Prophetic Word: The Rise of the Caleb Generation

“But my servant Caleb has a different spirit than the others have. He has remained loyal to me, so I will bring him into the land he explored. His descendants will possess their full share of that land.”

Numbers 14:24

The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is calling on His faithful people to remember Caleb this season! The Bible tells us that Caleb "had a different spirit" about him. When the other spies saw giants, Caleb saw them as grasshoppers (Numbers 13:33). When others saw challenges, Caleb knew that God's people were more than conquerors.

The characteristics of Caleb's personality included confidence, bravery, and leadership because he trusted in God to do the impossible. Caleb wasn't frazzled by the so-called 'giants' in the land because he believed in the unseen realm. As Romans 8:31 reminds us, "If God is for us, who can be against us?"

Since God commended Caleb's "different spirit," we must focus on what made him unique. What set him apart from his peers, and why did the Lord single him out as an example for all eternity? Firstly, the Bible tells us that Caleb was "wholeheartedly" devoted to God, unlike the other people who turned a deaf ear to the Lord despite witnessing all His miraculous works. 

Three different times in the Bible, Caleb’s devoted attitude and spirit is commended in contrast to the faithless people. 

Numbers 14:24 (MSG): “But my servant Caleb—this is a different story. He has a different spirit; he follows me passionately. I’ll bring him into the land that he scouted and his children will inherit it.”

Joshua 14:14 (NLV): "So Hebron has belonged to Caleb…ever since, because he followed the Lord, the God of Israel, wholeheartedly."

Caleb was fully aware of what he carried and understood that his obedience was worthy of God’s blessings and rewards even while on earth. Caleb's confidence was also a personal conviction. He believed that God’s promises were true not just in a general sense but specifically for him. This personal assurance made him bold and resolute in claiming his inheritance.

Joshua 14:8-9 (NIV): "But my fellow Israelites who went up with me made the hearts of the people melt in fear. I, however, followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly. So on that day, Moses swore to me, 'The land on which your feet have walked will be your inheritance and that of your children forever because you have followed the Lord my God wholeheartedly.'"

The Hebrew word for "wholeheartedly" signifies completeness, fullness, or entire devotion. This term encapsulates the idea of giving oneself entirely, with nothing held back, reflecting a deep and unwavering commitment to Father God.

The idea extends to being so filled with the Holy Spirit that it leads to an overflow, impacting every aspect of a person's life. When one is "drenched" in the Holy Spirit, their actions, decisions, and relationships are all profoundly influenced, demonstrating the transformative power of a wholehearted commitment to God. This overflow not only strengthens their faith but also inspires and uplifts those around them, creating a ripple effect of spiritual growth and renewal.

When we are completely immersed in the Holy Spirit, our lives become a testament to God's love and power. Every action we take, every decision we make, and every relationship we nurture is deeply affected by this divine influence. Such a profound connection with the Holy Spirit doesn't just change us; it extends to those around us, encouraging and inspiring them to seek the same transformation. This ripple effect of spiritual growth and renewal showcases the incredible impact of living a life fully committed to God.

“Wholehearted” implies that someone gives themselves entirely to the Kingdom, without reservation, and they are completely committed or devoted to a task or purpose. This describes Caleb’s total dedication and unwavering faith in following the Lord.

This concept reminds me of when Jesus healed the woman with the issue of blood and said, “Daughter, your faith has made you whole; go in peace and be healed of your affliction” (Mark 5:34).

Here, the woman’s faith led to her wholeness, much like Caleb’s faith and wholehearted devotion to God.

It implies not just physical healing but also a comprehensive sense of salvation and restoration, encompassing physical, emotional and spiritual wellness.

In the New Covenant, becoming one with Christ elevates our spirit to new heights, offering the only Promised Land that can truly satisfy our souls. This Promised Land is a state of being united with King Jesus, where we fully understand what it means to experience life and life more abundantly. In other words, we find life to the “full” because Jesus is at the center of everything we are and do. 

Like Caleb, when we walk in such unity with Christ, the evils of darkness melt in fear (Joshua 2:9) because of our immense love and devotion to our Savior.


The Holy Spirit has impressed upon my heart the importance of recognizing "cultural giants" as you step over into new territory! You have been well-trained in the wilderness, and now it's time to lead with courage and confidence. Be strong and courageous! Stand firm in your faith! 

As you take possession of the land flowing with milk and honey, you must embody and obey the Spirit of God.

"Taking the land of milk and honey" is not just about physical conquest but about embracing the abundant blessings and promises of God. This will manifest through leadership qualities like those of Caleb. You will possess a noticeably different spirit, and that is by design, as you are called to lead well. As you step into this new territory, the Spirit of God will embolden you to empower others to rise up and shed their "grasshopper" mentality. A spirit of defeat is permeating the body of Christ, and it’s time for God’s champions to stand firm in the truth of the gospel.

When the Holy Spirit speaks of "cultural giants" in the new land, it is a metaphor for the significant challenges and obstacles related to the existing customs, beliefs, values, and societal norms that people will encounter. You will have to be gentle as a dove at times and wise as a serpent. Navigating these cultural giants will require both discernment and grace. You must approach these challenges with a blend of compassion and strategic thinking. Remember, your goal is not just to overcome these obstacles but to transform and positively influence the culture around you.

Conflicting views in the new land can arise in family structures, classrooms, medical reports, corporate environments, communities, and even within the body of Christ, especially when walking in spirit and truth. Stand firm and do not be swayed by them! Do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery (Gal. 5:1). 

Navigating these differences while staying true to God's commands can be challenging. The world might be impressed by famous people, leaders on stages or in boardrooms, or rely on money and resources. However, you must always see Father God as your only source of hope. It's essential to keep your identity and values rooted in Christ in this new land.

In the biblical context, Caleb and the Israelites faced literal giants in the land of Canaan and the daunting task of confronting and overcoming the established cultures of the inhabitants. Despite knowing the giants were already melting in fear because God was with Israel, the other spies were so consumed by defeat that they became blind to God's perspective or promises. 

As God's people, we must also face "cultural and societal" giants and overcome these obstacles with faith, courage, and reliance on God. Like Caleb, we must walk to a different beat than those around us. "Grasshopper" mentalities and negative thinking, like weeds, must be pulled up and uprooted; otherwise, they will taint the flowers and vibrant fruit in your life. The spies exhibited personalities marked by cynicism and negativity. These traits are detrimental and should not characterize any child of God. Instead, believers are called to embody faith, hope, and trust in God's promises, avoiding the victim mindset that plagued the spies. Despite God's promises and the evidence of His support, the spies focused on their perceived limitations and the strength of their adversaries, leading to a defeatist attitude. This mindset prevented them from trusting in God's ability to deliver them and fulfill His promises.

We are not destined for defeat; the Lord is always victorious, and as His beloved child, so are you!

Romans 8:37 declares, "In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us."


I want to share a personal example of how adopting a Caleb spirit and mindset has profoundly changed my life. I emphasize 'mindset' because, while our hearts and spirits may recognize the truth, our minds and emotions can be very misleading.

Many times, the biggest 'giant' in our lives is our old identity and harmful thought patterns. For a long time, I lived with a grasshopper mentality, and I occasionally fall back into that old way of thinking. Thankfully, Jesus always helps me recognize it and guides me back into alignment.

As a young adult, I received a poor prognosis when blood cancer invaded my body. Despite the dire words of the doctors, the Lord assured me that He would save my life. Trusting in His promise, I stood strong, even when faced with doubt from medical professionals. While science provided one perspective, the Lord gave me the strength and confidence to remember His promise during two years of treatment. Two years might not seem like a long time until you live it each day. 

The 'giants' I faced included the prognosis, the words of doctors, and watching my own body struggle. The doctors warned that my type of cancer often recurred, and this is where my faith began to waver. The anxiety of what could happen cast a long shadow of fear over me that gripped my life. When I was diagnosed with cancer, I had been a healthy person and was never sick. Suddenly, life felt unsteady and frightening. Many times, I didn't have the words to express the fear I was experiencing, and I wanted to remain hopeful for the people around me.

Each time a new symptom appeared, fear of the unknown silently eroded my spirit, leaving me paralyzed and unable to move forward. I stopped dreaming and hoping for a better future because my present situation consumed all my attention. Trauma manifests in various ways, and for me, it made me feel "frozen" and stuck. Now that I’m free from this, I understand why Jesus often told people to "go" after healing them. He doesn't want us to remain stuck; He wants us to move forward with hope and courage.

Battling cancer was only part of my journey; the real challenge was working through the trauma of facing an unexpected crisis. Maybe you can relate. Your story might not be about cancer, but perhaps you've encountered something you never saw coming. These unforeseen challenges can be some of the hardest to face. Jesus often heals us through a slow and steady process, walking with us through each step with grace and patience.

He does it this way because it allows for deeper transformation and growth. This approach teaches us patience, strengthens our faith, and helps us develop resilience. By walking with us through each step, Jesus helps us build a stronger, more enduring relationship with Him, shaping our character and preparing us for future challenges. Additionally, this gradual healing process enables us to gain extraordinary empathy and learn how to help others facing similar struggles. Through our experiences, we become better equipped to offer support, understanding, and hope to those in need.

Three years after my battle with cancer, just as I began to recover from my ordeal, my mom was unexpectedly diagnosed with breast cancer. The fears I had avoided addressing from my own experience resurfaced with a crushing weight, especially as I witnessed her unimaginable suffering as the cancer spread to her bones. My once energetic and lively mother became bed-bound and confined to a wheelchair. We had to carry her into the backseat of the car and help her take a shower. Watching her endure such pain was heartbreaking, and it brought back all the fears I had tried to push away during my own fight. Mom described her pain as feeling like "animals gnawing at her bones." Our bond was so strong that her pain felt like my own, and it broke me. 

When Mom graduated to Heaven, I desperately needed help that only Jesus could provide. My "ram in the bush" moment came when I opened her Bible one day and found a sheet of paper she had left behind. It was titled "Five Ways That God Speaks," with all the answers neatly explained in her handwriting. One of her answers described the Holy Spirit as a Comforter, Advocate, and Helper. In that instant, it was as if scales fell from my eyes, just like Paul's experience. I realized the Holy Spirit is a Person who would fight for me; all I needed to do was trust Him. From that moment on, the fire of the Holy Spirit ignited in my life, and I was never the same.

First, the Lord made me aware of the trauma I was carrying and helped me confront my giants head-on. Then, as I deepened my faith and reliance on Christ, I began to confront and overcome the giants of fear, doubt, grief, and negative prognosis — especially when it came to the possibility of cancer recurrence. This illustrates how 'cultural giants'—systems and situations that oppose God's promises—can be overcome through faith.

I also had to confront survivor's guilt because I lived while my mom did not. She had the strongest faith of anyone I knew and lived an extraordinary, remarkable life. Through her story and example, many people came to know Jesus. It was incredibly painful to accept that she was gone, and I often questioned why I was spared while she wasn’t. But God helped me realize that Mom was promised healing, and she received it in Heaven. Knowing she is now free from pain and suffering, and rejoicing with the Lord, brought me a sense of peace and comfort. Her legacy of faith continues to inspire me every day, and I strive to live in a way that honors her memory and her unwavering belief in God's promises. Mom lived 58 years on earth and made them all count. 

Her ‘Caleb’ spirit has now been passed down to her children and grandchildren and I believe her tenacious spirit will live on for many generations.

The story God wrote for my life has taught me the importance of facing giants head-on and trusting in Jesus' promises. I discovered that even amidst suffering and hardships, God remains good and loves us beyond our wildest dreams. One night, I dreamed of my mother in Heaven, healed and whole, and it made me realize how deeply I long for that place and to be with her again. But I also understood that there is still much work to be done here on earth. We must urgently pursue our salvation and embrace the opportunity to find true life with Jesus now. God showed me how to seek heavenly rewards over earthly pleasures and to confront so-called giants, even in corporate settings. I realized that God's view of me is far more important than professional titles or financial success. Embracing the spirit of Caleb, I stand firm for truth, knowing that God's promises are steadfast.

As Matthew 6:33 (NIV) says, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Through all this, I have learned to trust in Jesus completely, knowing that He is my comforter and guide. My mother's faith and legacy continue to inspire me, reminding me to live a life that honors her memory and glorifies God. In her honor, I strive to make a difference, to love others as she did, and to pursue the kingdom of God above all else. My mom was really funny and had a hilarious personality; she reminds me to laugh a ton and not to take life too seriously.

It was through losing Mom and giving her back to the Father that I eventually discovered a new version of myself that I didn’t know existed. Her passing brought profound pain, but it also led me to a deeper understanding of my own faith and purpose. I found a new strength within me, guided by the same unwavering faith she embodied. I have learned to love deeper and stronger just like Mom. Most of all, I have come to understand the words of John 8:36 — “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” This profound truth has transformed my life, teaching me that true freedom comes from a deep and unwavering relationship with Jesus. He is my King and my closest friend, and I love Him with all my heart and soul.

As Caleb and my mom demonstrated, with trust in God's power and promises, these giants can be overcome, fulfilling God's purposes in your life. Their examples of faith and courage show that, no matter how daunting the challenges we face, we can triumph through God's strength and guidance.

Some of the "giants" we face in life can include:

  1. Fear and Anxiety: Overcoming worries about the future, personal safety, and the unknown.

  2. Doubt and Unbelief: Struggling with faith, whether in oneself, others, or a higher power.

  3. Health Issues: Dealing with chronic illnesses, disabilities, or mental health challenges.

  4. Financial Struggles: Managing debt, unemployment, or economic instability.

  5. Addiction: Battling dependencies on substances, behaviors, or technologies.

  6. Relationship Problems: Navigating conflicts, betrayals, or toxic relationships with family, friends, or partners.

  7. Grief and Loss: Coping with the death of a loved one or other significant losses.

  8. Loneliness and Isolation: Feeling disconnected from others or lacking meaningful relationships.

  9. Self-Doubt and Low Self-Esteem: Overcoming negative self-perceptions and building confidence.

  10. Work and Career Challenges: Facing job dissatisfaction, career changes, or workplace conflicts.

  11. Temptation and Sin: Struggling with moral and ethical choices or habitual sins.

  12. Cultural and Societal Pressures: Dealing with societal expectations, discrimination, or cultural norms that conflict with personal values.


Interestingly, the name Caleb means "dog," a creature known for its loyalty, faithfulness, and obedience.

The Lord brought this to my attention while I was walking my own dogs this morning. I noticed how trained dogs tend to follow their leader closely. They may occasionally stray and wander off course, but they realign and adjust with gentle correction. Even while in the house, some dogs stay very close to their owners, almost underfoot, watching their every move, demonstrating loyalty and attentiveness. One of my elderly dogs fell into a hole the other day and waited for me to give him a big boost forward, not even attempting to get out on his own. God kept bringing the situation back to my attention because there was a lesson to be learned. 

Here it is: we aren't capable of doing life on our own. Our relationship with Christ, when we wholeheartedly follow King Jesus and are drenched in the Holy Spirit, will embody this "Velcro" behavior. We don't move unless He does. We follow all of His commands. We’re stuck to our King like glue!

In 1 Corinthians 6:17, Paul said, "But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him." The Greek word "kollao" means to join or cleave closely together, like being glued. The word emphasizes the intimate marriage between Father God and believers.

In today's world, most of us aren't shepherds or farmers, so the Lord teaches us through what we do have—dogs and other pets. From them, we learn about dependence, loyalty, and trust. Just as our pets rely on us for guidance and care, we must rely on the Lord. Just as dogs rely on you to feed them each morning, so too should we seek God’s word first thing in the morning for our daily bread. This helps us understand why the Lord's most faithful leaders often started as shepherds, tending to animals. They learned to love and care for their sheep, which prepared them to guide people. Like David, who risked his life to protect his flock from lions and bears, we develop extraordinary courage and faith caring for others — including pets.

When David faced Goliath, he was unwavering and fearless, having already faced and conquered many challenges in the pastures. He had firsthand experience of God's power, and any threats from a giant didn't faze him in the least. While Goliath relied on his size, strength, and weapons, David relied on the name and power of the Living God.

Here’s something else about dogs — they are extremely perceptive and sensitive to their environment. They have a keen sense of smell, which in the Bible often represents discernment and awareness.

This kind of loyalty and attentiveness is what we should strive for in our relationship with Christ. Just as dogs trust and follow their owners closely, we are called to trust and follow the Lord wholeheartedly like Caleb did. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 says,

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

The Holy Spirit is highlighting what made Caleb special:

  • He had unwavering faith in God's promises.

  • He exemplified extraordinary courage in the face of overwhelming odds, a trait that should inspire us all. 

  • Despite the daunting task of confronting and overcoming the established cultures of the inhabitants, Caleb stood firm, demonstrating unwavering faith and reliance on God.

  • He showed perseverance and patience, waiting 45 years to receive his inheritance.

Caleb’s unwavering loyalty and devotion to God throughout his life is a testament to his character. This steadfast commitment should serve as a beacon of inspiration for us all, reminding us of the importance of remaining devoted to our faith.

Even in old age, Caleb had vigor and was strong. This physical strength was not just a result of good health or exercise, but a testament to his faith and the sustaining power of God. At 85, he had just as much vitality as he did in his forties. 

It’s a powerful reminder that when we trust in God and follow Him wholeheartedly, He can renew our strength and give us the endurance to face any challenge.

In Joshua 14:10-11, Caleb says, "Now then, just as the Lord promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I'm just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then."

May we, too, embody these qualities as we trust the Lord and move forward in faith.

Age is nothing but a number when you have God on your side! 


This season, the Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is calling you to embody the spirit of Caleb. What does it mean to have 'a different spirit'?

It means to have a spirit of faith, courage, and perseverance that sets you apart from the world. Just as Caleb stood out among his peers with unwavering faith and wholehearted devotion, so too are you called to rise above the challenges before you with a different spirit.

The Lord says, "Do not be intimidated by the giants in the land, for I have given you a spirit of courage and confidence. Where others see obstacles, you will see opportunities for My power to be displayed. Just as Caleb trusted in My promises and was not swayed by fear, I am empowering you to stand firm in your faith, knowing I am with you."

You are about to enter a new season, a land of promise that flows with milk and honey. This 'new season' could be a new job, a new relationship, a new phase of life, or a new spiritual journey. There may be cultural giants—deeply entrenched beliefs and practices that seem insurmountable.

But the Lord declares, 'I have placed within you a different spirit, a spirit that will lead and conquer. You will not be overcome, for I am your strength and shield.'

The Lord reminds us of the importance of loyalty and devotion.

As dogs follow their master closely, staying by their side, so are you called to remain close to Me, the Lord says. You will find guidance, correction, and alignment with My will in this closeness. Your unwavering loyalty and wholehearted devotion will be a testimony to those around you.

"Be strong and courageous," says the Lord. "Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I am with you wherever you go. Just as Caleb received his inheritance after years of faithfulness, so will you walk into the fullness of what I have promised. Your perseverance and trust in Me will lead you to victory."

The Lord says, EMBRACE this different spirit within you.

Lead confidently, stand firm in your faith, and walk closely with King Jesus.

The land before you is yours to take, and the Father’s presence goes with you always.


Prophetic Word: A Season of Rest


Prophetic Word: Prepare for Growth and Acceleration in Your Careers and Ministries