Take Heart: God Is Speaking Out of the Fire
“Has any other people heard the voice of God speaking out of the fire, as you have, and lived?”
Deut. 4:33
Dear Kingdom Family,
Have you ever felt like a wanderer, constantly on the move, unsure of what’s next? Maybe you’re in a season of discomfort—your heart longs for stability, but it feels like God has you walking through the wilderness. It’s as if you feel stretched and squeezed to the max and you’re no longer in the past, but you’re uncertain of the future.
In these in-between stages, it can be hard to hold onto hope. The heat of the furnace feels extra hot and burdensome. Often our faith starts to grow weary and we can become anxious and afraid. If this resonates, the Father has a word for you.
God is about to speak out of the fire.
Deuteronomy 4 recounts a pivotal moment in Israel’s history when the Lord revealed Himself out of the fire. They heard His voice, though they saw no form, and they trembled in awe at His majesty.
Before God’s people entered the Promised Land, Moses recounted their history. He told them: “From heaven he made you hear his voice to discipline you. On earth he showed you his great fire, and you heard his words from out of the fire” (Deut. 4:36).
This same God, who spoke from the flames, is speaking to you now in your season of discomfort and uncertainty.
When God spoke to the Israelites "out of the fire" it represented a direct, powerful, and unmistakable encounter with His presence. Fire in the Bible often symbolizes God’s holiness, purifying power, and His ability to consume anything that is not aligned with His will. It's a picture of intensity, but also of God's closeness and willingness to reveal Himself in the midst of challenging and refining circumstances.
Refinement Through Trials: A fire season often feels overwhelming and uncomfortable. It's a time when everything unnecessary or impure is stripped away. This can feel like the loss of resources, relationships, or security—but it's also a place where God purifies your faith and focus (1 Peter 1:7). The Lord tenderizes you so that your character is more like Him. We become less so that He can become more.
Intensified Dependence on God: The fire forces a deeper dependence on the Lord. Like the Israelites who were utterly dependent on God for daily manna and direction, you may find yourself in a place where nothing but Jesus can sustain you.
Clarity and Revelation: Though it feels like you're surrounded by the heat of trials, God’s voice can come through clearly in these moments when you choose stillness and surrender. It might not be an audible voice, but rather a strong impression, a Scripture that stands out, or a confirmation through others.
Fear and Anxiousness: The fire season exposes fears and anxieties, not to destroy you but to draw those fears out so that you can confront them and replace them with faith. The fire reveals what's holding you back from trusting God fully.
Purified Like Gold: One of the most beautiful outcomes of an "out of the fire" season is the refinement of your faith, making it pure and strong, like gold refined in a furnace. The heat of trials burns away impurities—doubt, pride, self-reliance—leaving behind a faith that is steadfast and resilient. People and things that serve no purpose in your future are removed. You become a vessel of greater humility, compassion, and endurance. As the debris is removed, what remains is a heart wholly devoted to Jesus, and you love people with the heart of Christ.
1 John 3:2-3:
“Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.”
5 Signs the Fire Season Is Ending; You’re Coming Out!
“The LORD took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace, out of Egypt, to be the people of his inheritance, as you are now.” (Deut. 4:20)
As challenging as a fire season can be, it doesn’t last forever. God is intentional, and His refining process has a purpose and a timeline. While the fire may seem unrelenting, there comes a time when its work is complete, and you begin to step into a new season. Here are five signs your fire season is coming to an end:
1). A Renewed Sense of Peace: The anxiety and fear that once consumed you begin to fade, replaced by an unexplainable peace. This doesn’t necessarily mean all your circumstances have changed, but your heart is calmer because you know God is in control. Philippians 4:7 reminds us that “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Indicator: You find yourself resting in God’s promises rather than wrestling with your fears.
2). A Shift in Your Perspective: You start seeing your trials through the lens of God’s purpose. What once felt like punishment or confusion now feels like preparation. You begin to recognize the lessons God taught you in the fire, and gratitude replaces frustration.
Indicator: You catch glimpses of how God is weaving your story for His glory and your good (Romans 8:28).
3). Restoration Begins to Unfold: God begins to restore what was lost or stripped away during the fire season. Whether it’s relationships, resources, or a renewed sense of calling, His hand of restoration becomes evident. “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.” (Joel 2:25)
Indicator: Opportunities, connections, or blessings begin to emerge that align with God’s promises.
4). A Fresh Word or Direction from God: One clear sign that the fire season is ending is when God speaks a fresh word of direction. The silence you endured gives way to clarity. You feel a sense of movement—an inner nudge or confirmation that it’s time to take the next step.
Indicator: God opens doors, provides specific instructions, or confirms His plans through Scripture, prayer, dreams or others.
5). Strength and Resilience in Your Spirit: You notice that the struggles that once overwhelmed you no longer hold the same power. The fire has strengthened your faith and character. You’re walking in greater boldness, trusting God in a way you couldn’t before.
Indicator: You feel equipped to move forward, not in your strength, but in God’s. You sense a readiness for the next season He has prepared.
Prophetic Encouragement: Moving Forward into God’s Promises
Behold, all things are new!
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord says a new day is dawning. This is your winning season where you’ll start to see God’s hand on your life in new and improved ways. The testing and refining had a great and mighty purpose because it heralded the way for your breakthrough.
Although you can’t see the breakthrough with your eyes just yet — hang tight because God will speak out of the fire. You will know with certainty it is Him. His voice will come in a new and unique way that might surprise you or catch you off guard. He has a new assignment waiting and this is why the fire was so intense. Everything from the past had to be burned away for the new to arrive. Jesus was refining your patience and endurance because the process softened your heart to hear Him better. He also crystallized your spirit to bow into submission to Him.
However, there is a warning before you enter the new land. The idols of old cannot enter with you. Take possession of the land and settle in it for I have given you the land to possess, the Lord says. “But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will give you trouble in the land where you will live” (Deut. 33:55).
The Lord is in the business of restoring what was lost, broken, or delayed. Begin to watch for areas in your life where God is mending relationships, opening new opportunities, or returning what you thought was gone for good.
Joel 2:25 serves as a prophetic portrait to guide your next season of life: “I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten.”
As the fire season ends, God is giving His people fresh assignments. These will often align with the gifts and passions He has cultivated in you during your time of refining. Pay attention to what stirs your spirit—this may be an indicator of where He’s leading you.
The Lord is also unlocking doors that were previously closed. These doors are not just opportunities but divine appointments that will accelerate His plans in your life. Be bold in stepping through them, even if they feel intimidating. “See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut” (Revelation 3:8). Jesus is working all things for your good!
God’s Word is your anchor in this new season. Scriptures that once felt distant will come alive, providing direction and hope. Begin to reflect on His promises and declare them over your life. Pray for a renewed hunger for Scripture that will lead to deeper understanding and revelation. God’s word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path (Psalm 119:105). King Jesus will use His Word to confirm decisions and provide wisdom.
Just like Elijah on Mount Carmel, when the fire came, it consumed everything—the altar, the wood, the stones, even the water in the trench (1 Kings 18:38). The fire wasn’t random; it was a demonstration of God’s power, His holiness, and His approval of Elijah’s faith. But the fire wasn’t the end of the story. It was the prelude to the rain. After three and a half years of drought, the fire gave way to the rain and the land was brought back to life.
In the same way, if you’ve been through the fire, I want to encourage you: prepare for the rain of God’s blessings, provision, and restoration. The fire season you’ve endured has refined you, burned away what didn’t belong, and drawn you closer to God’s heart. Now, the rain is coming to refresh and restore you.