Prophetic Word, May 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, May 2024 Tamara Jolee

Prophetic Word: The Rise of the Caleb Generation

The characteristics of Caleb's personality included confidence, assuredness, and leadership because he trusted in God to do the impossible. Caleb wasn't frazzled by the so-called 'giants' in the land because he believed in the unseen realm. As Romans 8:31 reminds us, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" Since God commended Caleb's "different spirit," we must focus on what made him unique. What made him stand out among his peers and people of that time? The Bible tells us that Caleb was "wholeheartedly" devoted to God, and we are reminded of this in three scriptures found in Numbers 14:24 and Joshua 14:8-9, 14.

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Prophetic Word, May 2024 Tamara Jolee Prophetic Word, May 2024 Tamara Jolee

Prophetic Word: Prepare for Growth and Acceleration in Your Careers and Ministries

When we truly grasp the concept of viewing our work as a service to the Lord, it not only elevates the purpose and integrity behind our efforts but also transforms our entire perspective. We are not merely working for humans, but for our beloved Savior, who calls on us to be a people of excellence and work at it with all our hearts.

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