed to the community or the broader public. This public aspect underscores the importance and recognition of the role.

  3. Beginning of Ministry: The term marks the start of the person's active service or ministry. For example, John the Baptist's anadeixis marked the beginning of his public ministry as the forerunner of Jesus Christ.

  4. Emboldened to Fulfill the Mission: With commissioning comes the empowerment and authority to carry out the assigned task. The individual is endowed with the necessary spiritual gifts, guidance, and support from God to fulfill their role effectively.

  5. Responsibility and Accountability: The commissioned individual is entrusted with significant responsibilities and is accountable to God and the people they serve. They are expected to carry out their mission faithfully and diligently.

God expects those He appoints to step forward and lead confidently. Your prophetic debut is near. Although you've served the Kingdom for a long time, the Holy Spirit will empower you for greater impact and influence.

Notice the numbers 3:2-3 in relation to another verse about John the Baptist and his unique commissioning: 

Luke 3:2-3 says, "The word of God came to John in the wilderness. He went into all the country preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins." 

John's arrival was initiated by Father God in the wilderness when he was serving faithfully without any need for recognition or applause. He simply paved the way for King Jesus. He was called — then he went. There was direct action following the call. John responded by preaching repentance and administering baptism as preparation for the Messiah, symbolizing spiritual renewal.


The Holy Spirit is on the move! Since the presence of the Holy Spirit dwells from within our spirits, we can often feel the shift before we see it with our eyes. Some of you are up next for spiritual promotion and elevation. It's like when you're given a higher position or more responsibility in your job, but in a spiritual sense. It means that God is preparing to use you in a greater capacity, while elevating your influence and impact in His Kingdom. 

A distinct shift will be made visible in your life. 

When I asked God for a message to encourage you this week, the Holy Spirit highlighted Acts 19:11. This verse talks about God doing amazing things through Paul, even using his sweat rags to heal people. Paul's regular work as a tent-maker became a way for God to perform miracles. 

Paul's journey, including years of preparation in the Arabian desert, shows the importance of what we call 'wilderness training' in our spiritual journey.

This is a period of isolation, testing, and preparation, where we learn to rely solely on God and His provision. It's a time of refining and shaping, as God prepares us for a greater purpose. 

Acts 19:20 shows the powerful spread of God's word through Paul's ministry.

"So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily." (ESV)

The Gospel of Jesus Christ was not just gaining influence and acceptance among the people; it was PREVAILING mightily.

Many people turned away from their previous practices, including magic, pagan practices, and idolatry, and embraced the Christian faith. Acts 19:20 highlights the powerful and unstoppable nature of the Gospel as it spreads and transforms lives, even in the face of significant challenges and opposition. The Lord used a person – the apostle Paul – to shift the atmosphere, demonstrating the strength and resilience of the Gospel when we stand strong in our anointing. 

This season, God will use you to do the supernatural, even in what feels like normal, mundane tasks. Before Jesus turned water into wine, the servants had to put in sweat equity and fill up the jars. They diligently went through the steps and then Jesus stepped in and did the rest. The Lord calls on you to obey and do what King Jesus asks, even when it doesn't always make sense. This obedience is a crucial part of fulfilling your divine calling. Walk with a spirit of excellence and be a person of moral integrity. Your life should mirror our Lord and Savior, reflecting His character and values. This is not just a suggestion, but a requirement for those who are commissioned by God. Work hard on your jobs or tasks or serving your household as if you’re serving the Lord directly! He absolutely sees what you do in private! 

Beloved: trust wholeheartedly in the Father, for the appointed time is now. God uses everyday people, like you and me, to fulfill His divine plans and purposes on earth. Remember, His timing is always perfect. 

You have been chosen! 


Prophetic Word: The Rise of the Caleb Generation


PROPHETIC WORD: The Power of a Quiet Life